If you say so. Behold my gallery of silly guys (Winston the corgi, Leo the orange cat, and Toni the big guy (the photo doesn’t do it justice he’s built big)
Wishbone Burrito. He doesn't like getting his nails clipped, even professionally, so my wife's family does it themselves and then bundle him into a burrito to comfort him afterwards.
I have included two different sleeping positions of Pepper the Cat, and then a bonus photo of Cocoa the Cat staring into your soul for your viewing good sir.
Just for context, we largely try to keep her an indoor cat. A while back my dad cordoned off an area for her to get some fresh air and made a way for her to get in and out freely
Cinders above and Ember below.
She's 19 years old
And van
Nitro, Retro, Booster and Turbo
Names are inspired by Mario Kart
Also, he’s not just on the floor with his head on his bed, under that blanket is a 2ND BED. He’s spoiled appropriately
a chihuahua, and an honorary chihuahua