Trump says Ukraine doesn’t have the cards. Well this Republican says we should shuffle the deck and give them a winning hand. Nuclear war is never on the table, the leaders in charge are too greedy to end it all.
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Okay I know there are better political ad agencies out there then little old me, but I believe the Democrats should start airing a barrage of ads like this on different topics nightly in rural America. The change is very easy just keep increasing the day count. Quick and effective.
The trick is it has to be released by some group called Patriots for a Better America or something. It can't be from the democrats. The right does this crap constantly - corporations pretending to be groups of citizens advocating for the people. Citizens United aka Greedy Corporations United.
You could do eggs, taxes, immigration, Gaza, etc. There are so many things the ads could write themselves practically because he promised so many unrealistic things.
Are they going to stop pointing missiles at Russia? You see the reasons why this war started seem to have been lost and I wonder if that loosing of how things started off is on purpose?!
I don't watch FOX! I know this because it's true history. I'm old and know how to read lies and hidden truths very well. I remember that this is very much like the Cuban missile crises and like the US Russia wasn't having it. Do your research! I admit the truth isn't easy to get at now.
The war began in 2014 and never ended. Putin has committed war crimes and we have got involved. He blew up a building full of children. I hat that orange ass more than I can express but he has nothing to do with why I support Ukraine.
For me and mines it doesn't matter as I simply remember things differently. I remember how Ukraine treated people like me, IE, black folks. Thus no matter what Ukraine will never get my support as they don't see me as fully human!
The primary thing I remember is Ukraine's treatment of black folks like me. Thus I will never back racist countries like Ukraine or Poland and many others as they don't see me as human! I remember the missile batteries they brought from various makers aiming them at Russia.
So you're saying Ukraine had missiles aimed at Russia, but never actually attacked Russia, and then Russia attacked Ukraine. I don't see how this refutes anything I've said. It certainly confirms that Russia was the aggressor, and the invasion was unjustified.
4. This simply put isn't my fight as I did my bit of fighting in 2003 for the US military. These Ukrainians killed Africans and felt so proud of their actions just as long as they killed a few Russians along with them. But like all of these EU/Western powers they are but a society of thieves.
3. These stolen things is to include me and my people. We were brought to America to build the country up and support their effort to steal the lands from the native Americans while enriching themselves in the process. Now the time of their judgement is at hand and truthfully I feel sorry for them.
Part 2. Right now America is starting it's fall as this rise of BRICS means the end of the US dollar and it's been a long time coming that this nation gets judged by the creator of all things. In summary these people are but a society of thieves as everything they have was stolen from others.
Part 1. What I am saying is history has repeated itself but those that run things simply count on people like you in never remembering history. I searched for the type of weapons like Patriot Missiles they were buying and found that the internet has been scrubbed. But they can't scrub my memory.
(She should be a model btw.)
Ukraine has whipped Russia’s ass in the last years, even occupied Russian territory. The EU is stepping up because the rapist/felon cut funding. Under President Biden, they had help. They were winning.
Jake Tapper, (who I once admired), is now in effect shilling for the corrupt ReTrumplican party in compliance with the ReTrumplican enabling CNN CEO!
He regularly interviews Trumpian stooges and highlights negative Dem stories! 😢 😢
I just joined this platform. Although I have 174,000 followers on Twitter, I'm still a newcomer here. I hope you can help me by sharing my article so that more people can see it! 🙏
Meanwhile: The treasonous POTUS is só incredibly stupid, that he actually thinks he has an emotional bond with PUTIN, the murderous dicktator from ruZZia.
And he is willing to throw the whole wide world under the bus for it!
If you agree Russia holds the key to peace since they started the war, tell your reps in DC. It only takes few minutes and it doesn't cost any money. We don't need money in politics. We just need people participate.
Ukraine gave up its stockpile of nuclear weapons on NATO and The US guarantee to support them against Russian invasion. #TraitorTrump #TrumpRussianAsset
As I live and breathe my uncle was one of them, he lost the business he owned with his partner.
He eventually recovered but it took years off his life. RIP
Absolutely! Although as long as Traitor Trumusk is in our Oval Office, that isn’t likely at all! Trumusk has basically told Putin to do whatever he wants in Europe!
Jake Tapper, (who I once admired), is now in effect shilling for the corrupt ReTrumplican party in compliance with the ReTrumplican enabling CNN CEO!
He regularly interviews Trumpian stooges and highlights negative Dem stories! 😢 😢 ..
I just joined this platform. Although I have 174,000 followers on Twitter, I'm still a newcomer here. I hope you can help me by sharing my article so that more people can see it! 🙏
How will all your posts on social media help the world, help Canada, or help Ukraine? There are 2 terrorists in the world: number 1 is Russia, and number 2 is America! They just need to be destroyed!
Which used to be USSR land - with then promises of no NATO mission creep east of 1991 borders. Over time, those promises lapsed and were forgotten by the west, while Russia was left to ponder its future.
In 2014, it acted to reclaim Russian ethnic majority Crimea, by referendum.
And how did it become USSR land? Oh, look at that, it was by the ethnic Russians leading the ussr sending people to live there to dilute the ethnic Ukrainian population.
Russia has no claim on Crimea that they didn’t establish through invasion.
I just joined this platform. Although I have 174,000 followers on Twitter, I'm still a newcomer here. I hope you can help me by sharing my article so that more people can see it! 🙏
Uh...that wouldn't satisfy Zelensky, for him it isn't enough a ceasefire or the withdrawal of troops, he wants war, he wants other countries to wage war against Russia on Ukraine's behalf. That's the "security guarantees" he keeps demanding.
If you had the ability to ask them I suspect most Russians would say they are sick of young lives being wasted in this futile war. Putin is the problem not Zelenskyy. Putin could end the war today by withdrawing Russian troops from the country he invaded.
Hundreds of Russian soldiers are surrendering to Ukraine — that’s another way to stop the war. Russians must refuse to go into the ‘meat grinder’ so willingly when it’s only for the sake of a megalomaniac’s ego. There’s no other logical reason!
However, #Putin made it clear he won't give up territorial gains through invading Ukrainian sovereignty = Real reason, not fake ass informational warfare ones. #Ukraine
MAGA can't understand why Ukraine won't give up their land to Russia but also MAGA be screaming about immigrants being invaders here in USA. Maga math.
A concept Trump/Vance/Rubio seem unable to grasp. Their whole testos-bravado leaden BS doesn't hold up on the world stage and comes off as 12 year old going through puberty.
Would you say the same thing if someone were holding a sign saying Israel can stop this war any time by leaving Palestinian, Syrian, Lebanese land?
Oh, and seeing as the war in Ukraine was going on for almost a decade before 'Russia invaded', better get a FACT CHECKER for your Fact-checks
All this war…to what end? So these so called men can feel powerful while we all suffer. There needs to be a cosmic shift in the world leadership. Israel get rid of BB. Russia get rid of Putin. And Republican Congress get rid of Trump/Elon.
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Long before the attack on Ukraine 3yrs ago, before annexation of Crimea, Putin had installed a puppet president who was siphoning 100s of $billions from Ukrainian people
Paul Manafort- Trumps 1st campaign director- was hired by Russian oligarchs to spread disinformation about opposition candidates
True, but any impetus Russia had to end the war against Ukraine died after Trump rebuked Zelenskyy. Russia is emboldened by the fact that no significant opposition has been made against them
I just joined this platform. Although I have 174,000 followers on Twitter, I'm still a newcomer here. I hope you can help me by sharing my article so that more people can see it! 🙏
AMEN TO THAT! Of course, that kind of sentiment is false and almost blasphemy in the eyes of the G(ang) O(f) P(utin) the Gang, and the Gang Leader...and we used to be the good guys...
Putin wants breathing room because 🇷🇺 is losing! They ran out of heavy equipment & rely on 🇰🇵 meat assaults. If Putin stops after losing territory in Kursk he will fly out a window. Trump is sabotaging 🇺🇦 so 🇷🇺 can have a chance at winning. 🇺🇸 wants to sell weapons! No 🇷🇺 = no NATO. The war must go on!
Jake Tapper, (who I once admired), is now in effect shilling for the corrupt ReTrumplican party in compliance with the ReTrumplican enabling CNN CEO!
He regularly interviews Trumpian stooges and highlights negative Dem stories! 😢 😢 .,.
I just joined this platform. Although I have 174,000 followers on Twitter, I'm still a newcomer here. I hope you can help me by sharing my article so that more people can see it! 🙏
But Putin doesn't want peace. Putin wants a ceasefire with no back up, so that once he's been able to rebuild his crumbling economy, he can reinvade and then sweep south into the non-Nato countries, and up into NATO ones.
I just joined this platform. Although I have 174,000 followers on Twitter, I'm still a newcomer here. I hope you can help me by sharing my article so that more people can see it! 🙏
Yeah and if you read that Wikipedia page you’d see Israel hardly allowed a free and open election - so one can only assume they wanted Hamas to win, just as Russia wanted Trump to win.
The USA left Afghanistan as per Tromper. What have the Taliban successfully done since then? Do you see any similarities. I am of the same opinion that HAMAS are evil. Are the Taliban evil?
I just joined this platform. Although I have 174,000 followers on Twitter, I'm still a newcomer here. I hope you can help me by sharing my article so that more people can see it! 🙏
Trump keeps applying 'sanctions' to try and convince Putin to end his war against Ukraine. But it appears that none of Trump's 'sanctions' AGAINST UKRAINE have had any influence to make Putin stop killing Ukrainians.
If Russia wants to be in Ukraine and they like war, how does ending war incentivize Russia to stop? It's retarded to believe Russia wants to end war. Conflict is how people acquire stuff, and they actually like it.
Trump is directly responsible for the latest deaths in Ukraine 🇺🇦
Trump deliberately withheld life saving intelligence from the Ukrainians allowing Putins missiles to get through their defences to kill innocent Ukrainians
You gotta admit, it's impressive how much Republicans have brainwashed their base. They can't pass the most basic test of right and wrong anymore. Even Orwell would be impressed.
The US has 750 military bases
in other countries
Russia has 58
The US has at least 150 nukes close to Russia
Russia has none close to the US
Russia has raised its military budget
to 129 billion
The US military budget
is coming up to a trillion
I'm not too versed on geopolitics
but I can count
I just joined this platform. Although I have 174,000 followers on Twitter, I'm still a newcomer here. I hope you can help me by sharing my article so that more people can see it! 🙏
You are all spectacular✨️
You take my breath away✨️
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Ukraine hasn't stolen any land, and cannot end the war immediately because Putin wants to keep it going until Ukraine surrenders and gives him everything he asks for.
Would you stop fighting a person entering your home and murdering members of your family? Would you accept letting the murderer live in part of your home like your kitchen? If your neighbors told you to stop defending your home and let your assailants occupy your home would you? If he raped you?
I need to be brave like this young woman. I’m working out at the YMCA to get stronger physically to get active in my area to join her & others being vocal about what we need & want from our government. I still pay taxes in my 70s & deserve to be represented.
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In Donne's essay, “For whom does the bell toll?” is the imaginary question of a man who hears a funeral bell and asks about the person who has died.
NRA Ring of Freedom Pharma Multi-Millionaire [Altace] Joe Gregory: For Whom The Freedom Bell Tolls [students]
"Joe Gregory, who is the CEO of an investment firm and founder of the NRA's Golden Ring of Freedom — a group of NRA donors who have contributed or pledged at least $1 million..."
NRA Turmoil Creates Rift Among Some Big Donors
Tuesday, July 25, 2023
$60 Billion in Military Aid to Ukraine is Being Blocked by Donald Trump
Senate Republicans have finally revealed the text of their border security and Ukraine aid funding bill - Trump is doing everything he can to kill the bill for Putin. [Feb 6, 2024]
Russian boner-pill banker with a small Caribbean bank 'providing financial services to the porn industry' who loaned Trump’s Truth Social $8M reportedly has 'family links to Kremlin'
#TrumpConvictedFelon #VonSchitzenpants
"High as Balls" BOMBSHELL: Trump White House Pharmacy Illegally Dealing Drugs | The Kyle Kulinski Show [side bar: U.S. Rep. Marsha Blackburn was a Vice-Chair on the President-Elect Donald Trump 45 Transition Team] @TheTNHoller
Donald Trump had removed the U.S from the Open Skies Treaty that supplies the U.S. allies with surveillance data on Russian military activities, and has taken steps to dispose of the program's specialized planes & removed the option of replacing them.
"The U.S. is importing more softwood lumber from overseas after it slapped tariffs on Canadian supplies...Russian shipments are 42 per cent higher so far in 2017..."
"...Elon Musk receives criticism for his decision to secretly sabotage a Ukrainian drone boat attack on Sevastopol last October according this his biographer Walter Isaacson."
RT Russian propaganda network employee & fascist Malaysia blogger "Ian Miles Chong" suggested to Musk that he could take Ukraine access to Starlink offline.
9.8.23 | Countdown with Keith Olbermann
[time mark: ~5:14]
I talked to a guy who ate Moscow's propaganda. Dude thought the history was complicated because that's what Moscow wants. There is no "both sides" to this. Moscow wants to dominate and abuse Ukraine
Why is MAGA so truth adverse? Russia is a war criminal and most Russians are complicit. Now, we can add a good portion of the USA: all those who uncritically gobble up and excrete Trump's lies. Slava Ukraini!
Jake Tapper, (who I once admired), is now in effect shilling for the corrupt ReTrumplican party in compliance with the ReTrumplican enabling CNN CEO!
He regularly interviews Trumpian stooges and highlights negative Dem stories! 😢 😢 😢..
Israel could stop the Genocide in Gaza by Withdrawing from Palestine and Dissolving itself as an Illegally created Psuedo Nation Miliary Base for Western Capitalists to keep an Eye on their Oil in the Middle East.
I’m asking Floridians to sign a petition to recall Rick Scott. He won’t hold town halls and won’t respond to constituents calls. I’ve called daily for a month and no one has ever answered.
It may not be constitutionally supported, but it can send a collective message.
Catch22, as Crimea was part of Russia from 1783 until 1954, when Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev, transferred it to Ukraine. Many Russians view Crimea as historically Russian territory. Russia organized a referendum in Crimea (March 2014), where it claimed 97% voted to join Russia.
I just joined this platform. Although I have 174,000 followers on Twitter, I'm still a newcomer here. I hope you can help me by sharing my article so that more people can see it! 🙏
Ideally yes.
Ukraine has whipped Russia’s ass in the last years, even occupied Russian territory. The EU is stepping up because the rapist/felon cut funding. Under President Biden, they had help. They were winning.
He regularly interviews Trumpian stooges and highlights negative Dem stories! 😢 😢
And he is willing to throw the whole wide world under the bus for it!
💙💛 Slava Ukraini! 💙💛
He eventually recovered but it took years off his life. RIP
He regularly interviews Trumpian stooges and highlights negative Dem stories! 😢 😢 ..
In 2014, it acted to reclaim Russian ethnic majority Crimea, by referendum.
Russia has no claim on Crimea that they didn’t establish through invasion.
Stop Warmongering
Learn some history
Not too difficult
Try starting with Reagan Gorbachev
Or even just since 2014
Don’t loose hope so soon
Your believe and prayers keeps us moving
Oops my mistake it's a fact they don't do facts.
hope soros paying well
Oh, and seeing as the war in Ukraine was going on for almost a decade before 'Russia invaded', better get a FACT CHECKER for your Fact-checks
Paul Manafort- Trumps 1st campaign director- was hired by Russian oligarchs to spread disinformation about opposition candidates
Is anyone getting this?
We are under attack by Putin.
Murdoch (Fox News) is an ally of Putin. Check - google it
Hit The Road Putin.
We keep being told Trump is THE ONLY HUMAN on the planet who can end the war!
And asshole trump is trying to sell the US that Putin really wants peace! 🤔🤔🤔
He regularly interviews Trumpian stooges and highlights negative Dem stories! 😢 😢 .,.
But Putin doesn't want peace. Putin wants a ceasefire with no back up, so that once he's been able to rebuild his crumbling economy, he can reinvade and then sweep south into the non-Nato countries, and up into NATO ones.
And then hi, WW3...
What have palestinians successfully done after that?
Democraticaly elected evil jihadist regime of HAMAS.
That doesn't give Israel the right to blow the crap out of civilians, just because they got attacked.
Two peas in the same we are not members of the ICC-pod.
Only one reason not to be a member.
Don't expect too much from them.
The only thing that's required is for Putin to BACK OFF!
Trump deliberately withheld life saving intelligence from the Ukrainians allowing Putins missiles to get through their defences to kill innocent Ukrainians
Trump has blood on his hands
Trump is EVIL
Trump must be destroyed
For me one of the biggest disconnects right now is
Ukrainians: good
Palestinians: bad
It's always usually a mix of brainwashing and someone buying politicians. More the money (AIPAC) in the case of the Palestine issue.
Israelis and Palestinians generally OK.
Netanyahu and Hamas evil.
in other countries
Russia has 58
The US has at least 150 nukes close to Russia
Russia has none close to the US
Russia has raised its military budget
to 129 billion
The US military budget
is coming up to a trillion
I'm not too versed on geopolitics
but I can count
Slava Ukraini.🇺🇦🔱
You take my breath away✨️
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We are stronger when we march together 🦋 ✌️
Learn some history
Not too difficult
Try starting with Reagan Gorbachev
Or even just since 2014
Professor Sachs mentions Kursk 👇 1943
NRA Ring of Freedom Pharma Multi-Millionaire [Altace] Joe Gregory: For Whom The Freedom Bell Tolls [students]
NRA Turmoil Creates Rift Among Some Big Donors
Tuesday, July 25, 2023
[NRA Golden Ring of Freedom Founder and Sullivan County resident Joseph "Joe" Gregory specifically named 78 times]
The unlikely union of the American gun-rights movement and Moscow starts with G. Kline Preston IV, a Tennessee attorney who says he’d like Vladimir Putin to run the U.S government.
Senate Republicans have finally revealed the text of their border security and Ukraine aid funding bill - Trump is doing everything he can to kill the bill for Putin. [Feb 6, 2024]
‘He’s playing to a growing GOP faction that wants America to be [a] white Christian Nationalist state, with Donald Trump as a divine ruler,’ says Robert Reich, Clinton’s labour secretary
— Andrea Junker
CIA admits to losing dozens of informants around the world: NYT [10/05/21]
#TrumpConvictedFelon #VonSchitzenpants
Cohen says "profoundly immoral" Trump labels Christianity "bulls**t" and is consumed by a "lust for wealth"
Former fixer Michael Cohen’s book details alleged comments after leaders pray for Trump; along with offensive remarks about Hispanics and Blacks via
Tennessee senator blocks a bill to mandate reporting foreign election aid, because the GOP has a Russia problem
[2017] Russian timber industry benefiting from Trump's U.S. trade dispute with Canada
Jake Broe YouTube: Elon Musk Protects and Defends Russia #UkraineRussiaWar
By Reuters
February 15, 2024 5:39 PM EST
The agency was in the midst of a probe into the billionaire's equipment at the time of Musk's assault.
By Lucas Ropek
Published February 5, 2025
9.8.23 | Countdown with Keith Olbermann
[time mark: ~5:14]
The findings by the United Nations experts are the latest allegations of war crimes against Russia since its invasion of Ukraine.
MAGA’s Divorced Dude Energy
Divorced men make up a big part of Trump’s coalition.
Don’t loose hope so soon
Your believe and prayers keeps us moving
He regularly interviews Trumpian stooges and highlights negative Dem stories! 😢 😢 😢..
It may not be constitutionally supported, but it can send a collective message.