I'd forgotten all about Cheery, because tbh. I don't think I reacted much to that story. It was just in there, and not really made very special (as I remember). He also did Monstrous Regiment wich has a stronger trans theme.
I just reread Monstrous Regiment--goddam, it's so good! Pratchett's most feminist and queer novel, and feminist and queer themes run throughout his works. Also deeply considers war, patriotism, fundamentalism, colonialism, refugees, foreign aid, and more, all while making me laugh and cry.
Well, that's her family name. Her personal name is Cheery, and it's not entirely clear (as, apparently, is usual for Discworld dwarves) whether she's trans or cis, male or female. To quote Pratchett, for dwarves "Gender is more or less optional." https://discworld.fandom.com/wiki/Cheery_Littlebottom
Terry Pratchett started the series not really understanding gender and did the typical "Ha ha all dwarves are male." joke. Over time, as he came to understand better, he made the situation with the dwarves a stand in for the struggle for trans rights. He was an ally in the best way.
I will say the BBC did a pretty entertaining adaptation of Going Postal & Hogfather and there are 2 animated series (dubious quality but they're watchable on YouTube) for Soul Music & Wyrd Sisters. can't vouch for anything other than those, I hear they did an Amazing Maurice children's Film recently
Yes, several movie adaptations, some better than others. I still hope for a GOOD TV series, too. There was one, that was weirdly free with its interpretation. (No, I have no problem with Lady Sybil being Black--I have a problem with her being a young ninja hottie. Heck I want Idris Elba as Vimes.)
Wasn't Hogfather a Sky production, not BBC? With ridiculous amounts of time spent on the character of Albert because they cast David Jason and wanted to get their money's worth.
"Pepe is.... Pepe."
“A movie“
Nothing less than 10 seasons on Apple TV could even HOPE to do justice to Discworld.
I quite like the adaptation of Hogfather, but the loss of the narrator and footnotes can make some parts fall flat.
Spouse and I watch Hogfather every Hogswatch.
watching Neil and Rhianna and the entire fandom dunk them to hell was very satisfying though
Watching them try to twist his own words, like the Omnians did to the Great God Om, showed how little they knew.
I miss Sir pTerry so much, you know he would be filling the timeline with an antidote to the Nazi War Crime Denying Wizard Lady.