My TV is suggesting I binge “Lost”, but my recollection is that you have to put a very great deal of effort into being baffled before being put *into* your misery by one of the most famously unsatisfying endings in modern TV history.
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I liked it alot anyways.. :) Havent tho watched it again after release. 🤔🧐 Have seen few episodes this year and its way heavily religion based from the start but still good :)
The finale is one of my all-time favorites, an episode that brings me to tears every time I watch and many times I think of it. One of the most beautiful expressions of love, connection and self-fulfillment a series has ever achieved.
(Once again, they were not ‘dead the whole time’)
Most people who hate the ending have zero media literacy and think the characters were dead the entire time. They also think Lost was all about crazy sci-fi mysteries when it's painfully obvious it's not. That's just the setting.
Google suggested I watch Peter Sarsgaard in season 3 of the US The Killing. I love Peter Sarsgaard but didn't realise he was even in it. So for once a win from an algorithm. And no, I'm not ashamed to watch the US version.
Lost in general was a mess. The first season was extremely ambitious and fun and expensive, I don't think they were expecting it to get a season two greenlight. Everything after was basically the writers saying "Oh shit, how do we explain all the crazy crap we put in the first season?"
I still hate abrams and lindeloff. And hate is a strong word. I never have or ever will watch anything they are involved with (easy). That's how pissed off I was at the ending of lost. They just fucked w the audience because they got bored it felt like. That said, the actors were wonderful.
I wonder if there’s a way to do a non-directors cut of the series. Take the first 3 episodes as they are, then cut together 3 more episodes into something more coherent from footage in all the remaining seasons, with a satisfying ending. End up with a great 6-parter
It's not the ending that is bad, by then the show had dug itself into a hole you couldn't really get out of. It's the last two seasons that suck overall.
I was quite satisfied by the ending. I think a lot of people’s expectations got in the way of enjoying it. That said, I’m on board with the general criticisms about the last few seasons not being as good as the first ones though.
Check out "From" on MGM+. Some of the same people are involved. Season 3 doesn't come until 2026 so we haven't been disappointed by the ending ... yet.
I thoroughly enjoyed the show and watch it every year or so. Ending was satisfying for me. The only thing I still don't like is that one needless episode with the spiders.
The most annoyed I've been with a series ending is How I Met Your Mother.
The polar bear is left over from an animal experiment. It's mentioned almost as a throw away in the episode about the doctor's tattoos but it is still an explanation.
The show is about religion. They didn't just randomly add it to the end. It's a less funny version of The Good Place (where their dead yes so not an exact analog) where they are exploring different philosophies of morality but Lost is less ham fisted about it.
Don't read my responses if you want to avoid spoilers for a 20 yo show.
They aren't dead the whole time, just that last season where they are all separated. That is a purgatory of sorts but they can't move on until they reconnect. They all died at different times evidenced by a few last lines.
It was never going anywhere and then they had to end it and panicked as they realised they'd actually have to come up with a credible ending. They were all dead all along was the best they could come up with.
I could see there was no satisfactory way to explain what happened in Series 1 of Lost and didn’t watch Series 2. Front what I’ve heard, I think the conclusion confirmed by intuition.
I stopped watching lost after the 3rd episode. I was listening to an interview with the creators/writers, and I'm response to a question said they didn't have a direction, they were just making it up as they went.
I've had some bitter arguments about the 'LOST' finale and not a single one of them has changed my opinion that it was a huge letdown. One of my friends described it as a 'gut punch' at the time, and that stuck with me.
The ending is only unsatisfying if you weren’t paying attention in the final episode. The last season isn’t as great as the rest but what Lost did ended up setting the stage for a lot of great shows since.
So disappointed years later to discover the writers were making it up as they went along. No grand strategy, just a grand unravelling. Some good episodes along the way though.
Same. At the end of the day, it was all about the characters we grew to love, and the ending provided wonderful closing chapters for most if not all of them
Starting to feel the same way about Severance. Truly believe there isn’t an ending that will justify all the “artistic”choices leaving us saying…”who cares!” after every episode.
I abandoned it 4 seasons in when it became clear they were ditching the interesting but deadend storylines. They hadn't thought it out.
It's why Breaking Bad was so satisfying. Story arc, & interesting individual episodes that stood on their own, multiple interweaving characters supporting the arc.
Season 1 is great and worth rewatching. Just such a great premise, with a group of characters who know nothing about each other and an audience gradually knowing more about them than they know about each other thanks to flashbacks. But go no further!
I watched, fascinated with where the writers would take it next. It got so ridiculous in the end, even for someone who enjoys sci-fi & fantasy, & the ending was extremely lame. You got the impression the writing room had just thrown up their hands and gone "Oh, fuck it. Let's just say it was god."
SPOILER ALERT Producers said at the end of season 1 that the story does take place on earth and not any kind of purgatory or alternate dimension. Maury, tell the audience what happened there:
(Once again, they were not ‘dead the whole time’)
Lost, as we found out, was just being made up as they went.
Unsurprisingly, we became....well, Lost
Think of it like owning a dog. Yeah, it’s gonna die before you do. The years leading up to that are amazing.
"Battlestar Galactica"
"Game of Thrones"
We’re enjoying the ride, so if the ending isn’t, it’s not the end of the world
The most annoyed I've been with a series ending is How I Met Your Mother.
They aren't dead the whole time, just that last season where they are all separated. That is a purgatory of sorts but they can't move on until they reconnect. They all died at different times evidenced by a few last lines.
Too weird with too many unresolved strange things.
And I usually like weird.
Nothing like trolling your viewers
It's why Breaking Bad was so satisfying. Story arc, & interesting individual episodes that stood on their own, multiple interweaving characters supporting the arc.
Can it be worse than the ending in Line of Duty??