The real bombshell is that he’s a sitting senator and just figuring out how our system works.
Where did he think the money came from? A money tree?
We print our own money. This means numbers in a computer go from one to the other. Welcome to the world, Ted.
Where did he think the money came from? A money tree?
We print our own money. This means numbers in a computer go from one to the other. Welcome to the world, Ted.
Sounds like a new Radiohead album
I’ll never understand thinking a non-expert should be put in charge of politics. We don’t make car mechanics heart surgeons. We shouldn’t make actors or business people president.
He's just spewing bullshit for the magas to slurp up.
Just make shit up.
I got one too… 🖕
It has been many years since any real money has gone in to pay down the US deficit.
It's all magic money
Even when $ were backed by gold, it was made up. Gold has not inherent value except what someone else will give you in return.
All countries print money.
I have to keep it simple.
It's just digits cancelled against the money magicked into existence.
It's been proven.
He is in the White House right now -- and not prison -- because a judge dismissed all charges against him.
The Republicans control the federal government. All 3 branches.
America is now a Banana Republic...🍌🫡😐
He 's gas lighting Magan Americans again with this new line of bullshit while kissing fElon's ass.
& the Dems should be trolling, calling out this kind of shit &misinformation in realtime .24/7
As the GQP descends into authoritarianism Dems get more lazy
Guy needs to brush up on his cobal and econ 101.
I bet lots of people still think USD are backed by gold deposits in Ft. Knox.
1. Straight legs crossed at the ankle
2. Ankle on top of knee
Violators will be roasted
makes "series of tubes" guy look like a genius
Ben Shapiro should check it out
No! The other one!
Not just the $7.3 Trillion Fed budget. But new money. You guys are soooo fucked. 🤦🏻♂️
Apart from the fact that he has probably access to them - is it a security risk that he tells everyone where they are?
(I buy $10 worth of cotton, but sell $100 worth of shirts).
Work creates money.
Yes, the government could 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 more dollars at will. But they still don't create wealth... only measure it. Labor creates wealth, adding value to assets. Pumping out dollars would ruin us.
They create wealth by issuing debt not dollars. When the government borrows money it creates an asset in the private economy that is very secure and highly sought after.
This should be required reading.
Elon Musk says?
Teddy boo you really are as absolutely stupid & disgusting as you look.
As a gay man I’d rather eat pussy than to even jerk you off.
These people should know basic econ
One would figure DOGE would be all over cutting expenses
See, there are some positive things happening! 😏
Nothing has changed
Oh yeah.....never mind.
We really should stop doing that
Those were Trump’s machines and he didn’t want anyone to know.
He will bigly pissed that you made them public.
One question,
did this magic money machine print out money with Trump’s face or Musk’s face on them ? come get your Dad. Again.
Mar A Lago Secret service when not in duty can stay at the local motel 6, they'll keep a light on for them!