Imagine how many layers of denial & willful ignorance one has to be on to note the disproportionate influence of a billionaire yet never conclude that billionaires themselves are bad.
If, being the site owner and having access to all of its data, he brings receipts showing she got rid of it herself or something it's going to be so rich my gout's going to flare up
If you ban one you should ban them all. But Musk and Trump don't want Mexican and Central American labor immigrants, they want the ME Muslim and Indian H1B's.
this is in strong contention for the funniest thing that ever happened on Old Twitter and would be easily the funniest thing to happen on New Twitter if she does it again
This was how I discovered my former coworker/cubicle neighbor was a secret shitposter just like me — we realized we were both quietly snickering about Loomer’s Last Stand in real time
You know, the not so great pumpkin has a far from united team of backers. If it were not going to cause splash damage and suffering, I would just make popcorn and watch the injustice league fail to lead, then tear each other apart. Sadly, they are not in a vacuum.
I can’t decide if it’s funnier if she chains herself to twitter’s doors again or to a set of doors at mar-a-lago. Or like the chandelier in the secret documents storage bathroom or something.
Anybody who thinks Trump has policy positions is fooling themselves. His political opinions will shift to those of whoever most recently flattered him while also talking politics. So shall go our national policies, dictated by his feelings in the moment and easily influenced by flattery and bribes
how the fuck is she getting paid to do this dumb shit? is there some money hose that you can only see if you're terminally stupid and morally bankrupt?
Personally, I love when these right wing dingdong’s fight. The hatred towards the left goes inwards. It’s awesome. Times like this I support the second amendment 100%.
Ah, if only. Can we get a Matrix, but only for those who'd grow up to be the super rich and power hungry?
Perhaps one with a selective entry policy?
It's like reality is knocking but nobody's home.
That's this does not say antisemitism at all?
Why don't you have a good proof?