Of course he was trying to stiff the workers. How he has gotten away with this in his own businesses for so many years is baffling to me. Is it any wonder how he got rich?
Has he read or heard of a contract. What if he didn't get paid on Friday for the horseshit that comes out of his mouth. Also, the AID group won't get it back if citrus has his way. Pay your bills, clown.
How are any of the courts able to enforce any of these rulings? The Nazis just ignore the rulings? I seldom see any evidence of re-hiring, re-paying etc. ever having taken place.
And if you know anything about government grants they almost always require you to spend your own money to complete a project then when you show you've completed it you are reimbursed.
To be fair, Trump is highly experienced at getting out of having to pay for work already completed. It's understandable confusion on why he can't have the USA do this too.....
Back in the 80's, he stiffed a family painting company of 3 generations, putting them out of business. Because he knew he could outlast them in Court. He's always been scum.
Nothing new here, the twice impeached felon has a history of not paying for work contracted and completed. It's his sleazy mode of operation he has repeatedly used throughout his life.
I was pretty amazed there were 4 votes on the Supreme Kangaroo Court for the proposition that a written contract cannot be enforced if one party doesn't like the vibes.
The attack on social security recipients has begun. My autistic nephew who receives ssi has recieved a 7 page questionnaire including questions along the lines of if hes capable of letting a dog out or feeding a pet.
i'm honestly surprised trump can still find anyone to lend him money or do something in exchange for money after, because he is so notorious for never paying his debts
It’s literally paying your bills. In what world do you not have to pay for work already done? Trump and Elon are experts are stiffing companies after work has been completed
Trump has a history of
“stiffing”businesses & individuals who do work for him. Just one of his “traits” that show the world what a lying, greedy, ignorant, corrupt and evil “small man” he is. Letting him walk the halls of our Whitehouse while he attacks everything America stands for is Lunacy!
What can you even say about these joke "journalists" ( or whatever the fuck these knob slobbering freaks claim to be)
that would explain the shallowness, the willful ignorance of such six-year-old idiots?
Trump has spent his life stiffing contractors for work already done.
Now ppl with fed contractors like 🇺🇸 farmers, can’t get paid.
My father taught me old school values.
Just a handshake, was giving another your word was your bond.
Pay the $2.b.
Trump‘s word means nothing.
F-ing low life!
Get rid of the media with lies and mistruths. It's so his friend can continue to groom new neo nazi on Twitter. It's brainwashing, look at his friends age group.
Trump has been stiffing people all his adult life. Now that he’s in his golden days of his life, judge has to step in and stop him and order him to pay the money owed.
Tangerini has always stiffed the little guys who did work on his projects. Now he is stiffing non-profits that had already done the work. What else is new?
Trump would always stiff contractors and subcontractors who worked for him. And on the campaign trail think about all the cities who never got paid by them. He always screws people
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This is why we don’t shut down the government because we have to continue to make judges go against Trump. And he knows it because he stood at the podium yesterday in the department of justice saying he is the law and that the judges are corrupt. We have to continue to fight him in the court until
I have no clue how this whole “We’re never getting that money back!” line became so pervasive on the right. What stores are they going to where you pay money and then they give it back to you? Like, that’s not how basic economic exchange works!
His entire history has been stiffing and cheating people who have worked for him. Now it's the American workers and the world he's cheating and lying to.
Yea still mad at Dems to be honest.
Fuck Democrats for being a part of this bullshit charade of Schumer and his band of Cheney democrats are said yes so the rest of you shitbags can say "well I said no".
STOP donating money to this party
That is Tump's MO. Brag about how much he is helping "the little people" and then refuse to pay them so they're screwed. Been telling people about this for decades. Maybe they'll start listening now that it is hitting so close to home.
I worked with a guy in NY years ago who’s buddy that was a contractor killed him self because trump didn’t pay him like 100k for work he did and he like lost everything. trumps been doing this shit forever. A measly 100k to him. Fuckin monster
Fox faux news at their best, bowing to the orange shitler when they know full well that the work has already been done and the US owes that money to those contractors. tRumpf doing his normal, stiffing people for work done.
Is it news?
WHEN was the last time trump paid a
Bill. This is the new norm! So no belly aching!
Here on in if you are owed $$$ from this department.
Good luck collecting!
It takes a high level of intentional ignorance to say this on TV, while their 🍊 overlord has made most of his money by stiffing contractors for WORK that was ALREADY DONE!
But that is the common practice of their dear leader Comrade Drump. So if it’s OK for him to do it then everybody should do it ( if you belong to the MAGA Cult/GOP ) .
Kilmeade starts off with "it's important for our audience to know" and then gives only the information that feeds their narrative. That's the Fox playbook. And that's how the Trump voters were conned.
Many times I have watched right wing media tell a completely different version of a news story. If you want to evaluate the quality of your news sources look in the rear view mirror. Time usually tells the truth. If your source doesn’t pass the test of time then don’t trust them in the now.
The people that watch Fox, NewMax, want to hear what those networks say and nothing else. They don’t want to hear anything that has a different message.
What’s REALLY “important for the audience to know”, is that the two performers on that show - as per FOX sworn testimony in a court of law - is that this is entertainment.
No different, but far less educational, than Saturday morning cartoons… and just as factual. Really, satirical improv.
I'd venture that a coyote has a better chance of buying dynamite and blowing himself up than anything of FauxNews being factual or presented with good intentions.
Please don't besmirch the good name of Saturday morning cartoons by comparison.
This is exactly why Fox is corrupt and their FCC license should be revoked as soon as the Democrats take power in the house send it and executive branch. 2028!! LFG!!!
Fox News doesn't have an FCC license - it's a cable channel. In broadcast, the FCC licenses *stations*, not networks. When you use Trumpian "logic" like "remove their news license!", you are saying Trump's correct in his understanding of the law, just wrong in who it should apply to.
Pure unadulterated EVIL
it is now so commnplace that fighting it becomes like fighting the air
Looks like that wasn't enough.
Now he's as bloated as the cult leader he worships.
“stiffing”businesses & individuals who do work for him. Just one of his “traits” that show the world what a lying, greedy, ignorant, corrupt and evil “small man” he is. Letting him walk the halls of our Whitehouse while he attacks everything America stands for is Lunacy!
that would explain the shallowness, the willful ignorance of such six-year-old idiots?
Now ppl with fed contractors like 🇺🇸 farmers, can’t get paid.
My father taught me old school values.
Just a handshake, was giving another your word was your bond.
Pay the $2.b.
Trump‘s word means nothing.
F-ing low life!
Interviewed in August 2015, Trump said "The Bible is my favorite book." But the Bible, at Romans 13:7-8, says:
"Give to everyone what you owe them...Let no debt remain outstanding..."
All puffy and tired looking.
He drinks bc he knows he sold his soul.
Hell, I knew that 40 years ago in the U.K.!
Making America Poor Again.
Trump stiffs.
Fox lies by omission.
A super rich white man who has a decades-long pattern of stiffing workers for the work they do.
What a role model for the children!
To MAGA, every single thing Trump does is “ok.”
Stiff the people working for him and then declare bankruptcy.
Fuck Democrats for being a part of this bullshit charade of Schumer and his band of Cheney democrats are said yes so the rest of you shitbags can say "well I said no".
STOP donating money to this party
Fox Spews is allergic to facts! 💩🤮💩🤮💩
WHEN was the last time trump paid a
Bill. This is the new norm! So no belly aching!
Here on in if you are owed $$$ from this department.
Good luck collecting!
Run-a-muck, that is they perfect description of the Republican party and how the maneuver.
He is lucky that is all she is doing. I hope he never does get that back.
Note the date on the byline, here:
It is his brand
If the facts were on their side, they wouldn’t lie.
Also, when someone lies to you, do they respect you or do they think you are a fool?
It’s not the fool’s $$$.
No different, but far less educational, than Saturday morning cartoons… and just as factual. Really, satirical improv.
Please don't besmirch the good name of Saturday morning cartoons by comparison.
I am humbly contrite. Please accept my sincere apology. 😔
NOT trump's
This is deliberate misrepresentation of facts.
Fox 'news' = 💩
It’s his MO
A base who doesn't know what supporting fascism means. Sadly, they will.
Simple concept lost on Fox News.