That's not the only reason. There's also a DOGE intern who wrote ballot creating code, the source code for the voting machines has been known for years and conservatives had it printed on shirts, we know millions of legitimate ballots were tossed, then there's the bomb threats...
Then after The US loses the possible World War 3, new laws need to be in place similar to Germany, so then if anyone even acts like a Nazi, a xenophobe, a homophobe or a transphobe for example, they end up going to prison. The US is too flawed right now.
The system has been corrupted and is continuing to become even more corrupted. If EU ends up creating an Army and helping Mexico and Canada beat The US in a possible World War 3, the voting machine computer system needs to be fully restructured, so this doesn't happen again.
We don't need a whistleblower for voter roll purges or tossed ballots. These things were done openly; I recall at least one news segment talking about turning democratic registration challenges into a game. They flooded election officials with arbitrary challenges on purpose, to gum up the works.
The 10 billionaires that back him stand to gain billions more that they steal from the American people and the people who’ve given their time to serve us.
Oh c'mon, man! Let's not turn Dems into Jan 6th MAGAts and Bluesky into Facebook & Xitter. The bastard won fair and square. And your dude is not the only one doing data analysis for a living.
Russia has hacked elections in Moldova, Georgia, Romania, Venezuela and US to install anti-NATO, anti-EU puppet regimes/billionaires as autocrats in power. Wrong is on the throne and truth is on the scaffold.
Read: “Autocracy, Inc.: The Dictators Who Want to Run the World" by Anne Applebaum
I agree, but I’m afraid the undertaking would be massive and twice as hard now. I just definitely think what happened is what we think happened. But somehow it happened
But the alternative to the massive undertaking is this crapfest for 4 years (or longer) and the complete destruction of our democracy? Unless by some miracle there is Luiging.
I suspect he's already sorting out the same thing for Ukraine's next election, by arrangement with Putin. Russian puppet in there would suit them both.
Already happened in some places around Ukraine without US help. Alternative is resentment from Ukrainians and a new 'patriot' arrives, saying 'make Ukraine great again'. Rather like in 1930s Germany after WW1. Either make Ukraine safe and whole, or the future's very bleak.
The guy does analysis for a living. A fluke anomaly is a freak occurrence, widespread instances are an obvious pattern. I happen to be a patterns savant, they jump out at me, even when the average person doesn't see them. It's not smoking gun, no, but there's no doubt the 2024 election was hacked.
He keeps saying it ad nauseum...Russia said they helped him and he owes them. What department do we have to call to demand that he be removed in cuffs? As he was not legally elected impeachment does not seem to be the most ideal solution.
Yes, russia said they helped him and he owes them and they were calling for payment. It was a threat from the way I heard it. Like a “pay up or else” kind of demand.
Yes! And no follow up on it? That's what I don't get. Like we all know he is a piece of shit and a Russian traitor but no one stopped him from taking the oath? No wonder I keep seeing ads to join the secret service they all must have run away.
I'm not convinced he flipped votes or altered the count totals, although a Russian hack seems plausible.
More realistic is that the Dems didn't canvass independents in swing states, which Musk's teams did. Of course, that would require a goal of finding and talking to voters not in your bubble.
I agree with most of this, and the "number of Trump-only bullet ballots" got my attention too. We can't know unless we audit. And, the Dems just won't demand it.
There are many benefits to audits - for one, really good data for feeding algorithms, which motivated the Rs. Really frustrating.
First step is to find a leader in the state that has standing, and a lawyer to guide the court filings to force the election / precinct orgs to provide the data.
If it's in a red state, there will be resistance, obviously - so several court hearings.
You can't be anti fascist and pro American government. You can't be anti communist and not be fascist. Party for Socialism and Liberation & Claudia de la cruz. Helped organize this. AIPAC doesn't own unlike the democrats and Republicans.
Was there ever a question?All those computers,” Trump continued. “Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide. So it was pretty good. It’s pretty good
Same. Still can’t believe the democrats didn’t contest a single state’s outcome. Just folded. And still acting like they need to follow the rules while he bulldozes the country. I will never forget or forgive them.
Me too. And we were shamed on TikTok from the same progressive echo chamber that promised us a Kamala win. They made me feel crazy but I know I was right. I will be BlueAnon forever.
Sure, he “admitted it”. Can we please remember all the other unhinged shit he’s said? Why believe this statement? How is this claim any different from “I have a really great brain,”? It isn’t.
He spent four years trying to say, Biden cheated and look he admit he cheated course he cheated the only way he could’ve won because 30% of the people didn’t vote. Had they voted he couldn’t of cheated, stupid sheep, stupid Elon stupid turd.
imma need yall to live in real time at some point. the whole campaign he was literally bragging about rigging elections for generations to come. how are you all so slow on the uptake after 12+ years of this orange cancer cell???
I don’t care what happens to those elections in Florida, but we need to cheat or do whatever we need to do to get those seats. We need to stop playing by the fucking rules cause they’re not playing by rules. They have no rules they’ve shit all over the constitution
Starlink conveniently blew up, I think it was dec not sure. It was briefly in the media then not another word. Also a computer.nerd I know had to get a new system which starlink paid for. The outage affected his computer as well. I bet the proof is gone into cyberspace.
He says the quiet part out loud alllll the time.
Anybody who really, like REALLY believes he won 312 electorals and took every swing state needs to hit me up because I’ve got a couple of bridges for sale….
That's what really raised my eyebrows. The polls show a tight race and yet no one is showing up to his rallies and he's not even making an effort. Then again, he said that he "had plenty of votes" and "I don't need your votes".
I would not put it past them to have done something to steal the election from #VPKamalaHarris plus paying that million dollar bounty to people was illegal too.
Raskol-krasnov wants to be caught. He keeps confessing yet no one will define for him what is 'too much'. He literally does not know where the line beyond which we don't go is. He is begging for someone to finally tell him he's gone too far. He will continue until he is stopped or he dies. Stop him.
Trump won all 7 swing states by margins large enough to not trigger automatic re-counts, & since Trump had spent years attacking election integrity, the Dems may have been reluctant to emulate him. Clearly ETA has shown that voting data in the 7 swing states is very suspicious, & needs auditing.
Optics is what they were worried about instead of the country and it's demise as a democracy. They were worried about image. They didn't listen to their constituents because of hypocrisy? They're worse than that, now. They're just like them because they abandoned us just like Trump did to his cult.
Because Dems are not careful in how we frame issues! We told them to accept the election results when Biden won instead of holding forensic audits right away to prove him wrong. So when we thought there might be election tampering they could not ask for audits since they would look hypocritical.
They were worried about their image more than their constituents and democracy when every other country said what was happening right in our faces. They're just like them.Trump threw his cult under the bus right after the election, and so did the democrats. They're now the same. Dems failed us.
Their strategists failed us.
The “my body my choice” phrase is a problem too. Now we have antivaxers using it. We should have been saying Medical decisions are between a doctor and patients. Keep politicians out of our medical care.
I don't understand the silence. This organization seems to have done the preliminary work, watch this & their other videos, there is credible evidence of election tampering, explains how it was missed. They need lawyers to get the forensic audits done to prove it
The story I heard then is different than ETA findings but they may have done both and more, including the bomb threats. I would really like to find out they've been secretly working on this but things are getting out of hand now, too many people getting hurt in various ways. Need to #verifythevote
Nothing You know Dems just handed him oval office without questioning, They always gotta be the adult in the room or Go by the book. Just gotta hold on he won't last long, Prb why he's purging everything so quickly he knows he's not in good health,
Have you viewed the line of succession if he does kick?? Vance, Johnson, Grassley, Rubio and it gets worse. Why there isn't a serious investigation into the 2024 election is very disturbing considering Musk's involvement.
Agreed. Be the ones to do it. Watch this & their other videos, there is very credible evidence of election tampering. This video explains how it was missed. But they need help. Spread the word. Volunteer. They need lawyers to get the forensic audits done to prove it
That's great, that's what they are for, but it still bothers me that it was not looked into immediately after the vote and before certification. I get optics, not wanting to sink to his level but could delay things with decorum too, not just let it stand, and especially after what's happened since.
Unfortunately nothing can be set in motion legally without proof or some kind of evidence. TRE45ON can't help but tell on himself, but his words aren't enough to start solid legal challenges.
I know it sounds paranoid but, from what I saw, I can't help but think that something fishy went on. But I also think we won't find out until long after its too late to make a difference.
I actually thought on the day that the ’attempt’ on his life was staged. TOTALLY out of character for cowardly Bonespurs to struggle with so-called protectors to stand up and fist the sky like Rambo. He would have been curled up on the floor, or at least in shock and confusion. And that ear??
Yes, even normal people with dementia lose inhibition blurt out stuff. When they were bullying President Z, his face transformed into a mask of uninhibited hatred at the mention of ‘feelings’.
Yes that is what he says. However, have there been any verifications done about it?
There are many videos about it but nothing really that can confirm this in black and white.
Otherwise ask yourself the question:
- why is there nothing done about voter fraud?
So far nothing happened about that.
Election Truth Alliance is saying there is a pattern in our votes in Nevada & Arizona, at least, that resembles the Russian boot vote pattern, but a full audit is very unlikely with Trump in Power.
The swing states voted through Starlink. You got Elons kid saying crazy shit and Trump himself saying they rigged the election, yet he's still in office? WTF? The dems handed over the WH so quick and easily even after 4 yrs of being accused. Are they in cahoots? Why didnt they look into poss fraud?
I keep thinking maybe they are trying to nab him for something concrete with Russia and be done with him forever and dismantle maga government. That’s why we haven’t heard shit from anyone. But we are collapsing here! Hope he makes his Russian move soon here if I’m right so the world can be saved.
I keep telling myself that too, that they're working on something rock solid and keeping it on the downlow as they bide their time. But then I think of all the trouble Biden could have caused him when he had his own presidential immunity for a couple months, and didn't. Losing hope.
He was talking about his first term and then talking about the U.S. is to have the World Cup played here in 2026. Then he said, he wasn’t going to be president when those games start, until they (fElon, imo) rigged the election for him to win!
He says it again, here;
I’m finding it very difficult to find any news article in the MSM about Cheeto’s confesssion. Not that I need to, but this seems like a big deal. Of course, it could be a lie. So much out of his mouth is a lie.
So let them. But just for a day. Get them up to that 13th figure and convert all their assets into gold coins. Put all that shit in a giant vault with a diving board 30 feet above it, put them in old timey swim suits and boot their ass off the diving board. Then convert it back and redistribute.
They purged the voters before they were counted as having voted in those areas where it's very common for people to have the same name's,usually non white with easily identifiable addresses,it is very simple to game this stupid system with it's jim crowe bias,
The two weeks before, Kamala made Don-old look like an imbecile... Then he wins... Once Elonia put his money behind him. Does anybody doubt it was rigged?
No they can't, because they don't work like that. Those are independent, meaning not linked together. And run on a different system. They could do other shenanigans, but this is not one of them.
Rep. Thomas Massie, tell your story—why does Trump want you out of the House? Don’t fear him. History will judge inaction. Honor your love for this country. Speak out on Bluesky.
They just can't stop confessing on camera... At this point it feels like election officials should be indicting Elon for election interference, at the very least, right?
Why the hell isn’t this the biggest story everywhere? Why isn’t an investigation happening immediately? I feel like ppl have been taught to gaslight themselves so much over the past couple years that no one will acknowledge reality anymore in favor of looking “non-judgmental” and giving the BOTD.
Voter suppression won. 4.7 million voters worth of voter suppression!4.7 million voters of color had their votes cast out!Trump KNOWS he didn’t win the 2024 election without help! He knew this when he simulated “blow jobs” on microphones at his last 2 campaign rallies. This is a crazy sick bastard!
Yes. I noticed he stopped doing rallies, one he just stood there swaying to music for almost 15 min, nothing to say at that point...he already knew Elon and Putin had it taken care of.
Americans who are sound of mind can conclude that All the Far Right Are accountable! We have a virus. At least, as the fever runs its course, their true nature is less deniable as it reveals itself.
fund “America’s pac” to buy seat at trump table -$200million
*buy twitter and brainwash the electorate -$44billion
*own and control all 3 branches of govt- priceless
SOLD to the highest bidder
Ok. I’m just going to say this for the last time. We heard him say he didn’t need votes,had plenty. Musk bragged about how easy getting into those systems, Pennsylvania,etc. The math didn’t MATH! Statistically impossible to have won ALL 7swing states! Musk rigged it & it’s been obvious since Nov6!
You need to watch the Oval Office press conference about the Fifi on c-span from January. At the bottom of the article there are more clips from the conference where he openly states the election was rigged.
He's senile. He was going on about 2020-again-and it came out wrong. He also talked about Zelenskyy and Obama and I don't think it had anything to do with anything. No one reputable found anything.
Did you watch the whole video from the c-span article? Because he clearly is talking about the 2024 election. He states we set this all up my first term, and we didn’t think I’d be president to see any of this, how sad (this upcoming 2026) but they rigged it and here we are! I’ll be here for it all
Trump is clear? He babbles. The My Pillow Guy came up with allegation after allegation but it was always talk . You can say anything. Propaganda, big money and general lack of discipline and perspective in the public was enough to throw the election.
Exactly what is the anything Elon ?
Is this a reminder to someone a warning.
You being cryptic speaks volumes.
Read: “Autocracy, Inc.: The Dictators Who Want to Run the World" by Anne Applebaum
I’d love to create a montage.
That frontotemporal dementia’s really starting to pack a punch with all the stress of people a horrible President, narcissist, and overall person 👊💢💢
-William Marshal
More realistic is that the Dems didn't canvass independents in swing states, which Musk's teams did. Of course, that would require a goal of finding and talking to voters not in your bubble.
There are many benefits to audits - for one, really good data for feeding algorithms, which motivated the Rs. Really frustrating.
First step is to find a leader in the state that has standing, and a lawyer to guide the court filings to force the election / precinct orgs to provide the data.
If it's in a red state, there will be resistance, obviously - so several court hearings.
Then a data team...
You can't be anti fascist and pro American government. You can't be anti communist and not be fascist. Party for Socialism and Liberation & Claudia de la cruz. Helped organize this. AIPAC doesn't own unlike the democrats and Republicans.
Known & warned when it happened
Fraud-ian slip.
.. and DEMs looked the other way.
Begs the question which side are they on?
They didn't.
Just like Biden didn't...
75 million of you voted for him.
Because America is a bigoted, racist, greed obsessed cess pool.
Own it....
Stop making up bullshit conspiracy excuses.
Anybody who really, like REALLY believes he won 312 electorals and took every swing state needs to hit me up because I’ve got a couple of bridges for sale….
The Domino Effect...
The “my body my choice” phrase is a problem too. Now we have antivaxers using it. We should have been saying Medical decisions are between a doctor and patients. Keep politicians out of our medical care.
the inauguration should have never taken place
be jailed, or worse!
He admits things he shouldn't, that's why Elon was assigned as his handler.
El Puto's little b###h.
There are many videos about it but nothing really that can confirm this in black and white.
Otherwise ask yourself the question:
- why is there nothing done about voter fraud?
So far nothing happened about that.
He says it again, here;
But who is going to do anything? DOJ? 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
Miss you Kamala
Speak out to us again 🙏
You was so rigth
We knew
Arrogant F
Now, for consequences ….!!
*buy twitter and brainwash the electorate -$44billion
*own and control all 3 branches of govt- priceless
SOLD to the highest bidder
Millions of votes changed
The 🍊💩🤡 is compromised and musk knows how.