For whom was this product made, exactly? It seems like basic ergonomics and UI concerns were not addressed in favour of the *Minority Report* effect (or the hope for it).
I never got any eye pain, but I also don’t get motion sickness. I did get the thing where I’d play it until the batteries died and then everything in real life would be tinted mint green for like an hour.
my son has an occulus, I find it really uncomfortable after 15 minutes or so - so I figured the same would be true with these. burst blood vessels I'd like to hear someone explain, the straps are too tight?
I can't help but wonder how many unwilling victims of experiments have had this strapped to their heads and been unable to remove it.
I never play video games at all.
I like pinball. Nothing mind altering about pinball.
From the linked article: "Parker Ortolani, The Verge’s product manager, told me that he thought using the device led to a burst blood vessel in his eye."
Yeah, probably not great to have a large, heavy thing strapped tightly to your face, which is full of many tiny capillaries, for hours on end while also forcing your eyes to focus on something just ... What, 2 inches away?
Is that based off some recent research or something? Since well-made stereo-vision goggles should be *better* for eyes than fixed monitors, 'cause you could vary your focal distance. The reported headache issues sound like not enough customization to user's eyes, akin to wearing the wrong script
don’t need recent research to know that closing your eyes off to natural light and actually distant objects to have a screen that is inches away from your eyeballs is bad
Noted brains genius Tim Apple was bound and determined to pour billions into a rathole. I guess he figured he was magic or something? idk how billionaires think.
Billionaires are just professional idiots with access to large amounts of currency, none of them can explain how they ended up where they are, and those that can won't tell you because whatever they did was probably illegal in most countries.
Jobs was a smelly asshole with a knack for design. The problem that Tim Apple has is that all the low-hanging fruit from the smartphone era have already been picked and now he has to flail about pretending to innovate.
One big problem with VR/AR that none of these companies seem to have considered is "is it good to have your eyes focused on something an inch or so in front of them, and if so, for how long?"
Most VR headsets have a fixed focal distance of 1.3m or 2m. I get less eye strain from VR than I do reading a book or my phone. Headset weight though. Ugh.
This might be something thats different for everyone - even among people who dont need corrective lenses, theres probably a lot of variation, and our eye muscles might be picking up more or less slack, depending
Having worked in a VR arcade for years with various headsets: the fit on the head is absolutely the main factor for comfort nowadays. Balance of weight matters a lot. Headsets have done a good mimicry of 3D for ages, much better than other 3D methods. That isn’t really the issue imo
I might be wrong
I think there's *a lot* of tension between making a good VR/AR headset that is comfortable and practical for extended use, and making a portable device that people wear all day so you can collect all kinds of data from it to sell.
It’s definitely not ready for prime time, but with an expected production throughput of 800,000 units this year, they knew it wasn’t. It should have been sold as a developer edition but Apple wants fans and influencers to help them find the big use case for it. Apple spent too much to back out now.
It’s a way to minimize cost of development as they move to slimmer and lighter iterations. Everyone is looking to make The Thing That Replaces The Phone. Apple wants to get there first.
This is the expected result when people who don't know the first thing about VR and have never even tried it buy this merely because Apple made it. None of these issues are unique to this particular headset when used for too long.
Yeah I don’t need that shit
Apple: lol, nah but we are charging $3,500
Apple: "GLUE IT TO YOUR EYEBALLS FO $3000!!"👁️👁️
Almost chocked too because couldnt stop laughing.
I never play video games at all.
I like pinball. Nothing mind altering about pinball.
regardless of what the optics do.
jobs created an organization where nobody could do what he did
I might be wrong
Maybe companies should stop trying to make VR a thing.