Hey Chuck, Iowans don't care about your quotes, they care about your votes and you're
vote is willfully allowing
🟠/🐀 to ignore the Constitution & rule of law.
These are obviously antifa plants the deep state pardoned from Jan 6th, up to their old tactics again. Not actual republicans. Fake news. Buy a Tesla. You are happier without entitlements you have already paid for. Biden is big Egg. They are eating the pets. Trust me. Sorry, gotta run! Bye!!
All they have is doublespeak and excuses for not defending the Constitution and their own constituents. All to funnel our tax dollars into their own pockets. We need to clean house over the next 4 years, and it needs to be thorough. Both sides of the aisle. They either work for us, or they’re gone.
Believe me, if that decrepit poS did say ANYTHING against Trump, not only would it be covered in the media, Trump would be screaming the loudest, insulting him nonstop demanding he be impeached.
I was born the same month that the great FDR won his first election so my early years were blessed with a great president. How sad that in my twilight years to see a vile corrupt criminal guilty of every crime including rape, now dismantling our great nation.
They complain that the media misrepresents them and doesn't put out their message. Here he is standing in front of his constituents, they are asking for his message, and he is diverting to blame on others yet again. They all have zero shame and self respect.
He is a high ranking MAGAt and hasn't done jack shit to stop the shredding of our Democracy or the lawlessness of the felon and his Nazi. Senators like Thune and Grassley have all the power but have chosen to relinquish it to a madman. So FO Grassley you emasculated lying asshole.
She whispered…. Not he hasn’t. That woman is a Democrat. Do any of these folks have a shred of self awareness left? That lady isn’t one of us?!?! She basically says so. 😂their hypocrisy is ASTOUNDING. Whoever you are old lady whispering. You’re wrong.
Take down #chuckgrassley. He’s lying through his teeth! I live in DC area & the only time he speaks is to kiss the traitors’ 🍑!! He’s a traitor too. Impeach them all.
Forget his statements watch his votes. Shame on them for sending him to the Senate fit decades. Rs are just fine with these cowards as long as their lives are not upended.
That is exactly what it was. He only spouts pre-memorized talking points. Has for years. He is too senile to actually answer a question. That is probably why the "questions" he supposedly answers for the press are never printed. They are political double speak that he had been spouting for 43 years.
Exactly! “The media isn’t telling the strongly worded message I say for public consumption.” Never mind I’m a member of congress & I’m required to keep the three equal branches equal.
Blaming it on the media is fucking pathetic. These GOP assholes don’t give two shits about their constituents. On the other hand, Grassley’s constituents voted for Trump because they’re racist fucking assholes. Too bad everyone on both sides are suffering because of their ignorance.
THIS! THIS! THIS! If these attacks on our institutions were only affecting the people they hate, there wouldn't be a peep out of them. The last election had absolutely NOTHING to do with the price of eggs or the economy & had everything to do with racism, misogyny, and bigotry!
"sent you to congress FOR DECADES" AND BOOM MR. WHITE MAN.
Don't reply, Chuck, shovel them some bullshit, blaming the media for not reporting what you supposedly said in the hallways of congress. What was so difficult about answering your continuants' questions (even if, as you claim, you already told the media in the hallways)?
They want us to be scared. But I've got news for them. The one thing us old folks have is lots of experience with assholes. They will be surprised how tough old folks can be when pushed against the wall. Watch yourself sonny!
On the one hand boo hoo you racist and sexist asshats. On the other hand I appreciate they are not blaming Biden despite their pastors and Fox overlords telling them it’s all Sleepy Joe’s fault… yet anyways.
Good question! And it wasn’t just that he wanted it, he said he “pleaded” with the president to exempt potash. Why the hell would a US senator announce that he had to plead for an exemption? Subservient little toady
Listen to him make excuses about how the MSM ppl aren’t quoting him right to these poor people his constituents who are telling him to stand up for them! He’s vile & so past his prime. These people need a fighter not an old capitulater to a dictator. They need to vote for a person who will care.
You'd think by the time you were 92 years old, you wouldn't care more about reelection than you care about the country, your constituents, and your community
What the hell was Grassley even saying?! The GOP Cult have all become spineless bobbleheads to the fool in the oval.
When you step back and look at what's happening all over - a ton of Congress members, voted into office are NOT living up to their Oath - it's truly that simple!
Well I went to Grassley's website. And looked through the reports there and saw no mention of Trump whatsoever. I did see a couple of references to Sunshine Week being on the anniversary of James Madison's birth, who I suppose we have to assume Chuck met.
People can be effective into their old age, but that doesn’t mean someone younger couldn’t do a better job of it. Time for the elders to become the advisors and help younger people rise up and succeed. Teamwork people!
Grassley makes no answers to questions, side stepping and gaslighting. I get email responses from him in response to my phone calls and it's the same bs .
That’s Chuck for ya. Afterword he probably asked the same gentleman to kneel down and pray with Chuck for the lord’s wisdom. Using blasphemy to trick voters is Chuck Grassley’s other trick. ask anyone who has ever worked for him. He’s an empty suit.
We have tried.He has the backing of the farmers.He gets them and himself(he owns farm ground)massive subsidies.Now that the Musk regime is cutting those,they might be thinking twice.No matter,he will likely die before he comes up for reelection.He is just a place holder,his grandson will run in 28.
To those who accuse us who disbelieve Trump w/having TDS I see it differently i see magats the fact that you can believe a liar of this magnitude wen reality stares you in the face You are actually the one suffering from Trump derangement Syndrome
Weekend Update? Really? Then turn around & vote on one horrible GOP position after another. Never breaks party. None of them do. That's the point this guy was trying to make. They're not voting for Constitution. They're voting like trump tells them to.
People are finally waking up to the fact that the gop lie and don’t want to help them, I really hope they show this at the ballot box, but I doubt it, nevertheless this is good
Chuck Grassley does not give one teeny little tin shit what his constituents have to say, but I sure as hell hope it was an unpleasant experience for ol' Chuckie, and I hope that it's repeated every damn time he shows his wizened, dried apple doll face in public for the rest of his life.
He just didn't get it, no idea, comes back with a I don't know what to do answer, unbelievable, don't people screen their candidates before they go into the polling booth.?
Chuck ran for office and held office for many decades so that he could service Donald Trump. Yeah, Grassley is that pathetic. But he’ll pray will servicing.
Think about how the kids feel. They are going to have to live through this shit, through the chaos and then through the painful rebuilding process. They have 70+ years of hell ahead of them.
Grassley, you had your chance right at that very moment to express your disagreement and your efforts to NOT support this regime's wrongdoings, but instead, you decided to plug your website and blame the media. People of Iowa, you know what to do. #ResistOppose&Organize you are #StrongerTogether✊
Grassley grass-lighting the crowd..
they were respectful and erudite and he could only stand there and offer them a big old plate of fuck you bullshit rather than give them the truth that he is bought ,lock stock and barrel by Putin and fElon, same as the whole GQP Congress
He’s full of shit. I see him interviewed ALL THE TIME, defending Trump and his administration. They’re interviewing you, and we’ve heard you, Chuck. Iowa, keep on him!!!!
I bet Grassley wishes he was sitting in the Iowa City Hilton restaurant enjoying his Wagyu steak and glass of Cab Sav, rather than facing rightfully-heated questions from constituents.
Listen to the first part, when the woman say the felon has divided us. A woman whispers no he hasn’t it’s the democrats. I flipping stupid and blind are these people. When did Dems say you can’t say certain things words, or stop someone from entering by what what’s on phone
Exactly. Instead of answering direct questions from the people in front of him, he said to read his website? Why not talk to the people who voted for you and explain why you can’t stand up against all the illegal acts taking place and hurting the country?!
He repeated that the ACA had death panels. Of which Vice-President candidate Sarah Palin lied about. That the government was going to euthanize our grandparents, just like the Netherlands. 🗽🇪🇺🇺🇦🌻
Did he ever answer the question? I heard a lot of old man bullshit but no answer as to why or if he’s standing against Trump. His record shows he is not.
Geez, you'd have to be stupid to trust Grassley. He was in on the coup! Remember his comments that he didn't expect VP Pence to be present during 2020 vote certification, right before insurrection?
In Finland, a civil war took place in 1917, where the communists-supported Reds and the bourgeois-supported Whites were opposed. Finland was ideologically divided. This changed in 1939 when the SU attacked Finland. Forces were united, and the Reds ceased to be Reds and the Whites ceased to be Whites
I love this energy and I'm there with you. So tired of "this won't last forever" BS. No, this should have n3ver happened and shouldn't last one more damn day.
90’s baby Millennial here. This is so true. It’s going to take all of us standing together in this fight. We all have a role to play and no action is too small. We WILL topple this regime, brick by brick. 🤝💙
We need experience and new blood. experienced are Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobachar, Pete Buttigieg, any Dems who have been consistently outspoken about this Nazi regime. And I think AOC and Jasmine Crocket are getting good experience. They are the next leaders NOW!!
The leadership of the Democrats is in need of a new generation of leaders. When confronted with the authoritarian mindset of the Republicans the current leaders are not up to the task.
No one is going to come and save us. We are going to have to rise up and do it ourselves. Just like all of the previous generations who went through crises.
I think the GOP had better come to terms with what's happening, it's either follow trump to ruin, live with their cowardice and lose their seats or rid themselves of him.
The demise of the GOP is long overdue, The dirty money that the Citizens United ruling flooded the GOP with is the only reason the party is even breathing. After trump the party will just break up into the Crazy, Crazier and Craziest factions.
Thank you Tucson and the more than 23,000 people who came out to see me, AOC and Rep. Greg Casar.
In just 5 events, we had over 86,000 join us to stand up to authoritarianism & oligarchy and stop any bill that slashes Medicaid to give billionaires even more tax breaks.
Hello.. they know how you fight for them by your votes Grassley.. you can say all the things you think people want to hear but in the end it’s how you vote on bills!
You can tell these are older republicans that vote religiously. If republicans in Congress had any sense, they'd quit kissing donald trump's ass and impeach him to save their party.
He can barely form a coherent sentence.
They elected him because, as themselves, he hates poor people and brown people. They voted a walking corpse in to keep the old school prejudice in power
Hold on a second do you mean to tell me that Donald Trump is somehow failing in his promise to protect women? Oh my goodness clutch the pearls I'm so surprised to find bullshit in the claims of Donald Trump.
When he referred to other countries as shithole I didn't know he saw that as a goal.
Vichy, a town in France During World War II, it was the headquarters of the regime set up after the German occupation of northern France to administer unoccupied France and the colonies. Never recognized by the Allies, the regime functioned as a puppet government for the Nazis.
Vichy was a government in France during WWII. It operated under the nazis, which recognized it as long as it did what Hitler said. Free France hated them for getting in bed with the nazis
You had the guts to ask what you didn’t know. A lot of people are willfully ignorant and wouldn’t bother to learn a new thing. When you stop learning you die. Cheers to you!!🍾👏🏻🎉
If someone yelled at him he would fall over, bless his elderly heart, it’s time to pass the torch (a decade ago). Not doing IOWA any favours. The force needed to blow MAGAs doors off is Category 5. The media isn’t writing in the newspaper anymore. It’s fire on earth with messaging that is needed.
Grassley is 90+. Why are you ppl voting for Senators who quite literally can’t string together a coherent thought anymore? He didn’t hear a word. That’s why he’s there. He won’t hear a word. And he will continue to support fascism, just as he has every single day of his career.
Congress needs to have an age limit. Why is 65 retirement for everyone except Congressmen? Maybe if they had to live off of SSA, they wouldn’t have spend DECADES trying to end it? FU Chuck.
Honestly with all the 🐂 💩 abt Joe’s age, you know there are a lot of ppl who know we need term limits. And he was ABSOLUTELY a freat POTUS & VP. But still, it would not get the pushback ppl think.
Or African-American, Asian, etc. MiDwEsTeRn VaLuEs are literally anti-democratic. Look at what they value. Nothing resembling real 🇺🇸 . It’s exactly why they got triggered AF when Caitlin Clark came out as not being an uneducated Iowan.
The massive disconnect and tunnel vision focus of rural voters is something that must be seen to be believed. There are those making the effort to bring them into the 21st century but it is a MASSIVE effort that most D’s don’t want to make.
Seems after they deny health care—except to wealthy and token poor people for a photo op—there will be significantly less manual laborers around. Kinda makes one think they want more babies just for workers instead of creating a family.
Man, talk about word salad!! DIDN'T ANSWER THE QUESTIONS! POS. Why can't they answer our questions?
Watching this taught me.....when at a town hall type meeting, and asking a question, ask & shut up & don't keep talking, and let the POS answer. We know he won't, but keep the pressure on!!
vote is willfully allowing
🟠/🐀 to ignore the Constitution & rule of law.
Believe me, if that decrepit poS did say ANYTHING against Trump, not only would it be covered in the media, Trump would be screaming the loudest, insulting him nonstop demanding he be impeached.
"The Scoop." That's hilarious.
Think we are dried up and can’t fight!
Hold our beer!
That man is a worm
He is a domestic enemy of the USA.
In the linked article, you can see how he incriminated himself and then tried to walk it back.
Meanwhile our country is being destroyed.
Our national security dismantled.
Our allies alienated.
The world no longer trusts us.
Republicans are too afraid to stop it. They should resign. They're not doing their jobs.
So glad Republican voters are speaking up. Did anyone get what Grassley was talking about in his reply? To me, it was a lot of mumble-jumble.
At least our government had our backs then.
Now they are the threat😕
After so much time in D.C. they become out of touch with reality.
I admit I need to remind myself of this daily. It’s easy to get caught up in the “Us vs Them” mentality in today’s hyper-partisan environment.
This messaging is how we defeat the current 💩-show of musk/trump.
White people are so predictably follish
Don’t believe his lies and totally push back hard! Why do you guys buy his bs????
Watch him on the floor.
When you step back and look at what's happening all over - a ton of Congress members, voted into office are NOT living up to their Oath - it's truly that simple!
“Well, you see, I…and the media doesn’t…but really, I have a website where I do this thing on weekends…”
Fuuuuuuuuuucccccck you, old man. 🙄
I feel like you two could be friends!
He’s about 20 years past expiration.
“Not a chance in hell “
they were respectful and erudite and he could only stand there and offer them a big old plate of fuck you bullshit rather than give them the truth that he is bought ,lock stock and barrel by Putin and fElon, same as the whole GQP Congress
Wish I would have heard in reply from the people... "We know damn well what you've done and are doing!"
🐂 💩
Chuck maybe if you were on fire & spitting nails angry about DJT you’d get press. Stop being so demure…
are all congressional “Chucks” useless like Grassley & Schumer?
[that’s an actual fact, not hyperbole]
People forget.
fuck trump
young people wouldn't survive without us in this fight.
We all live on this blue marble together!
It's up to ALL of us to get out and VOTE against their CRUELTY
hand in hand !
Need to remember WE pay their salaries!
WE can UNELECTED them just as easily!
In just 5 events, we had over 86,000 join us to stand up to authoritarianism & oligarchy and stop any bill that slashes Medicaid to give billionaires even more tax breaks.
If they are willing, ask for democracy instead of what they elected, then we can build a coalition.
You tell em!
They elected him because, as themselves, he hates poor people and brown people. They voted a walking corpse in to keep the old school prejudice in power
When he referred to other countries as shithole I didn't know he saw that as a goal.
France vs Vichy Frnc
So, if I understand it, you are saying the republican party post trump inauguration.
Is that it?
Get the word out to everyone!
Share it on TikTok!!
We need more pushback on the right wing!
Signups @ #mobilize.us and #fiftyfifty.one for protests info
Attend town hall meetings
Whichever comes first.
Watching this taught me.....when at a town hall type meeting, and asking a question, ask & shut up & don't keep talking, and let the POS answer. We know he won't, but keep the pressure on!!
Or lacks the mental acuity to answer a simple question