If Dems fail to make Signal leak an incessant story demanding resignations/impeachment, it would be a mirror image of Benghazi, her emails, etc. In face of GOP zone-flooding, Dems cowered instead of calling bullshit; now when GOP says Signal leak is NBD, a failure to push back would be catastrophic.
But Repubs controlled the House w/ Benghazi: Dems DO NOT HAVE THE POWER to recreate the way they used Congress to keep the issue in the news.
Do better.
Can't investigate the crimes if all the illegal chats were auto deleted.
come on! you gave them ONE BILLION dollars and they still let Putin steal the election, let elon musk into the government to dismantle it... there is nobody more POWERLESS. No saviours!
That's what they do.
Contrary to popular belief the media isn't liberal they are always harder on Democrats.
Who's the audience? The entire US, just like the Hillary emails. Make no mistake, that was effective. Your question is a lesson that Democratic politicians desperately need to learn
Actual Democrats don’t need to be hit over the head with what we already know.
Save all the geschreing for racist/sexist white voters; they’re the ones who fucked up. (And they don’t care about nat sec either).
Dems don’t need to do anything like Republicans. Republicanism is designed to pedal bullshit to poor willfully dumb people who like bullshit.
Good leadership would be out there demanding answers and hearings. Calling out the incompetence. Pointing out the danger to service members. And demanding answers on use of app to hide communications.
Instead he's out selling books.
Tell the doddering Chuck Schumer that he is not the man for the job. He is enabling an insurrectionist fascist MAGA Republican coup.
First, unlike Benghazi we have the advantage of it actually being true.
But second, Republicans could only make Benghazi work because they had built a conservative-media propaganda empire which repeated it ad nauseum. Democrats don't have that friendly / parasitic media machine
Decades ago we tried fighting talk radio with Air America but without a billionaire funding it (Rupert Murdoch) and dozens of millionaire station owners pushing it on their listeners they went bankrupt.
We ALL need to be focusing on the disappearing of lawful US residents to a foreign prison known for torture and starvation.
This obviously was not the first time Signal has been used. What other meetings have occurred over Signal?
And Hegseth lying about it? The Dems need to start impeachment procedures.
Trump taught them how corruption works in America.
Look at Krystin Sinema
Send him a postcard - 1000 Defense Pentagon, Wash DC 20301-1000. Postcards go straight to the address and don't need vetting. Plus others get to read what you wrote.
I rest my case.
Make America Great Again. Just in a way that is totally different than what was previously suggested!
keep at it, until it takes hold.
Its up to us to raise a stink with Senate DEMS or otherwise they will sneak away and burry it.
Discussing an attack on unsecured devices.
Failing to follow security protocols.
Distributing info that affects national security with unauthorized people.
Dems need to take aggressive action now!
America is not safe.
Their appear to be operating precisely as you would expect an Organised Crime Syndicate to operate.
“Leave no trace of your actions”
It’s widespread.
Used to be there were two papers in every city owned by the parties. The Rs are back there. Dems relying on the goodwill of corporate owners.
Crystallizes all of it.
Spheres of Influence Geo-politics
Absurd Levels of Incompetence
A fact pattern that they can’t run away from or obscure.
God help us if the Senate D’s can’t demagogue this for 30 days solid. It’s not that hard.
Dems need to stand back on this one & let the admin stew in it for a while
Nobody thinks this is normal & there is great virtue in not getting involved with "we told you so" & "nanny nanny boo boo"
It's their mess & the most we should do is point & laugh
better that there’s 100 million people March on Washington to demand the resignation of Pete Hegseth
Get on the picket line until pete the drunk Texter resigns . until Gabbard and All on the signal call resign
Feckless Dem leadership isn't up for this fight, and the old guard will drag the rest of the party down with them
@theatlantic.com Mr. Goldberg, release the full text chain. They said under oath that no classified war plans were in there. Clear your honorable name!! American people want and deserve the truth. This is a historical moment
You get the sense from most elected Dems that when a MAGA scandal pops up they're annoyed they might have to do something extra.
It's almost like they don't want to attack the GOP because that would be too mean/not how you're supposed to do things.
The question is whether the media will report & amplify that.
I don't know why they'd suddenly be on our side.
They haven't given much of a f*ck about America so far,
next to the demands of their billionaire owners.
I don't have much hope for the sustained effort you suggest, unfortunately. They are not cut out for this. At all.
Dems are literally incapable of framing or messaging anything of value or importance.
Do not let this shit slide.
No one is surprised by SignalGate.
The GOP sucks at running the state.
Obviously, there will be a big debate.
Incompetence makes America great?
Their response will be to send put fundraising emails.
No more!!! I will not donate another goddamn penny until you start doing your jobs!!!