This isn’t the point of SCOTUS at all. It never has been. Dred Scott. Plessy. The Insular Cases. Korematsu. The idea that SCOTUS is some kind of force for good is historical fiction.
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Beverly Tweetmaker
The entire fucking point of the Supreme Court is to protect rights. Instead they continue to strip away rights under the guise of protecting other people's pretend right to not be bothered by people exercising rights they don't like.
Congress passes laws, anything not clear is decided (and established) into law, the Supreme Court is the top of all of that. *That's* their purpose.
The folks who came up in the 90s/00s existed in a period where the court wasn't actively hostile to decency MOST of the time, and haven't read history.
Bear in mind that Dred Scott was a 7-2 decision and only one dissenter (Curtis) brought up the fact that there were in fact black citizens recognized by law at the time of the framing, and he resigned 6 months later
There has always been a small minority of decent fucking people in power
meanwhile these people want to send us back to fucking lochner