❤️ WISCONSIN: “I’d like to apologize. My eyes were opened. I’ve learned a very lot about this group of people.”
Larry came to testify against the anti-trans youth health care bill, but had an epiphany and changed his mind.
Context: https://www.pride.com/politics/anti-trans-bill-wisconsin
Larry came to testify against the anti-trans youth health care bill, but had an epiphany and changed his mind.
Context: https://www.pride.com/politics/anti-trans-bill-wisconsin
Weak beta men are afraid of LGBTQ+, DEI etc.
It's easy to direct your anger towards a group you know little about, or nobody that's a part of it, especially when you're being told to do so by malicious actors.
Old to learn. Well done that man.
It doesn't matter THE WHO. THEY ARE HUMAN. PERIOD. It should happen to nobody. PERIOD.
It's simply as such; We keep repeating ourselves, but feel like we're doing something different because the people are different.
It's not any different. Fucking re-runs my people.
Either this is mis-wording or transphobia I genuinely can’t tell can you help
is he for or against me existing 💔
VOTE CRAWFORD- standing against Elon and Trump’s fascist ideologies!!!
If anyone is able to do more than vote (or if you can't because you don't live in in WI), you can donate to her campaign.
Bless his heart -
I was that close to absolute tears - watching this today.
We sure could use a lot more of total and complete compassion and understanding in this country - instead of all the assuming and hate and lies - 🌈💙🌺
I think this caption needs to be reworded to "testify in favor of."
Also, "Yeay, Larry!"
This is why Christian nationalist attack open, honest & truthful education.
Smart man.
Like our elders say, "When ya know better, you do better."
It's just that simple.
People can change.
Allowing them that growth is also a betterment.
Society needs warmth of character.
The problem is most are not genuine like this gentleman and will say one thing and do the opposite
MAGA fear and hate that which they don't want to open their minds to
They have a choice
If there is a silver lining some (a few ) are opening their hearts and minds
The difference is you opened your mind and heart to learn
While so many individuals refuse to and lash out with ignorance and hate instead
It's a tough world out there we must all do what we can to make it a better place for each other while we are here
Maybe it's the educator in me that knows no kne has a right..
Does no one SEE the arrogance in that?
There's no excuse
And self isolation is not an excuse. If you choose to isolate yourself from society, you also choose to understand that you're going to be ignorant of it and have no right to opine.
But I agree that self isolation isn't an excuse. It's on the individual to have the bravery to learn about new things.
White bread is very boring.
Larry, thank you for learning and not stubbornly holding onto entrenched beliefs.
Getting to know people as individuals, to see them as human beings just trying to be happy and live their lives can change our views of them
God Bless this man for opening his eyes
You set the examplwe for others to follow
If they open their hearts and minds
I count 3
1 in every 5000 births is a Hermaphrodite or Intersex as they preferred to be called today
Now do the math & the US has a sizable population of Hermaphrodites or Intersex
Leave the kids alone. Kids can't consent to this.
1. Social transitioning: dressing in accordance with their gender identity. If the child finds they don't like it, they can easily adjust.
Finding out and acknowledging there really is a problem.
I'm proud of him.
Extremely angry here.
You dumbfucks who voted for the dumbfuck!
So now he is anti trans, right?
Please watch this video. I’m awestruck. And hopeful.
less thugs
He went there to testify for the bill, ended up being told to wait outside for a while. While he was waiting he interacted with the protestors, when he was finally called in to testify, this is what happened instead.
"People" is the important part. Just...treat each other like people. Respect, consideration, tolerance.
That's all you need to do.
In the words of the little prince what is essential is invisible to the eye
We need to welcome and support Larry. He showed courage, more than some of our elected "leaders".
There's so much power in telling our stories. That's why MAGA bans books
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