Looks like congestion pricing is doing great things for bus riders from New Jersey who used to get stuck in traffic coming across the river (I’m curious if speeds are also improving along the tunnel approaches?), but it’s doing nothing to speed bus trips within Manhattan
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they pay a per ride fee.
early days. the data probably wont' be very useful for a month or so.
(I'm also very curious what paths they've chosen for them. E.g. Chelsea to Kips Bay. Are they just measuring cross-town times on 28th St?)
It would routinely take 20+ minutes to go the last few blocks onto the QBB on 57th (and, Google Maps would *always* get it wrong)
Small percentage differences wipe out the bottlenecks, but bottlenecks aren't the main issue once you've hit the grid?
I would expect the very early bus count to trend down as operators learn that the schedules aren't as tight as they used to be and they'll have to wait at timepoints.