Malignant narcissism is a personality type that causes extreme narcissism, aggression, and, sometimes, abuse of others. A person may use manipulative means or violence to enhance their own sense of wellbeing.
I have to say the same. I, honestly, didn't think I had it in me. Now, the thought I have..... I'm a senior who retired on SS that I paid into for 54 years....I lose that and I lose everything I literally sacrificed for. At that point I will be a loose cannon
Dems: gasp and clutch my pearls, oh my deary, I cannot believe this, what a shock, this does not rise to the level of dignity that we here on our side aspire to, when they go low, we just kinda think about going low but then we just say forget it because I need funds from my donors. YOU MUST GET RID OF THIS LYING SIGN!!
We cannot allow this to go on. These signs must be corrected by activists in red states. We need a list of all the projects & people to monitor the signs. Can get some very sticky stickers to plaster the truth over Trump's lying name.
Republicans are thieves. They steal from working people to enrich themselves. Every time.
“If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.”
Everything about Trump is a fraud. There are far too many Americans that believe that fool is a genius rather than a simple conman. That's the pity of it all
His whole life has been a simple algorithm of being scarce when there is a problem ("I don't know that person", "I haven't heard of that", "It was X's fault") and jumping in front of the camera to claim other peoples successes.
It is as tired and predictable as it is effective.
Of course. All I wanted was for Biden/Garland to stop the coup & put the hundreds at the top in jail like they did with the minions. When he did stuff like the Infrastructure bill I said oh well at least we'll have nicer roads & bridges in Trump's authoritarian state. And here we are. Eerie.
Timeline for building a bridge... Buy land, hire architects, approve plans, apply for funding, change plans due to budget, approve changes, take tenders for contract to build, order building supplies, have supplies delivered.. what did he do, organise this in his last term ?
We PAID to have these false signs put up. This needs to be fixed! Whomever lives by where these signs are standing, you need to do some corrections. WE will be eagerly waiting to see pics of your CIVIC DUTY!
He needed to put his name on something. And now $$$ for the wall - his name will be all over that. He already put a plaque up w/his name. ugh pathetic once again. No love from his mother.
Those signs are like a dog marking territory. This is his contribution and how he justifies taking credit in his tiny profoundly stupid egocentric brain.
His only successful accomplishements throughout his miserable paracitic life are someone else's work. He thinks all "bosses" operate this way.
How long until there are statues of Trump in every town square in America? You know the ONLY thing Trump learned from his interaction with Kim Jong Un.
I hate to admit this, but this is what his team is good at. They make people think he accomplished things by taking credit. It may be unethical, but it's effective. So many people still give him credit for the stimulus checks because he made sure his signature was on them.
We knew this would happen. Majority of house and senate voted no on Biden's infrastructure bill but they all want to take credit for the good things it has done. Typical maga shit. They are the most arrogant assholes on earth!
There is a large metal highway sign I pass daily, noting the work on our roads, thanks to Biden's Infrastrucure plan. If it's replaced with one of these, so help me, I will swerve and run it down, ala Kathy Bates in Fried Green Tomatoes.
They bow to Janus. The two faced God, and they kneel at the feet of Mammon.
But you say, "Christians have claimed them as their own, have they not?" Somebody had to make sheep's clothes that the wolf could wear. He does not know how to sew.
infuriating! sometimes i just shake my head and laugh at not only how brazen they are in their complete lack of decency, scruples or goodness, but also how brazenly idiotic, as in Idiocracy idiotic, little stunts like this look to anyone with a little bit of understanding of what is going on.
Gotta give Republicans credit. They have balls so big they need wheelbarrows to move them around. Even Blackburn. Maybe Repugs could donate a couple to Chuck, you know like, when they’re working out at the gym side by side on their ellipticals.
Typical Republicans. Vote against helping average Americans with Infrastructure because it’s more important to give tax cuts to billionaires because you can just lie to your base who never checks then cost the taxpayers more money to lie in signage to take credit for other people’s work.
Malignant narcissism is a personality type that causes extreme narcissism, aggression, and, sometimes, abuse of others. A person may use manipulative means or violence to enhance their own sense of wellbeing.
with the white hot intensity of 1000 suns
We cannot allow this to go on. These signs must be corrected by activists in red states. We need a list of all the projects & people to monitor the signs. Can get some very sticky stickers to plaster the truth over Trump's lying name.
“If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.”
It is as tired and predictable as it is effective.
Who was President then?
Joe Robinette Biden signed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.,related%20investment%20in%20our%20history.
There is no lie too big or too small!
Nice sign, though. I'm sure those are costing millions.
His only successful accomplishements throughout his miserable paracitic life are someone else's work. He thinks all "bosses" operate this way.
Trump is 100% Completely Full of Shit!
If you can't see that, there may be no hope for you.
But you say, "Christians have claimed them as their own, have they not?" Somebody had to make sheep's clothes that the wolf could wear. He does not know how to sew.
~Aesop's Fables, Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
I'm going to start carrying a Sharpie around with me now.
This is so offensively untrue, I feel duty bound to fix it.
Cor-pirate Handbook.
Everything good that Biden did
He will “try” to take credit for
What a complete f'ing scumbag
Draconian law for us
No law for the oligarchs