As a remote worker, it’s a huge relief that now a good chunk of my coworkers are back in the office, because when we get to the time limit I can at least say “Well Susie’s probably about to lose her conference room, so…”
Depending on the work culture (or from what I have heard about working in Denmark, just the culture in general), scheduling things right before the end of the day is a great way to have efficient meetings.
"Ok we have two more things and if they're not done in the next 10 minutes then tomorrow..."
I'm gonna write a Business-Brains Self-Help Book like the cheese moving one, and the whole thing will just be "instead of asking 'does anyone have anything else to discuss,' consider asking 'does anyone have anything else to discuss that won't make your coworkers want to murder you'" over and over
"Ok we have two more things and if they're not done in the next 10 minutes then tomorrow..."
(it's them, they always drag the meeting out)