“I already know all the crooked shit my companies are up to, and I’d just ignore any attempt to punish me anyway, so it would be a waste of time and money to investigate me”
Elon & his merry band of DIGITAL BROWNSHIRTS. We are witnessing an electronic coup. Fight back! Confront the incels. Picket their lodgings. Write "Douche" on every Tesla you see. Egg Elon. Harass Fox News employees. Shout down GOP members. Protest and, most of all, shame those who have no shame.
The idea that rich people are more likely to behave ethically because they can't be tempted by money they don't need is one of the most pervasive and stupidest pieces of bad reasoning out there.
"Surely they got rich as a consequence of intellect and industry and not just by ripping people off. Anyway, here you go, I think you'll find the contents of my wallet in perfect order."
Extreme fraud and waste in Social Security. Start using SS tax deductions to purchase Tesla stock only. Require all gov’t issued vehicles to be Teslas. Limit immigrants to those with H1B1 visas to work at Tesla. Deport all undocumented aliens, unless they are Tesla owners.
Musk, Vance =
Dark Gothic MAGA
A large % of MAGA does not agree with Dark MAGA’s vision or priorities. Divide and conquer.