Weirdly, *every time* they do a “just give people enough resources to live” experiment it works to reduce misery and save governments money but they gotta keep studying it forever I guess.
Reposted from
Martha Wells
They had similar results in 2014 with the 100,000 Homes Project, too:
* The indeserving poor are of course different to the rest of us peasants.
It's also something you see with health issues.
It works about as well as most magic intended to fight Reality.
not to say a form of basic income doesn’t work. It can and is often a better approach than 200 different social programs that all take an hour to apply for.
Please tell me I read that wrong.
giving people money works, gatekeeping decreases effects, complexity (CTC) decreases effects again
tl;dr: fewer toddlers died in the cohort that got an extra $1100 in their first months of life & they lived fewer places w/more parent care
The elected officials who can't sell it politically aren't failing because they don't have data.
("deserve" is defined very nebulously but can be best summed up by "those not like us deserve nothing", and "if I had it hard so should you")
Your PARENTS paid for college and gave you the MF'ING DOWNPAYMEMT, douchebag!
"bought a house in his 2nd year of teaching and we were still renting (ex was in 5th year)"
There was one in Manitoba that ran to its end, but like 4 decades ago. And, they keep putting them out as time limited pilot projects.
As far as I know, a lone woman in the 90s took it upon herself to analyze the data into information (confirming the effectiveness of the program)
They can fund all the studies they want, that's "science"
Acting on what the studies show? That's "politics"
Wouldn't want anybody doing any politics, now *tsktsk*
so, i really don't know! 🤷♂️