Gosh, "when I have spoons and blood pressure to spare" is the most accurately put phrase that describes my day to day struggles with so many things. I'm gonna use this a lot from now on. 😅😩 (although I already kind of have, just not so succinctly put and not always in English)
I’ve got this one… “clears throat”, no, it’s not time to retire the word genocide, especially when we are mid genocide. What do you want to call it then? Ethnic spring cleaning?
It’s like the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, think of it less as the destruction of a planet, think more about clearing the way for a more beneficial plan of development. They want to sell this as the big in the system but really it’s the feature
I just read it.
“Genocide” has become one of those contested words that can only impede communication; rather than illuminating a wrong, all too often it just provokes debate about whether the wrong meets the definition of the word. “
Uhhh no bro, we are all adults and can call a spade a spade.
I mean, genocide's definition includes political concepts so of course there'll always be politically-based disagreements over whether something qualifies as genocide or is merely indiscriminate mass-murder.
omfg, maybe people are saying genocides are happening everywhere because GENOCIDES ARE HAPPENING EVERYWHERE?
like, they clearly want to use "genocide" the way most people use "apocalypse" but they mean very different things, and the former is genuinely happening all over the fucking place atm
Look, you gotta understand, 'Genocide' makes people feel a certain way and with the world this terrible, what with that unfortunate situation in Gaza, shouldn't we be trying to spare people unnecessary negative feelings? We have to focus on the stuff that matters... Like the thriving economy. /s 🙄
Genocide lobby pretending not to be doing genocide by not calling it genocide by banning the word genocide while doing genocide so you don’t see them doing genocide - Sccobie Doo level propaganda
Even this whole thinkpiece isn't serious, in and of itself, but the elevation of the conversation of "what really is genocide" (when there's a whole understood and internationally accepted standard) is part of the weaponization of opinion.
That's not how I see it all. I just see a large handful of zionists playing the "it's not technically genocide" and everyone bitch slapping them with reality. I don't see any furthering of their attempts than flat earthers or scientologists
The whole world knows it’s a genocide against Palestinians so the oped machinery dominated by the bully lobby is largely trying to maintain hegemony by churning out more garbage to keep the USians gullible.
I would agree except most USians really don't care about public policy, let alone foreign policy, and they won't care tomorrow either, whatever the NYT editorial staff says.
Although I think you're right that the editorial staff still cares, so maybe that's a distinction without a difference.
The problem is how all this influences public discourse. Look how they manufactured the entire fake controversy about college campuses and free speech.
It is!! It’s not that genocide isn’t a real thing. It’s that to come up with a more accurate way to describe what’s happening is imperative to actually communicating with whom will be held accountable.
Lotta terms been diluted. We've conditioned ppl to to treat everything like it's the worst thing in history ever. The melodramatics add static to the singal, like everyone thoughts are in click bait titles because that's how they're conditioned. Timing of this article has more to do page impressions
Ah. One of those classic East Coast media essays: "You Accurately Describing What's Happening is Making Me Uncomfortable, Time to Blame it on Language"
I know people are responding that this is an opinion piece. Does that really make a difference? All of the writing/editing/publishing parties played a part and deserve some heat.
Yes. But the author thinks we should just stop using the word genocide because being reminded that they're actively supporting one makes them feel like they aren't a good person. And at the end of the day aren't the feelings of some random white dude more important than the truth? /s
My grandpa isn't alive anymore to ask (CHF, PMH also includes 2x cancer, esophageal and unspecified) but I remember he was just glad that by the time the draft started he was stationed far enough away from the fighting to be too worried, but damn Alaska is coOOooLd in the winters.
Also I am not awesome enough to get into the baseball games he'd tour for the troops, and it doesn't get nearly as cold around here as it used to for some reason.
“We aren’t doing genocide the word no longer exists” is some pretty dark shit and it’s clearly illuminating a future none of are going to be able to deal with.
People argue that the term "genocide" should be reserved for the Holocaust only. But, last time I checked, theres a term for the unique evil that was the Holocaust--the Holocaust.
I agree with human rights scholars who say we define the word "genocide" far too narrowly.
The more narrowly we define the word "genocide," the more crimes that should be in that category slip out of it until eventually there are no genocides when they are definitely happening.
It's like residing "murder" until there's no more "murder," but people keep dying.
Now that I think of it, we do that to murder too: you didn't "murder anyone," you have "qualified immunity." You didn't "murder anyone," you "stood your ground." You didn't murder anyone, your "mom drove you to a protest in another state while you were armed because you wanted to kill an antifa."
Adam WTF now wants to dispose of the word, while 'antisemitism', its growing and confusing misuse now including every criticism will soon have its own dictionary larger than the Oxford. I suspect that those using it liberally have already lost a debate, an argument or are just brain dead.
The American right wing has in the past decade enthusiastically opted to retire political asylum, history, women’s rights, human rights, medical science, democracy, factual reality, and even Jesus (too woke for evangelicals). Inconvenient words are a literal no-brainer for them.
Written of UK but much the same everywhere.
“Genocide” has become one of those contested words that can only impede communication; rather than illuminating a wrong, all too often it just provokes debate about whether the wrong meets the definition of the word. “
Uhhh no bro, we are all adults and can call a spade a spade.
When I retired the word "overdrawn" from my vocabulary, I was magically able to write checks on a bank account with no money in it.
like, they clearly want to use "genocide" the way most people use "apocalypse" but they mean very different things, and the former is genuinely happening all over the fucking place atm
of course
No. STFU, GTFO, and GFY.
In half
But it will solve sooo many inconvenient truth for those in power
So bulldozing villages with people sleeping in their huts will be ok again
This is
Even this whole thinkpiece isn't serious, in and of itself, but the elevation of the conversation of "what really is genocide" (when there's a whole understood and internationally accepted standard) is part of the weaponization of opinion.
Although I think you're right that the editorial staff still cares, so maybe that's a distinction without a difference.
They're telling on themselves
Thinking of Scooby Doo pulling the bag off their heads while they're tied with rope now
Changing the label doesn't change that
(NSA for legal purposes that was a joke)
Retire words, burn books, police language.
"If it isn't said or read, then it must not exist." 👈 No, this isn't true.
the fuck
We hear it so much these days.
Clearly what Israel is doing to the Palestinians is a genocide?
It's Adam Kirsch (link to prove that I'm not faking lmao)
When history starts repeating itself let's look for different words.
I agree with human rights scholars who say we define the word "genocide" far too narrowly.
It's like residing "murder" until there's no more "murder," but people keep dying.