Instead of being afraid about sex could you please take care of the economy? Create more jobs tax the BILIONARIES downgrade the super market prices !! American is miserable and u are afraid about gender. ????
So to make America great again, in their view, everyone needs to agree with the great leader. Demanding an apology for funding to a state. This is not the flex he thinks it is. He looks so damn weak. He needs his apology. That’s just so weak! Anyone who supports this they are worse.
This is authoritarianism 101: use state power to demand loyalty and silence dissent. It’s not just retribution, it's a message. Challenge Trump and face public humiliation, funds become weapons, apologies become obedience. Tyranny doesn’t arrive all at once, it sharpens its blade slowly.
Yet once again, violating the Impoundment Control Act. Lost count of how many times it's been violated. Republicans are absolutely useless and won't impeach. It's just a big fucking joke.
Her response should be: “NUTS!”
‘General Anthony Clement McAuliffe earned fame as the acting commander of the 101st Airborne Division defending Bastogne, Belgium, during the Battle of the Bulge in World War II. He is celebrated for his one-word reply to a German surrender ultimatum: "Nuts!”’ - wiki
The Gov of Maine can, and should call out the National Guard to take over federal buildings in Maine. Just take them by force. Take all of this to its logical conclusion.
So stop submitting the federal portion of income tax and other federal cash grabs. All Democratic governors should do the same. I seem to remember you fuckers crying about Taxation without representation or some shit like that. 😂😂
I’m wondering when these “blue” states will start withholding funds back to federal government. I live in one and advocate for this temporarily until we can get rid of this administration. It seems like the only thing they respond to is $$$
We are all not sure, but we are aware that Newsom is barely on the blue side of the line. We appreciate how he has been trying to hold rich white red cities to their housing charters, but it seems like he's done a 180 in anticipation of a political run.
No one is going to impeach him! I this is why half this country is fucking hated! Those sat their asses out those who voted 3rd party those who voted for this shit don't bother me coming at me if you did any of those you're disgrace to this country history books will remember this shit!
Well, “states rights” and all that, along with federal law being only a suggestion, Maine should get to work on ensuring that nobody in the state pays any federal taxes. Put that money directly into state coffers.
She should go to the White House, get down on her knees, raise her hands in supplication, make eye contact with him for 5 seconds, and shout "FUCK KING TRUMP!"
Then stand up and walk slowly away.
Yes, but the governor responded by saying that Maine would collect taxes but will keep them and not give them to Washington to offset the money that the Orange Kunt is withholding.
She ain't no dummy...
It’s time for the blue states to form an alliance to do this. Maine alone won’t make much of a dent but all the Dem run states together can shut this shit down.
Her apology should be “I’m so very sorry that you are still breathing.” Or it could be, “I’m so very sorry that you were ever born.” Or a combination of the two. I’m sure she would be sincere if it was along these lines. I could help her make that apology if she likes what I have so far.
Extortion is illegal but he’s STUPID
We understand Felonious has used this tactic throughout his pathetic life and it will reliably yield legal consequences and impeachment, not to mention prison
BUT the king of dumb is too stupid to stop trying it
Go for it MORON!
Most of federal taxes comes from the blue states. Red states could not survive without them. Hey blue states let’s just not send federal taxes to the federal government.
DEPLORABLE. But guess what? He did this to Zelenskyy and was caught ON TAPE and the former FBI and DOJ did NOTHING about it. I can only conclude that they were all complicit in this Nazi takeover.
He is no President, he’s a bully and a whiny little man-child.
He needs to apologize to the American public and the world for being a lying Hitler wannabe!
Jeez! …what an incredible, narcissistic man-baby we have as POTUS! His “widdle” feelings are so easy hurt!
The “leader of the free world” is a bully, but he sure ain’t tough!
I keep expecting to wake up and read that Trump has outlawed Monday. "It's a bad day! A NASTY, liberal left lunatic day! IT'S GONE!!!!!" (This one I might not mind so much but still...)
Nobody knows that Thursday means Thor’s Day. I Donald J Trump have discovered this in my infinite wisdom and have decided to rename Thor’s Day to Trumpsday.
The old loser god Thor will be replaced by Beautiful Trump and the day renamed for me, Trump. Trumpsday is the best day of the week! DJT
It's Extortion. blackmail is when you force someone to do something with threats to expose incriminating info the blackmailer has on them (in a nutshell, I am not a lawyer)
A full throated apology? What a DAMAGED, sociopathic narcissist...still typing on his failing social media platform retributive grievance bs because. Full throated apology?! In his dreams...
Hope she stands firm. People need to feel the consequences of the felon/rapist’s policies. Then and only then will they start to wake up. Otherwise, submission becomes the norm and power grows.
Withholding money approved by CONGRESS.
Isn't that against the law?
Maine residents should file a class action against The Convicted Felon
himself ,not the federal government.
Robbery? Fraud? Blackmail?
Totally against the law. Gov has stated if Trump does this she will withhold all fed taxes from Maine and refuse to pay them to the US gov until he corrects himself - this is how you do this weird thing well. Learn to negotiate with a terrorist, or a two yo.
Impoundment, I believe. Like he was withholding the $400 million from Ukraine. Yes it IS against the law. I just read there are some 100 causes of action against him already, but I think in his official capacity.
I hope she apologizes with the middle finger. During Covid, he told Gov Pitzker he would send needed medical supplies if the governor would say nice things publicly about him. She should sue and use his tweet as evidence of coercion.
First dollar that is withheld is illegal. Another case will be filed and another DOJ attorney will be caught with their pants down. Make America Great Again by removing Trump!
Republican members of Congress need to be made more afraid of their constituents than of Donald Trump. That is the only way we are going to get him out of the White House.
The #KKK #Nazis are in the White House, led by #PutinsPuppet.
Considering Maine receives less than 1% of $$ sent to states, this is a petty act of trump. All for an apology. What a manbaby. Maine, should then, withold any monies due the gov't to offset lost monies. Easy peasy.
Thousands will have their jobs and academic careers stalled because one reeking past-dates box of orange crescent roll dough had his feelings hurt? This is how you do government now if you're Republican. Feckless cowardly weasels.
yes he sure is. He's so good at setting the narrative though. We all must constantly push back and be even louder with REALITY. "Unlawful." 🙄 And no one ever asks follow up questions to pin him down! It's maddening. "Sir, what part of Gov Mills' following the law is unlawful ?
The federal budget is not his personal piggy bank. The budget is passed through statute written by Congress, which is a LAW!!! She's right. She'll see him in court!
This Traitor is the dumbest fucker on the planet. The future lawsuits against this administration should name him personally as a witness and subject him to a deposition.
Remember last week when we were all joking around, encouraging our state governors to withhold all tax monies we would normally send to the federal government? Yeah... good times... good times... Not funny any more. It's time!
The Red Hats cheer and say how strong 🍊💩 is.
It's all just CRAZY MAKING.
Gaslit by my government.
‘General Anthony Clement McAuliffe earned fame as the acting commander of the 101st Airborne Division defending Bastogne, Belgium, during the Battle of the Bulge in World War II. He is celebrated for his one-word reply to a German surrender ultimatum: "Nuts!”’ - wiki
I'm betting he wants to be a senator.
Then stand up and walk slowly away.
She ain't no dummy...
See You In Court.
We all know that dumph..doesn't understand the word NO.
I hope she doesn't do it no matter what!
We understand Felonious has used this tactic throughout his pathetic life and it will reliably yield legal consequences and impeachment, not to mention prison
BUT the king of dumb is too stupid to stop trying it
Go for it MORON!
🗣👩❤️💋👩🗣 BOYCOTT
K.K.K.unts 👩❤️💋👩🗣👩❤️💋👩🗣
Someone's going to ask.
What happened to,
"See You In Court"?
He needs to apologize to the American public and the world for being a lying Hitler wannabe!
Fight fascism!✊🏻
💙 Show up!
💙 Make signs!
💙 Bring friends!
💙 Alert local media!
💙 And keep up the boycotts!
The “leader of the free world” is a bully, but he sure ain’t tough!
I’ve never heard anyone use that phrase until 2024.
Not a question.
He's reached self-parody.
The old loser god Thor will be replaced by Beautiful Trump and the day renamed for me, Trump. Trumpsday is the best day of the week! DJT
While demanding an apology or else.
Isn't that against the law?
Maine residents should file a class action against The Convicted Felon
himself ,not the federal government.
Robbery? Fraud? Blackmail?
Stay strong Maine!
Republican members of Congress need to be made more afraid of their constituents than of Donald Trump. That is the only way we are going to get him out of the White House.
The #KKK #Nazis are in the White House, led by #PutinsPuppet.
Huge implications here. I hope she remains silent.
We have to have her back on this--and SCOTUS will for sure--there is no other choice.
Quit giving into him.
We the People - united must change coarse asap.
We are so much better
than this small evil group.
Arrrgh! 🤬