The outrage is good, what's next? White folks got the outrage part down, now show us you've been listening and know how to escalate this to the next level. Impress me now!
Did you think forcibly transporting hundreds of thousands of people to black site concentration camps without trial and then shaving their heads and putting them in matching pajamas would end...well?
Because it makes you the Nazis. Not similar. The same.
You blame Rubio???? Blame the ENTIRE Republican Congress who hold FULL POWER in their craven, corrupt, and miserable hands to END this.
I hope and pray that Trump and all who were responsible for this shitshow are held fully responsible and charged with war crimes or cruelty crimes. Whatever laws we have. 😣😡
I keep thinking about this man, posing with flowers. Clearly a gentle soul. 💔 ...And the devastated local woman on our DC area TV news, who learned her husband was on the flights by spotting him being walked in shackles in the footage. Horrifying. 😞
Do we really believe that little Marco did this on his own. Trump is running from it because it’s a failure like everything he does. This time it’s human lives and not just about money
No clue. I don't listen to American News on American stations. And as for the Bible, I'm an Atheist. So when someone starts spouting them I turn them off automatically. And rate their IQ as 70. My degrees are in religious studies which is a sure way to become an Atheist
LOL Grew up Southern Baptist from birth and by 16, I was done. I'm at best average IQ, but it doesn't take a genius to see the hypocrisy and self-promotion in religions.
Oh it was quite thoroughly taken apart for me. We even analyzed the text for example the Greek translation uses the word virgin for Mary. That is not the original word, the original word was Aramaic and it means a girl so young she has not yet started to menstruate.
life is like a football game, the religions are the views sections. What was missed during trips away for “refreshments “ creating branches of understanding of the whole game.
Some left early some didn’t watch, at games end. 100 billion different perspectives and beliefs of one event,
My next door neighbor invited me to her church and I told her no while laughing. I would probably end up arguing with the minister Bible criticism is not for the timid.
I grew up as a Catholic, but don't attend Mass anymore. I have no beef with religion, I have a beef with people who use it selectively to advance their own agendas, from the parish council right up to the Vatican, and use it as a stick to beat those that don't follow their drum beat!
That was for the MIAMI-DADE Cuban and Venezuelans voters so they believed he was a good catholic kind person. All along he was using them, lying to them, used them "knowing what was coming to VENEZUELANS & CUBANS" He will land in Guantanomo eventually!
Iʻm putting #jellyfish here because it would be my lifeʻs crowning achievement to see that tiny, soulless, slumping invertebrate come up when you search up jellyfish.
that is why they wanted to railroad them through before the courts could stop it cuz any amount of scrutiny about they're actions and they're lil "story" falls apart like toilet paper in a hurricane!
It's horrific. If he will do this to innocent Americans we know he hates any Democrats,media,etc....when does he start rounding us up just for being? This crap needs to FULL STOP! The USSC needs to make a new adjustment in their rulings & save America NOW! This is INSANE!
Rubio has no soul. One hopes that a Cuban who fears they are about to be incarcerated GOD KNOWS WHERE (given that Venezuelans were told they were actually flying to Venezuela & instead ended up in a concentration camp) doesn’t go completely postal on Rubio & other traitorous GOP functionaries…
War crimes:
Trump invoked a war powers law and committed war crimes.
All his normal excuses, “I was joking, it was sarcasm, I never said that” will fail him.
My heart breaks for all the Venezuelans and all deportees taken by the USA and imprisoned indefinitely. We treat these people worse than convicted murders and they are being turned into slave labor. ICE is the problem, not immigrants!
Bring him back! No one believes this man is a gang member. All who took part in this cruel, unconstitutional, evil against Andry, and all the others denied their due process, be charged, given due process and receive the sentence they deserve.
If you want you can start here even if this horror isn’t on their list. But I understand your horror and frustration. I wish I had a better suggestion. Maybe someone else does.
I am so grateful for people like Tim Miller, George Conway, Lawrence O’Donnell and Adam Kinzinger. They show bravery and courage when so many are cowards.
Maybe you're dream girl purple, I haven't heard anything from O'Donnell, but the other 3 are R's. Shows you who's still got starch in them and who's reclining.
Any corporate entity who decides to involve their company in sponsorship as in the Easter Egg Roll should know the American people find it unacceptable.
Our White House will be RESPECTED and is NOT for sale.
I’m calling for ANY sponsor to be boycotted indefinitely!
Yes, a list of the final sponsors, when it comes out, must be widely circulated.
Trump cashing in on the Easter-Egg Roll is revolting in and of itself. But any corporation that tries to please him should expect that many consumers will be angered by their choice.
I can only hope Nestle will sponsor because MORE people need to be boycotting that evil empire that are already doing so because of how they kill babies and enslave people.
I understand selling out the White House is unethical, but even more evil is having an egg roll during a shortage, especially when there are so many hungry.
The White House is for sale. The Supreme Court has been bought and paid for. ( we’ve seen the receipts) and congress is on retainer depends on who’s in the seat at the time. ITS ALL GONE BYE-BYE.
Whitehouse Easter Egg roll. Corporate sponsors get up to 150 tickets. Americans from 50 states must enter a lottery; military kids are invited to attend. How many tickets will be given to corporate sponsors, thus making it impossible for ordinary American children to attend? This is just wrong.
I don’t think that the Republican Regime Secretaries have any soul left. As a matter of fact just accepting the role under the ruling of the Orange Clown shows they had no soul to begin with. They are supposed to be guardrails but they only are empty suits and mouthpieces for the Stupid in Chief.
How can a president be held responsible for what will amount to aiding and abetting murder by a foreign country along with everything that came before it in this horrific & likely illegal action?
Imagine the big bad USA so afraid of a makeup artist & a soccer player seeking asylum they must resort to a El Salvadoran prison to protect us from their kind. An artist & an athlete, the ultimate terror to the trump/musk regime. THIS is cowardice inflicting terror.
MAGA so called Alpha males are really Betas. They are always afraid of the most innocent, vulnerable and regular ppl that are not gun carriers. They tend to have no intellectual drive but a violent one. They lack any empathy and are driving by shiny or colorful superficial objects or qualities.
The “conservative personality” is where ignorance and fear find fertile ground to grow.
A lack of curiosity, a lack of empathy, and aversion to change or novelty are all hallmarks of what we called ‘Conservatism’ in the last 275 years. It’s not their ‘fault’, but they still have to be stopped!✊
When I told an Uber driver in December what I thought would happen in January, this specifically is what I expected to happen. Everything else is fascist gravy for them.
I started quoting Neimoller in 2016. I wish I’d have been overreacting, as I was told I was. No one is safe. They just don’t know what number they are on the fascists’ list.
I see some folks, young and old, getting anti-fascist tattoos. Please think twice. A tattoo is an extrajudicial ticket to indefinite detention. And under this regime, being anti-fascist will be designated as terrorism. Don't make it easy for them to disappear/detain you. We need you in the fight.
This business of disappearing people off the streets and shipping them to “concentration camps” is really eating at me. We really are turning into a Nazi state and anyone who knows anything about the Nazi regime should be terrified
Right, except Trump can’t run for another term, and it’s his policy making this happen. As such, it would be hard, to put it mildly, to prove in court that it was trafficking.
Fortunately that isn’t my intention nor my duty 😅
Besides, if Trump manages to maintain the speed in wrecking the system, you won’t have terms nor courts before the next election.
You know his mother has seen the article, too, and recognizes it as probably her son crying out for her. It breaks my heart what that man and family are going through. He is now a symbol of the atrocities perpetuated by this administration and its lack of decency and humanity now. 😪💔
This is preparatory to Trump & his minion using rendition to deport American citizens that won't kiss Trumpist ass, imho...this is Trump's MO, he always operates incrementally...motherfucker...
It's in SCOTUS's hands now. They allowed the felon to escape Justice in the first place. Otherwise, voters would have been properly informed. And it would have made all the difference.
No, voters can and should have seen this. A woefully uninformed and frankly stupid electorate picked this. Canada gives no American a pass, you collectively did this
It's all those things and more. A woefully stupid US electorate, 1/3 of whom didn't even bother to vote. SCOTUS, who granted Presidents near total immunity and also overruled the CO court that correctly held that under 14th Am. § 3, Trump, as an insurrectionist, was not eligible to run, etc.
Yes. Leaders failed to bring a specific case to SCOTUS before the deadline. They all played roles, in delay and breakdowns. Despite DAILY demands by activists.
18 U.S. Code § 2383 - Rebellion or insurrection
Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid....; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
I've heard his story but I haven't seen images of him until now. I really hope he can be rescued from this nightmare he has been trapped in. 💔 That regime is responsible for atrocious and callous acts. They are evil and inhumane. I don't understand how anyone could cheer for any of it.
They are using planes to prison camps like the Nazis used trains. Disappearing anyone they want: gays, other ethnicities or nationalities, anyone who isn’t them, and fights back…
No, they don’t have any soul left, they sold it to Trump. The courts however are trying their best to stop all the illegal activities of the current lawless administration of Trump. We must hope that Trump obeys the court rulings as he said he will.
Here we have it…clearly, a concentration camp scenario. Difference: Camp in another authoritarian country Difference: Not cattle cars on railroad tracks but airplanes Difference: Not Hitler’s Brown Shirts or SS, but Trumps ICE agents. Same: Targeted/singled out Same: EVERYONE of us are next✅
The felon took his soul
Turned him against the United States of America, the country that welcomed him/his family and gave him a place on the world’s stage. He’s forgotten where he came from and belittles those who have similar struggles. He’s HERE and no one counts, like his ring master, but him.
Nope, Rubio sold any tiny scrap of a soul he may have ever had for his 30 pieces of Trump silver. There's you some biblical shit #LilMarco, choke on it #traitor!
I listened to the podcast the Bulwark did a week ago with Miller, Last & Longwell where Longwell expressed a thought on the incident that had happened two days before as "I don't really care if they deport bad gang members."
I was AGHAST. So much so I stopped & replayed it. Yes she said that. WTF
“In our country,
the lie has become not just a moral category,
but a pillar of the state.”
― Alexander Solschenizyn
Today it´s the immigrants and tomorrow it´s depend you !
I have a feeling that all the paper work has a field "reason for deportation". And that's written in pencil so that another reason can be used when needed
Russell Vought explained it in this leaked video. He wants to destroy multiculturalism in favor of his protestant evangelical theocracy. Erase , deport and incarcerate lgbtq, non whites and non believers.
Says they'll use the military.
The military needs to say NO. Do not enlist in this Gestapo Style Military. Get out as soon as you can. Your real country is going to need you. The Russians are in the White House.
WTAF this is enraging! The f-ing nerve of these a$$holes. So I suppose we’re just going keep letting these sobs wipe their ass with our constitution? They’re the TRAITORS! DEPORT THEM!
Imagine calling yourself the master race and have to resort to erasing the achievements of minorities to make yourself feel better. 🤷🏾♀️ Make it make sense!
Did it even occur to these idiots while they were looking for tattoos that maybe some of these folks were refugees here because they want to escape from the gang life? 😡
One deportee was Jerce Reyes Barrios, a Venezuelan professional soccer player with an active U.S. asylum case. In a sworn declaration, his attorney said the DHS had wrongly labeled him a gang member based on a tattoo of a crown that is his favorite team, Real Madrid
This was a screenshot from a news publication. If you do a search you might find more of the “proof” you need? Although for some news “proof” does not suffice.
His name is Andrys, a 23 years old makeup artist and gay man. And he been sent to a Salvadoran mega-prison for hardened criminals where he will be relentlessly targeted by gangs and guards for being gay; it's a death sentence.
No due process, no court order, no deportation hearing.
History will note the tyrants. AMERICANS will rise & our OGILARCHS all from migration, have decided they want EVERYTHING, they aren't satisfied with billions. At what point do they go into custody as the traitors they are?
I am getting closer to believe that the MAGA are simpletons. One recently complained that Rump was deporting gang members while Democrats were importing gang members. How do you fix stupid?
And they were denied due process because trump used the 1798 Alien Enemies Act. This is used when there is an act of war, invasion. Trump has also said the US is no longer under invasion. Trump posted on March 1 on Truth Social, “The Invasion of our Country is OVER.” So...
Trump believes anyone he doesn’t “approve of” is his enemy. It’s all irrational thinking of a man without an actual plan, who’s never read the constitution!
it is even worse than that...not being a lawyer I can't even begin to know just how many laws this has broken...but seems to me...moving an innocent person to a prison without any sentencing is just disappearing not a deportation...and El Salvador will also be guilty
I listened to an interview of his attorney. It was shocking. She's unable to contact him and is in unprecedented waters as to how to go about helping him.
They’re claiming they’re “protecting women from dangerous migrant criminals”. Yet any sane woman would rather be in a room along with this guy, than one of the countless sexual abusers in Trump administration.
Just fuck. I’m so upset about this. I did say my peace to a family member yesterday who has shown support for this disgusting situation. I have just been avoiding contact with family who are MAGA. I am not going to be silent anymore. This is evil, un-American and just fucking wrong.
I'm on the other side of the world and just... this is really distressing. I wish there was something I could *do*.
So much of what's happening in the US is horrifying. This is like the sickening meeting point of racism and no due process and violence for its own sake and it's terrifying.
I spoke up against my best friend from childhood on Facebook yesterday. Couldn’t let her post in support of this go unchecked. She wrote a garbled, ignorant response which I countered with facts and the U.S. Constitution. If we’re done as friends, ok by me.
🤔 The Feds arrested a bunch of alleged gang members and there were no reports of a single shot fired. Has the government ever went after an armed, organized group and not run into any pushback??? This was the easiest takedown ever, which makes me think- they're not gang members, just Hispanic.
Yes. I too refer to them as being psychopathic. Forensic psychiatrist and professor Dr Bandy X Lee often used the term “psychopathy”. I cannot watch her on YouTube since the election. It’s just too painful to hear. But that’s me. But I do take action
ICE and DOGE are essentially using the same process.
Target a group of individuals, take immediate action to deport or fire them, get push back, realize you've made a mistake, and apologize with an insincere "Oops!"
I don’t know why I haven’t seen this trending on Bluesky; maybe I’m misunderstanding but this seems like something that would warrant an official US response:
The idea here is to frighten anyone who isn't white into "self-deporting". Saves them money...
Having said that, I never thought I would see a day in America when anyone would be detained and imprisoned without due process. If these gang members were known about, why weren't they in U.S. prisons?
We all know it wasn't about them being gang members. That's propaganda to cover for deporting anyone they don't want in US. Probably 0-50 gang members max. in whole group of deportees. Trump's DOJ doesn't care about lying. Deportees heads are down so we can't ID them: they're being disappeared.
These men need to sue the fk out of trump and his entire administration. This is pure human rights violation. Who else can help these men leave el Salvador prisons?
That whole spectacle of the prisoners in white being ruffed up to music was chilling and it is further chilling that to many in our country it wasn't chilling
You’re not wrong, but given that the whole use of the AEA (which 47 now says he didn’t sign) was predicated on these folks being gang members he said were “invading” us, this further weakens an already contentious legal stance. Judge Boasberg will not be pleased.
Yeah. Elon already set the stage for this by saying that Hitler didn’t kill Jews, his public servants did. Narcissists don’t ever take responsibility. They twist themselves into believing they deserve all credit, but no blame.
Trump has said in past interviews that people around him give him advice and he goes along with it, such as who to hire for cabinet positions. I wouldn’t be surprised if that applies to policy, too.
Yeah, he’s a sadistic megalomaniacal psychopath. It doesn’t take any kind of psychologist for a clear minded critical thinker to determine just who he and his ilk are.
After the crossing was closed for more than 20 days and the war returned more strongly, we have nothing left to do. Either die of hunger or bombardment. We need your support to continue our life. Or share my story, please. My children need you.😭🇵🇸🙏🍉💔
I posted this yesterday three times. It is kind of trending, but it’s such a horrifying thing that I think a lot of people are shying away from posting it.
Venezuelan officials are corrupt and unreliable, just like Trump administration officials. Venezuelan officials are to be believed about as much as Tulsi or Hegseth.
That's why these alleged gang members should have been given their due process. habeas corpus, habeas veritas
This is not trending for the same reasons they vilify “the other”. The charade is #Project2025 live, and brown people are the scapegoats. There are thousands of white undocumented Europeans in the US, but they’re neither targeted nor vilify this way.
I knew Trump and his lackeys would pull this shit. They're not going after criminals, they'll go after kids, the weaker and sometimes the innocent as long as they are brown, black, or Asian, just not crackers
Venezuelans in America are now in the Find Out phase. You would think they learned something from years of dictatorship in Venezuela, but they didn't.
From :
Fake populist leaders always seek power by exploiting the least educated and most gullible group in their country. In Venezuela, it happens to be the left-leaning voters, while here it's the right. These guys literally failed the same open book test twice in a row.
That’s the heart of the matter. It’s the GOP that lacks honour, because they are spineless cowards, unable to acknowledge they created a monster and unwilling to at least try to undo their mistakes!
The figureheads listed above are worse: They lack any morality, it’s pure narcissistic evil at work!
Just like we were never the greatest country in the world, we are not the worst but we could be ... The choice is ours, there is no left, just right and wrong.
WW1 had totally depleted British resources & by 1939 British were struggling to take on Germans. US signed Lend Lease agreement with it’s allies to keep US safe which was about providing food & weapons(which UK paid in full by 2006)👇🏼
Lend Lease starts March 1941. Pearl Harbour attacked Dec 1941.
international courts do not apply to the usa. the american justice system is capable of dealing with this. the democrats let trump off the hook in 2021 and now, he’s taking his criming to a next level. impeach him and let spend the rest of his miserable life in prison.
Those people will never leave El Salvador. As long as they are getting money to house each person, they'll find ways to keep them there to make as much American profit as they can. This is a human rights violation of international law and must be treated as such ASAP before someone is killed.
Well, some have died in ICE detention in Florida. At least five. And some died when Biden was the president. So it's clearly the institution that's the problem. Not at all shocked.
No way should anyone wait months to see a judge for a charge that's not even criminal. That's not due process.
We will fight to get them out, but yes, it seems to be indefinite slavery in concentration camps. Assad's role in all this has disturbing implications, along with that story of those women being farmed for their eggs. And the rumors of organ trafficking. We live in dark times.
Trump will literally sell people to make a profit. And that's what he's now doing.
This is why my pinned post is so important. There is nothing stopping oligarchs labelling people a resource that gives them full control over them entirely. Scary times indeed.
This makes me sick that TRUMP and his thugs are doing this to ordinary citizens. this man obviously has a great job and is contributing to our economy, paying taxes, which is more than TruMP and his oligarchs do. Disgusting.
Unfortunately, the United States does not recognize the jurisdiction of the
International Criminal Court
1 of only 7 countries in the world that voted against
the treaty.🙄
We are officially the bad guys now. No pretense, no veneer, no facade of being anything else anymore. We will have to deal with that before we can move past these dark times.
Trump is not the problem. He is merely the symptom of the terminal disease. The disease is the roughly half of our population who is comprised of hatred, fear, racism, misogyny, ignorance, stupidity, gullibility, cruelty, and nihilism.
Julia, are you certain that the majority of us in the US voted for this? You just might find out our elections were manipulated. Including electronic voting machine hacking. Please stay open to hearing truth. Thank you
Do you know this person’s name? People need to know who is being kidnapped and deported. We shouldn’t allow people to be kidnapped and deported and we shouldn’t allow it to happen anonymously. The names and stories need to be told.
Everyone should be concerned and angry about what is happening.
Democrats need to start organizing our version of The Nuremberg Trials. Hold all of them to account. All of them ... Trump, Vance, Bondi, Miller....all of them.
And what is this garbage about not being able to get him and others out? Wtf. Who did they talk to when they arranged these imprisonments? Call them and reverse this! How f'ing stupid do they think we are?
It's preposterous. Just like when they lost 1000 children during his first term. They couldn't be bothered to track the kids. They'd do it for their pets! I hate these people.
4 wealthy childhood friends moved to Ft Worth Tx. None had committed crimes there or here. One missed his asylum hearing. They were forced to sign self deportation papers. Told their families they were coming home then their parents see them getting off of a plane in El Salvador.
I don’t believe it will get to that point but many people are going to die or be irrevocably harmed. And they won’t think twice about doing it or care about the people damaged.
Must be the GANG tattoos! The rainbow flag tatt represents the utterly dangerous and lethal gang the "HeyGirlHeys" that force fashion advice and bitch slaps where ever they go.
Rubio is gonna be the first cabinet member thrown under the bus. He's already being blamed for these deportations. Know what, L'il Marco? You deserve it.
can Venezuela petition to have them sent home to their country?
Put out personal information about each of them to show that they are humans, not the horror that the rump regime makes them out to be.
Because it makes you the Nazis. Not similar. The same.
If America loses its soul, it loses everything.
Some left early some didn’t watch, at games end. 100 billion different perspectives and beliefs of one event,
This is like silently watching the Jews being rounded up to extermination campls. We can't let this happen.
Trump invoked a war powers law and committed war crimes.
All his normal excuses, “I was joking, it was sarcasm, I never said that” will fail him.
And her pops.
Our White House will be RESPECTED and is NOT for sale.
I’m calling for ANY sponsor to be boycotted indefinitely!
Trump cashing in on the Easter-Egg Roll is revolting in and of itself. But any corporation that tries to please him should expect that many consumers will be angered by their choice.
Corporate sponsors 🙄
If we’re going corporate on the Egg Roll, how about we add the logos to Members of Congress so we know who they’re looking out for.
Yet again, can’t top the news coming from Trump.
Showing them we, the American people united are opposed to this administration’s actions and need to stand down and NOT support it.
Power of the purse! Those who control the money, controls the power and this is US!
A lack of curiosity, a lack of empathy, and aversion to change or novelty are all hallmarks of what we called ‘Conservatism’ in the last 275 years. It’s not their ‘fault’, but they still have to be stopped!✊
Rubio has and always will be Batista, a whore for American gangsters.
Of course not.
All of America lost their soul back in November.
The world will never forgive you for this
It WOULD count as abduction, however.
Besides, if Trump manages to maintain the speed in wrecking the system, you won’t have terms nor courts before the next election.
SCOTUS is directly responsible for Trump's actions.
He swore Trump in knowing that insurrectionists are “incapable of holding federal office “
18 usc 2393
Chief Justice John Roberts’ Wife Made Over $10 Million As Legal Consultant
Now on appeal.
Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid....; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
He is diabolical! 👿
Do not trust Trump.
Trump is a liar.
Trump is insane.
Trump speaks from the mouths
of his political appointees.
Trump’s political appointees
are lying for Trump.
In depth psychology it is called
a psychic epidemic or
mass-psychosis, aka “Cult”.
77 million fundamentalist voters.
Turned him against the United States of America, the country that welcomed him/his family and gave him a place on the world’s stage. He’s forgotten where he came from and belittles those who have similar struggles. He’s HERE and no one counts, like his ring master, but him.
I was AGHAST. So much so I stopped & replayed it. Yes she said that. WTF
the lie has become not just a moral category,
but a pillar of the state.”
― Alexander Solschenizyn
Today it´s the immigrants and tomorrow it´s depend you !
Now it’s a burning moving train crashing for at least 2 years
Says they'll use the military.
Multiculturalism out.....christofascist theocracy in.
Like Iran but with Jesus.
Well done, America.
No due process, no court order, no deportation hearing.
This is evil.
Why will NO ONE print what they will really be subjected to. They will be dead or forever scared
Suicides to follow…
ALL this is on MAGA
So much of what's happening in the US is horrifying. This is like the sickening meeting point of racism and no due process and violence for its own sake and it's terrifying.
(ps I have a rescue pigeon just now, he's called Wonky! 😄)
And his is obv just one story
I know I am stating the obvious, but the Trump regime (and it is a regime) is evil & committing human rights violations
Trump is a dictator / his enablers as guilty / those who act on his instructions equally so
Target a group of individuals, take immediate action to deport or fire them, get push back, realize you've made a mistake, and apologize with an insincere "Oops!"
What a way to run a country!
Bot nothing to do w post
Having said that, I never thought I would see a day in America when anyone would be detained and imprisoned without due process. If these gang members were known about, why weren't they in U.S. prisons?
But official response is to keep sending more
That’s the response
That’s the problem
This is not a drill
This IS Authoritarian America 🏴
We are ALL in trouble NOW and have been for a while
(Still waiting on that upside down USA flag emote, please and thanks)
There is no response to issue, cause they don't actually care why the brown person was kicked out.
Trump has said in past interviews that people around him give him advice and he goes along with it, such as who to hire for cabinet positions. I wouldn’t be surprised if that applies to policy, too.
As if anyone who asks any real questions is allowed in again after they ask a real question
She literally told a reporter to go find something out when asking her a follow-up question to HER announcement
That WAS the reporter trying to find something out 😐
After the crossing was closed for more than 20 days and the war returned more strongly, we have nothing left to do. Either die of hunger or bombardment. We need your support to continue our life. Or share my story, please. My children need you.😭🇵🇸🙏🍉💔
That's why these alleged gang members should have been given their due process. habeas corpus, habeas veritas
Translation: all brown immigrants must go.
From :
Personally, I don’t enjoy cruelty
I don’t enjoy being mean
I can’t honor those who do
Trump lacks honor
Elon lacks honor
Kristi Noem lacks honor
Bondi lacks honor
Who am I missing??
The figureheads listed above are worse: They lack any morality, it’s pure narcissistic evil at work!
For fucks sake it took convincing for us to join in WW2.
Lend Lease starts March 1941. Pearl Harbour attacked Dec 1941.
They deserve it, he doesn’t.
No way should anyone wait months to see a judge for a charge that's not even criminal. That's not due process.
This is why my pinned post is so important. There is nothing stopping oligarchs labelling people a resource that gives them full control over them entirely. Scary times indeed.
International Criminal Court
1 of only 7 countries in the world that voted against
the treaty.🙄
Everyone should be concerned and angry about what is happening.
1. Get rid of Trumpolini, permanently.
2. Harakiri.
But I am fearful our economy will collapse under the weight of boycotts, tariffs and our dollar being devalued.
Other Countries are already creating partnerships, and we are going to be left behind….again.
I can’t locate it online. This is usually in my wheelhouse but I can find is his old phone number when he was the senator in Florida.
Put out personal information about each of them to show that they are humans, not the horror that the rump regime makes them out to be.