I wish that places like the UK and Canada would stop trying to shove profit models into healthcare; the US system is really bad, actually!
Reposted from
Jonathan Cohn
Our private, profit-driven system means that we are paying more for less.
Tbf though, avoiding it did force me into pursuing better lifestyle choices such as a whole food plant based diet 11yrs ago.
Both they and Tories do this while telling us the NHS is safe in their hands, but that's word play to them and they think the electorate is stupid - sadly all too right.
However much it costs, it would cost a lot more if we had to pay out shareholder dividends on top.
(I won't speak for the UK, but I think it's the same with conservatives over there.)
That’s what it sounds like when you say “Canada Post isn’t turning a profit”…
Services like this should never strive to profit. Any profits should go back into the service
I’m like— pleeeeaaaase no!
I have all respect for health professionals, who work their butts off. That is saving at the wrong end.
They do also explain that in the UK's case this is almost entirely because of covid
For profit is allowing private equity (foreign too) to move in on our single payer / taxes.
the us has fantastic healthcare.
why are you just flat out lying
In Canada, an unemployed friend got life saving surgery and was cared for afterwards.
In the US my employed friend can't afford to see a doctor for anything. A notable personality in my community recently died waiting for healthcare after being charged $24,000.
Could also be a very old person who happened to wander in and doesn't understand where he is