Canadians are the greatest people in the world and we Americans couldn’t ask for a better neighbor. As a 12 time visitor who’s been to 8 provinces, i’m horrified by what Trump is doing and i voted against him and supported his opponent’s campaign.
I hear you. They sold our local par 3 course (2 mins away) to a warehouse developer, then trump wouldn't go away while Biden was president and here he is again. I want to go on vacation but now I'm afraid to fly. I'm afraid that my money will be gone when I get back.
I feel the same way! Except here in the USA I’m worried they are going to destroy out country. I didn’t think we would all have to be afraid of what comes next every single day.
I'm 66 and American and I'm trying to start weekly 1 hour protests at varying intersections. My first one only 2 other people said they'd show up but over 40 people actually did! When you put the word out on friendly sites, people show up. I wish I could be just gardening and sipping tea.
That’s how I feel about my 70s. It’s just been Trump, Trump, Trump. I’m trying to outlive him, we are the same age, so I can live in a Trump-free USA for a while!
How is he able to do this?? He weighs a ton, eats the junk I gave up 10 years ago and uses illegal substances. He can’t stand up straight or deliver a logical sentence. And he has the WORLD in an uproar.
Speculating- I think “science” & “medicine” that we don’t have access to keeping him alive & “functioning.” Dementia is slow moving & I think he’s dangerously mentally ill. The actual “deep state” is using him.
Really? I been waiting for this,! Meaning I’ve seen it coming for a long time. Exponential population growth on a finite planet with no plan, but off the cliff.
I thought my 30s would be about getting my business off the ground and not barely scraping by, unearthing depression era responses to idiocy. I wanted to travel for once in my life and now I don't think I'll ever be able to sadly
I am so sorry that orange clown is jerking us all around.
Having grown up in Baja Manitoba (Minnesota), I grew up thinking I lived in a first world country. That rug has now been pulled from under our feet - Ouch. Which hurts more here in our 60s somehow.
In our retirement, we are thinking we have had some wonderful years in this country that was a democracy. We fear for the years ahead. Our democracy is being jeopardized.
Before 2016, I was confident that I'd die with us as a democracy, and that our friends across the border would always be our friends. Then, a sinister man with his sinister cabal uprooted that. I did not vote for them, but now I need to help stop them. I'm in my 70s.
I’m also in my 70s and kinda thought the world might go in this direction. I just assumed I’d be relatively long dead when this sort of shit started flying off the fan.
I never expected to live into my 60s, because so many of my family did not! Keep protesting. United we stand, divided we fall. There are protests nationally that you can attend and local protests you can attend.
My family didn’t either. I’m the oldest at age 63. Lost sister age 40 and brother age 54, mother age 48. I thought I would be gone by age 25. Father the abuser lived the longest. It didn’t make sense until now. I was born for this moment. I will fight with everything I have to save democracy.
You really think the red tie dude will invade Canada? tell ya what, if I hear the boots comin, I will call you okay? I am maybe 15 miles from our mutual border, I could send up a flare? If I give you warning, you gotta take me and my dog in then. I have a boat and fishing gear too. Good?
Omg same. 😫 I decided to stop focusing on my social media for my art and use it to be vocal instead. I refuse to train AI any longer. Still making art tho 😉
Many of us Americans will proudly fight with you. NO WAY we will let this traitorous administration make a move on our best friends. We stand with you and will not let that happen.
Well that’s true but Dick’s Sporting Goods sells firearms, is maintaining their DEI policies, and did not contribute to Trump even though they have contributed to two Republicans… so there are better options out there than Bass/Cabela’s.
You won't, and we appreciate that. But Trump will, and Canadians need to be ready for the fight.
Trump is following Putin's gameplay for Ukraine. Right now, he's looking for the issue that will allow him to rally US public opinion in favour of invading to "liberate" us from ourselves.
For now. That's what Trump is working on changing. He can count on MAGA supporting anything he says, he just needs to convince a few indepenets that "Canada is controlled by Mexican drug cartels" like Fox News was saying yesterday and he has his excuse to "save us".
You won't get a say in it. The plans are made, it's the how and the justification they'll use that are the only unknowns.
Oh, and it's already on the White House page how they plan to implement the Insurrection Act to implement martial law on April 20th, so you should really know about that...
Me, too. I've been sick with worry ever since the Orange One started "joking"about a military invasion. I must admit that, although shows of nationalism generally make me uncomfortable, the whole "Elbows up" phenomenon has been making me feel better.
If F47 dies or is removed we get Vance and he's worse if that's even imaginable.
The best we can hope for is Democrats take control of Congress and put an end to this BS. In the mean time, we have to rely on the courts to slow our descent into fascism.
Also Vance has all the charisma of a car crash. Removing him would be a cakewalk. Trump is immune because of his rabid fanbase, which has no love for Vance.
I've watched this creeping in ever since Reagan and the neocons. They harnessed the voting power of conservative Christians and turned them into froathing nationalists. MAGA does the same thing.
Real religious people are gullible and therefore suggestable. That's why politicians chase after them. my 50s though. My daughters are now growing up in a country where they will not have the privileges I had most of my life. My husband and I both feel as if we were scammed growing up in america. But that would make total sense now that the ultimate scammer is somewhat? In charge.
yes im not where I presumed Id be either and its strange that those that have what i wanted and denied alot of times seem miserable
ive learnt not to ever hanker after anothers time but love and make most of my own thats took ages to become that) but yes things never turn thinkbest laid plans no
Apologies from CA, but if screwing with the US brings you some joy, I say "Have at it"
It's the only way our clueless electorate may understand that elections have consequences. And that we are far from exceptional (unless you count our ability to accept idiots into high office)
Same Jay same... Though hubby says I don't need to get in the thick of it but I really did, I knew something was gonna go down... And come hell or high water I will. Make sure me and mine ( family and friends even far away) are safe, healthy and kind.... Plus I'm nosy haha!
Right??!! I was so hoping for a peaceful retirement in 2026. I will turn 60 at year end. I don't think I'm going to retire, then given the global situation and the threat from the meth lab below us. I wanted to do a bit of gardening (with flowers) but will probs have to farm to eat. 😔
70, queer, in the US, and getting ready to publish a book of poems for resistance. Thought I'd be painting, reading, and sewing....which I am, but in a state of near constant fear. 🌈
Apologies. Wish my Level 1 thinking fellow countrymen gave more thought to the danger our Orange Plague posed, not only to them, but to the rest of our planet, rather than “making the libs cry”. I regret that we were unable to prevent this plague from spreading, but we’re developing a “vaccine”.
A lot of talk here in Cali about us joining up with Canada. Bring along Mexico and the rest of the left coast. Would create the world's largest economy. I imagine some of the original 13 colonies might come along.
Same here. I retired two years ago. I must admit that I took my freedom and my country's democracy for granted until a month ago. I will never make that mistake again.
I served in 2 nations military for nearly 25 years. In 23 I turned in my rifle for the last time I told myself. I wanted to leave it behind and never pick up another rifle again. I’m hoping that holds but everyday my hope gets a little lower that I will be able to keep my own promise to myself.
Yeah. You are not old yet. I thought by this age, I would be knitting, crocheting, painting...but age AND all the scary shit has put the kibosh on those dreams. Enjoy what you love, while you are able.
Europe will protect us.
Of course, the government fell already. And is trying to take other places down with it.
I'd like to say sorry to all the places the US is spitting at and shitting on right now.
I wanted to have a peaceful retirement.
As much as I hate the Orange turd...I rather doubt he wants an additional 20 million reliable Democrat voters. I WOULD however be concerned that he subverts your government.
Act accordingly.
TBH, I thought my 60's would be about looking forward to retiring and collecting my social security. I'm sorry for you, my northern neighbor. I'm sorry for us here as well. Not all of us asked for this sh** show. : (
I hear you! I live in Venice Beach and was planning to retire in #Spain! Now with the threat of losing #medicare and #socialsecurity, I’m in limbo! #thisisamerikkka
Please don’t let him get to you. I hope you know we (the unfortunate citizens under his dictatorship) would stand in solidarity of such a thing. But please encourage your government to consider Cascadia, and annex California, Oregon & Washington. Please! 😎
I thought I could finally be a better slide guitar player too. 🍁 But the good news is that you will paint and I will play when the invasion BS subsides.
Same. I feel like I’ve stepped back into the 60’s. I was very a very impressionable small child and the streets were on fire with free love movement, civil rights movement, women’s reproductive rights movement and the Vietnam war protests. A sadist is running our country.
I'm 58. I've been paying in to SSA and related since I first started working at 14. I'm in a lot better shape than most, but I always thought I'd have a bedrock pool of money each month to cover basic expenses, and my parents love Medicare, thought I'd have it too.
We send our apologies for all the insane 💩. We are completely exhausted and it's not even been 2 months. We're fighting the fight to save our democracy down here.
Yep. I recently retired after dreaming of it for decades. Planned to move into painting full time and did so for 4 months and now just feel like I have nothing left-I just wanna be with my people after prepping for potential war/civil emergency.
Oh you are so right! I was also explaining to a much younger generation about how we did drills in case of an attack by Russia when I was in school. And we are still being attacked…
I should dig out my dog tags. When I was a child in elementary school (6yr old) we practiced atomic bomb drills. We were lined up, fingers jabbed & blood smeared on cards. Weeks later we were given blood type cards & dog tags.
To all who relate to this. I think about this daily. My Mom is nearly 80. She became an adult in the 60s. She came up in a career that was mostly men and fought bias to become a respected authority in her field who happened to also be a woman. She and you don't deserve to spend these years this way.
You & me both!
I've been concerned since Brexit...the Russian influence, the rise of fascism & the Rightwing bias in MSM...but, I'd thought we'd begun to turn a corner ...
And now Trump & Musk!!
I thought my retirement would be about learning hand embroidery and fixing up the family vacation home. Now I have to worry about when they’ll be coming for me
100% I can not believe I am looking for civilian insurgency guides, building emergency survival kits, and taking firearm safety classes to get a license. Where is my quiet, peaceful hobby/travel filled early retirement? #never51 #elbowsup
Having grown up in Baja Manitoba (Minnesota), I grew up thinking I lived in a first world country. That rug has now been pulled from under our feet - Ouch. Which hurts more here in our 60s somehow.
Trump underestimates 🇨🇦.
If it's worth anything, most Americans will fight for Canada. We know who's wrong in this mess, and it's not Canada.
canadian tire doesn't have, uh, defensive options
Trump is following Putin's gameplay for Ukraine. Right now, he's looking for the issue that will allow him to rally US public opinion in favour of invading to "liberate" us from ourselves.
Oh, and it's already on the White House page how they plan to implement the Insurrection Act to implement martial law on April 20th, so you should really know about that...
The best we can hope for is Democrats take control of Congress and put an end to this BS. In the mean time, we have to rely on the courts to slow our descent into fascism.
Real religious people are gullible and therefore suggestable. That's why politicians chase after them.
Adding to my repertoire:
Do you hear the people sing..
I about fell over when the military chorus paraded in singing it at the governor’s event in DC.
ive learnt not to ever hanker after anothers time but love and make most of my own thats took ages to become that) but yes things never turn thinkbest laid plans no
It's the only way our clueless electorate may understand that elections have consequences. And that we are far from exceptional (unless you count our ability to accept idiots into high office)
Europe will protect us.
for now.
I'd like to say sorry to all the places the US is spitting at and shitting on right now.
I wanted to have a peaceful retirement.
Anyone of a certain age who heard that 'back then' and was, like, 'Huh?' now knows what it might mean.
"Number 24" - if you still have Netflix - is worth a watch,
Act accordingly.
If you are attacked by any foreign nation, this old, slow, former Marine can still shoot really well.
Hit me up. We'll do some hunting.
I mean I’m an activist, but I never thought I’d be having to take it to the next level of national defense.
I don’t want to fight the same damn fight I fought in teens/twenties/ thirties!!
I've been concerned since Brexit...the Russian influence, the rise of fascism & the Rightwing bias in MSM...but, I'd thought we'd begun to turn a corner ...
And now Trump & Musk!!
They looked so full of life.
Never had to fight for a thing... they have no idea what is coming..🥺
"Ain't nothing gonna happen."
If he tried, it would be the breaking point here.
Something would have to give in the gov, military, or populace.