Finally, I add alt text to the image on BlueSky and paste thr copied text. While I prefer to edit for minor conversion errors and line-breaks, even using the raw copied text is better than no alt text at all.
Resisters call in sick on 3/19/25. Truckers, bus and train drivers, unions, air traffic controllers, pilots, cabbies, IT, manufacturing, etc. Please stay home as long as possible. This action will help to get our message against tyranny out and show the world we won’t allow this takeover.
And yet the Americans want to wait until 4/15 to protest when millions rise up in protest against their version of Putinists in the 3 countries that is affected by the same rot as America is. Wake up. You can’t just wait and wait and wait to act. You must out in the streets TODAY. Not next month.
Amerikans can't figure out anything that's more than an arm's length away from them. You expect better? Amerikans are too effing stupid, ignorant, and evil to stop licking tRump's ass.
Respectfully, plenty of Americans have figured this out and they know that their representatives aren't listening to them. They're complaining to their representatives anyway to have it on the record, but they understand they have to wait until the midterms to make a real statement.
I feel like I should leave America. Trumpism is quickly evolving (or devolving?) into something super extreme & repugnant. This isn’t going to have a happy ending & I feel like my relationship with my country is growing more untenable everyday. Sooner or later self-preservation may force me to gtfo.
Exactly right…but, is the term idiot truly descriptive of people who voluntarily contribute to their own demise?…clowns?…losers?…suckers?…nah, you’re right, idiot describes these people accurately…I would add the adjectives colossal and coward to idiot.
Our rulers have been Kremlin operatives for years; in some cases, decades. What a shame the Democratic leadership felt that it was shrill and uncivil to hammer on that point. Might not have made a difference. Might have. We’ll never know now.
I don’t agree with „most“, but „some“ would certainly fit with „hedging your bets“. If I were in Putin‘s shoes, I would definitely have Gabbarded as many Democrats as possible. I doubt that it would have been necessary to purchase Manchin, but Chuckie would have been a wise investment.
Uhhh most Americans have figured it out and don’t give a shit….hello? You guys are the minority….the country you knew is lost and you gave it away. I’ve read everything you guys have pushed about Biden for the last 5 years and everything you said about Obama the 12 years before that and it’s clear
"Pro-war" by their definition means anything that even hints at opposing or resisting Russian aggression.
The ONLY THING Russia has that puts them on the geopolitical map is being a threatening thorn in the side of the rest of the world. They're just a bigger version of N. Korea. Utterly irrelevant
1 - Please use alt text for images
2 - Please state the name of the Malaysian troll with 3 names in alt text when reposting his content - decent people block his bullshit
3 - Please do not repost his content; you’re not owning him - it’s how he spreads his spores
Where was she born? She just appeared out of nowhere. Now, I'll take that maybe I'm just ignorant, but I wouldn't be surprised if she has an accent when nobody is around.
Meanwhile #China is Ramping up its propaganda campaign and investing heavily world wide or threatening other overseas #Chinese language media to tow the line from #Beijing
#America has surrendered an important portion of the battlefield today
it constantly astounds me that being a 'leftist' has been allowed to be painted as a bad thing when leftists are responsible for the majority of the good, positive humanistic things in the world.
Sort of like when DEI was allowed to become a negative slur when it's simply equal opportunity for all
I hope to see a day where we can have a “big, beautiful” public trial for all those who have engaged in and been complicit in treason against our country.
And we need to stick to the prescribed method of punishment as well.
Go to
Women’s March and 505001 are planning a march on DC (and anywhere else in the country for folks who can’t get to DC) I’m excited about this one because it’s a weekend and more accessible to the working class. We gotta show up and show out, y’all. 💕✊🏼
Monday Monday
Call your terrified
once you get
Remind them YOU ARE the American they are supposed to protect from enemies both foreign and domestic.
Right now
dictator donny and his pal Elon fall under
It is very hard to feel safe.
202-224-3121 speed dial
I’ve yet to hear anyone on the Left or Right say anything remotely suggesting that we should go to war with Russia. What kind of nonsense will people buy? NATO wasn’t created to attack Russia, and never has, because it was created to defend against Russia.
I’m a rapist who attended Epstein parties who’s had slag after slag for a wife and cheated on ALL of them. I even raped one and still have audacity to say I’m PRO WOMEN. It’s clear I’m a liar, scumbag and you only have to look at my track record to prove it. I’m scum. I’m a liar! 🤥 I’m Donald!
Democrats HAVE TO CHANGE THE NARRATIVE TO THE TRUTH. Democracy not lil weak people. Democracy , a republic IS liberal. Allows people things. Get out there !
"Sometimes when I try to understand a person's motives, I play a little game. I assume the worst. What's the worst reason they could possibly have for saying what they say and doing what they do? Then I ask myself, 'How well does that reason explain what they say and what they do?" (GoT) Krasnov
"By shutting down VOA, Trump and Musk have given another massive gift to Russia, China & dictators around the world".
"Russia & China are already flooding Africa & the Globe with misinformation, much of it anti-American. Now an objective US voice to counter that propaganda has disappeared."
The fact that Ukraine has agreed to a ceasefire under certain conditions does not mean Trump and Putin can determine the conditions. -They are ALREADY there.
Most likely there will be no ceasefire...
So is everyone except the creeps and pervs in trump’s all-didder circle jerk made of smoke? Were everyone else’s limbs removed? Is everyone else three? Just get rid of them and make it look like an act if god. That’ll shut the crazies the fuck up. Main problem solved. #easy
Elected Republicans know and ignore it.Maga knows and doesn’t care as long as they can force women to give birth,own guns,and stick it to the libs.Subdivision Republiklans know and want more of it.Christian Republicans know but they’re already clutching the max amount of pearls over banned books.
I grew up listening to Voice of America and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. That’s where we were getting the real news from. That’s where we heard about Chernobyl disaster. Not from TASS, not from the state evening news program Vremiya, and not from the state run Radio Mayak
Anyone the psychotic orange turd appointed is an idiot. The repuglicants would really be dangerous if they weren't so stupid.
Refuse fascism!
Revolution is now!
The Constitution grants Justices lifetime appointments, removable only by impeachment. To protect democracy, we must limit terms to 10 years, ensuring fresh perspectives and accountability on the Court. No branch should have unchecked power for decades.
I'm still waiting for Hollywood to make a TV series about this Trump Administration. Call it Drama but in reality it is a HORROR SHOW! They certainly have plenty of material on any given day!
No, I just talked my financial advisor, he's over the moon with Trump, even with the roller-coaster stock market. The only thing I can figure is that Trump is doing so much, so fast, albeit by Executive Order, compared to Biden. They are all about it, the Koolaid is strong with them.
We need to stop with this belief that Americans are too stupid to realize what's going on. Literally everyone understands. People are only divided by whether or not they care. People who voted for Trump want this. They always have.
Fuck you Tulsi … you are a lying POS, wholly incompetent and unfit for the position you hold, just like the inept, power-busing POTUS. I’m done attempting to be civil with dangerous stupid people who are crashing my country.
My whole life I’ve been a Democrat and now I’m starting to doubt that that matters at all. I think George Carlin was right and they’re all in One Big Club and You and Me ain’t in it. So now what…
🚨My friends in America, please stop waiting for someone 'higher up' to take the lead. Look at the protests in Serbia, they've been at it for a month! Rise up in the millions. Become the leaders yourself...or it will be too late.
Good! Now do you believe he's a fucking Russian asset along with Musk and all the people supporting him in our Congress, Supreme Court and the Mainstream media. Fuck you if you don't.
Oh, I think most Americans have figured it out. We've also figured out that the 52 GOP Senators who confirmed her for that critical position are all party-over-country people.
I hate breaking this news to you, but half of America didn’t finish school and where Special Education students.Who graduated with the same qualifications of a 4th or 5th grade student.
I’m thinking a lot about the free for all currently underway as foreign agents scoop up as assets all the high security level folks whose lives were upended by an email termination. Tulsi is just a piece. We are maximum risk.
Little bro switched sides because he saw the grift winds changing.
Further, you can set alt text to required in your profile settings, aiding your commitment to accessibility!
The head of the FBI who Russia refers to as "our girl Tulsi"!
My this regime's demise be swift and certain.
The ONLY THING Russia has that puts them on the geopolitical map is being a threatening thorn in the side of the rest of the world. They're just a bigger version of N. Korea. Utterly irrelevant
They are traitors and trash.
1 - Please use alt text for images
2 - Please state the name of the Malaysian troll with 3 names in alt text when reposting his content - decent people block his bullshit
3 - Please do not repost his content; you’re not owning him - it’s how he spreads his spores
What an absolute moron.
#America has surrendered an important portion of the battlefield today
Sort of like when DEI was allowed to become a negative slur when it's simply equal opportunity for all
And we need to stick to the prescribed method of punishment as well.
Women’s March and 505001 are planning a march on DC (and anywhere else in the country for folks who can’t get to DC) I’m excited about this one because it’s a weekend and more accessible to the working class. We gotta show up and show out, y’all. 💕✊🏼
Call your terrified
once you get
Remind them YOU ARE the American they are supposed to protect from enemies both foreign and domestic.
Right now
dictator donny and his pal Elon fall under
It is very hard to feel safe.
202-224-3121 speed dial
Dems need to hit hard & fast with facts.
and "VACANT"
because they were "done by Autopen."
Trump’s unconscious “Projections”
Trump’s mass-psychosis
"By shutting down VOA, Trump and Musk have given another massive gift to Russia, China & dictators around the world".
"Russia & China are already flooding Africa & the Globe with misinformation, much of it anti-American. Now an objective US voice to counter that propaganda has disappeared."
Most likely there will be no ceasefire...
Someone is trying to dismantle our country, from the inside.
Giving aid and comfort to our enemies.
Refuse fascism!
Revolution is now!
Episode 65: Trump Replaces Voice of America with KGB-FM
Available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Stampify, the new platform for philatelists.
#Trump #VOA #Rubio
These are the ppl she associates with the FBI said!
Russia = Tulsi
How can we help these persons who relied on VOA?