I know compared to a lot of folks I have it easy.
But it fucking sucks watching as one by one your childhood heroes you looked up to turn MAGA. You tell people who you love and respect and who claim to love and respect you “this shit is scary” and they reply “lol taxes suck.” It hurts.
But it fucking sucks watching as one by one your childhood heroes you looked up to turn MAGA. You tell people who you love and respect and who claim to love and respect you “this shit is scary” and they reply “lol taxes suck.” It hurts.
Like why do you keep inviting us to Christmas if you’re just gonna spend the day shit talking our beliefs. It’d almost be better if they’d just cut us out but for so many they want to be as awful as possible but we’re still all friends at the end of the day?
It’s clear Boomers don’t think online is real.
Fortunately my mom stays apolitical. She’s a “politeness” person and while she’d never vote Democrat she wouldn’t vote Trump and now, after eight years, we’ve got her on board for Harris.
It really is a grieving process, and this shit takes a long time to grieve.
And I’m learning today that I’m far from alone. I’m sorry you had to go through that though. Wish the world could be better than it is.
His Dad kept saying "yeah, but how's your 401k?"
The full phrase is “blood of the bond is thinker than water of the womb.”
Your bond with your chosen family is stronger than your birth family. It helped me sort through the more of watching people I once called family fall.
We stopped seeing them in person. And *they* got mad at *me*!
The full quote is, "the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb".
Not family, but I had coach/mentor who I idolized for years who I completely disconnected from because he went full MAGA, and couldn't see how it was contrary to everything he taught.
I hope there’s a hell for this man. I don’t believe anymore because of him, but God I hope he burns in hell for what he did and does.
Mine wasn't family, but he was a mentor when I worked in a different space, and he hammered home the importance of things like integrity, honestly, and (most damning) not preying up on people's fears.
Just absolutely crushingly disappointing
The worse thing Donald Trump did was taking our families away from us.
I've gone through a similar process. I don't know how I can even make friends or go on dates anymore because you never know who will turn out to be dangerously crazy. I can't deal with that trauma yet again.
This shit sucks for all of us. Even the assholes can’t be happy. They have to feel it too…right?
Goddamn Donald Trump and all those fucking fascist goons for this.
Folks I grew up with, loved & respected. I look at them now & I don't recognize them. I can't have a conversation with them. It feels like the people they used to be died & what remains is some shell with their face, but without their "soul."