then the religious groups, who support this administration, will sweep in & give them a can of green beans, some rice and a box of mashed potato flakes & make them dependent on their charity
and justify their tax exempt status so they can continue to politically support these goons
I know a lot of ppl are on food stamps and rely on food banks/pantries
ugh on the food drive donations
I hope you are in a blue state where you at least might have a governor/legislature that will fight for you? do you have more than one food pantry option?
"The memo states its orders should not be “construed” to impact Social Security or Medicare recipients, and also says the federal financial assistance put on hold “does not include assistance provided directly to individuals.”"
I have family relying on WIC currently, and they are confused, have not heard back from their case manager (they called today after I read this article and saw your post here).
I hate to have to ask for citation about this, but where did you see that WIC is being impacted?
So I just learned something about Head Start. Its precursor was started by Henry Kaiser to grow the work force to build the ships in WWII. Kaiser built affordable hosting, provided healthcare and childcare, including meals, so that families could work and thrive. He invested in America.
Big surprise that the guys who think women should have more babies (because they want to take their options not to) is now taking away WIC to pay to feed those babies.
The Trump administration just pulled funding from PEPFAR a life-saving AIDS-relief program that saved over 25 million lives worldwide. His aid freeze forced clinics across the globe to suspend services which experts warn will lead to an uptick in HIV-related deaths and a resurgence of the epidemic.
We know what is applies to … Anything passed by Democrats. Anything that pays 💰💰 to help non-White, non-christian, “woke” Americans. Why wasn’t this subversion of our Constitution by Heritage stopped before Frump took office?
Is there someplace that has a real list of what is impacted by a pause? Because we are where people come when they run out of food and formula and housing and we really need to know what’s coming our way…
I think the real answer is no, not yet. The memo is intentionally vague and i haven't seen any follow up guidance. Agencies are likely scrambling to understand, too.
There are unhelpful lists making the rounds that were put together by chat gpt, not based on anything real. And competent attorneys could make an in/out argument for a lot of programs.
Going to be some pissed off cadets at the Air Force Academy whose NCAA sports programs just had their funding zeroed out.
*yes, I know that’s pretty low on ranking of human suffering created by this document, but it’s the first thing that caught my eye on the random page I scrolled to.
I’m a little surprised to see that they receive grants at all. Army Sports (and *lots* of other USMA programs) are not Federally funded. Pretty sure Navy works the same way considering that they started the first Academy sports collective.
MSNBC is reporting that dt admin has come back after news conference & claimed that Medicaid is not included in the freeze but the computer is just a coincidence BUT but they are liars so we will see.
Notice we are at end of month w/ new month for Medicaid & nursing home care just days away.
credit via url is to the handbasket, more found in your feed re history of scoop, posting delay, confirmation-then-posting, and bc is independent newsletter, subscribers encouraged to view from link. AZdl is a bit of a jewel, folks. 🎇
I think at this point a list might not be useful. This is clearly unconstitutional and I wouldn't be surprised if the coalition of states attorneys general who are fighting this have already filed or will file by midnight for a stay. And almost certainly he'll "relent" as a tactic and restore some.
Because "OMG he cut it all!" has everyone panicked so that people will be "thank goodness he only cut 50%" will make him appear "reasonable". It is DEFINITELY a tactic.
It's blatantly unconstitutional, as well. And his own supporters will be *more* affected by it than we are. So buckle up, build your mutual aid networks, and prepare to fight.
We have to see how they'll interpret it. But the memo says "received directly by individuals." If "directly" means a check from the FG to the individual, then WIC doesn't count.
Yes. It says not Medicare or individual assistance but, it’s up for interpretation because of how WIC is funded and dispersed…
I’m wondering if we’ll see a split amongst the states?
I work at a housing authority. What? Are we just not allowed to pay people's rent. We sign contracts with landlords that we'll pay the tenants' rent. Wtf?
We put our rental house on Section 8. We love our tenant. But if the rent isn't paid, we will evict her.
My Mom depends on the rental income from that house to pay her own rent of her senior Independent Living apt that costs more than 2X the rent on her house.
The rental is month to month now so I believe I can evict her. I'm going to explore our options. We can't afford to have this home occupied by a non paying tenant.
You could've kept your story about needing to evict a low income person as fast as possible just hearing the news of what's going on because their suffering I guess is not as important as yours
I'm very concerned for her. But I have an 89 yo mother with leukemia who needs housing and care. She depends on the rent from her home to pay for that. She's my responsibility.
Plus my stupid tenant voted for Trump, so she's feeling the consequences of what she chose. I warned her.
The way I see it, failure of HUD to pay the rent would be a violation of their lease with me. I don't mind suing for my rent, but I won't continue to do business with them if this happens. We have a really nice house, don't need to deal with Sec 8 to get a good tenant.
I wouldn't do that unless I had to. We like our tenant, have a good relationship with her. I cannot however, have a non-paying tenant in that house. If Section 8 is going to be flaky, we will not renew. The rent is below market now, and I got 50+ apps in one day 3 yrs ago.
I'm no expert, just guessing, here. But unless your agency is literally a part of the Federal government, it won't work that way. Instead, you should be able to keep paying those bills...until the cut-off Federal money causes your agency to run out.
Hopefully the courts will overturn this before you get to that point. Though then we have a new worry - will Trump and/or the agencies comply with the court orders?
Exactly. All the states should sue - even the red ones. This is money that Congress said should go to the states. The president has no right to take it away from them.
I guess you missed out on all the personnel shuffling. The ACTING Director of OMB put out a letter ordering this. Who do you think appointed that guy? Now consider who reports to the OMB director. Yeah, that's right. Who is going to risk their job and refuse?
I’ve gotten pretty sick of waiting around for both media outlets and Democratic leadership to call out their blatant Nazi references in their attempts to normalize their fascist intentions, and it’s nice to see someone finally call them out.
Lawsuit incoming. At some point a decent Supreme Court would swing down a consolidate all of the relevant ones (the vast majority tbh) hold a summary hearing and issue a unanimous permanent injunction against this anti-constitutional behavior. But we're in this world, so who knows.
Down here in high poverty NM, wondering about federal school nutrition reimbursements and the possibility that "federal free and reduced lunch" will be affected...
There are probably millions of jobs in red states dependent on NIH and NSF grants. Also third party vendors that sell supplies to grant recipients. How does the stock market overlook this
While I agree that the media does need to harden the fuck up and actually list the sheer number of times Trump's administration has broken the law (including violating the Constitution) since MAGA came back into power, the thing is that a) oligarchs own all these rags and b) MAGA won't care either.
That's why he got the Supreme Court to give him full immunity, he doesn't care that it's illegal, there are no repercussions, & he's King now. We live in a dictatorship, & anyone who thinks laws apply to him, LOL. We have a "President" who doesn't care about law & order or our constitution.
We are living in a fake democracy that operates under Nixon rules because oligarchs run things no. If the President (Trump, not Biden) does it, it isn’t illegal.
It's WaPo. They're on the side of the new regime. They'll sane wash this until people are starving in the streets and then they'll pivot to something else to perpetuate their sane-washing scam.
Gotta get them clicks AND keep the orange dictator happy, right?
Who will stop them now? They control it all. Lots of lower courts too. The time for that kind of thinking was 4 years ago when Dems met trump off without consequences. Now it's survival time.
All of the people saying, “But it’s illegal” don’t understand that by the time this meanders through the courts, the small local nonprofits that distribute federal funds will be dead.
I was in Pittsburgh when Trump won the last time and saw a house that looked uninhabitable but had a hand painted Trump 2016 sign nailed to the front porch. I'm a visual person and that image sums up where we are now.
They’ll vote against there own kids future, against their own skin, because they have been told that anything they have was taken from someone else, and so anything some else has must have been taken from them.
They have disdain for anyone who is poor/in need (aka the opposite of the teachings of their lord and savior jesus christ) but I'm guessing that they are ignorant about who is receiving this aid.
And a lot of these ppl vote for them.
Will there be payback next election? Dems better have messaging
WIC and Head Start are not only absolute slam dunks in terms of return on investment for the government (they save more money than they cost in the long term by far), they're also wildly popular. In addition to the legal challenges, we need to remind others few people support this. Even R voters.
In 2023, the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) served about 6.6 million people each month. This includes an estimated 39% of all infants in the United States.
Do you think little Mike Johnson cares if someone can’t feed their baby? Do you really think they care if we live or die? As long as they have their billionaires and their little Nazi utopia, they don’t care what happens to anybody else.
How many rural hospitals, which are already struggling to stay open, are going to be able to send out payroll, pay utility bills, buy medical supplies?
The sooner people realize Trump doesn’t care the better. Sociopaths are incapable of caring about anyone except themselves. And he doesn’t need his voters to support him anymore.
Trump doesn’t need his voters or really Americans at all anymore. The plan is the destruction of the administrative state so that they can give tax breaks to all their country club buddies. They have literally no reason to protect anyone. He simply does not care about Americans or their needs.
Democrats should be taking notes and taking a head count of how many Republican Trump Voters and Veterans are affected by the Trump Federal cuts. Many Veterans work for the Federal Government after they return from serving their Country. Now they're scrambling to figure out what to do next.
There is so much of that...grifting and opportunism at the expense of people in their community, though, b/c they see most ppl, but esp those in need, as subhuman, they don't think of it that way
All of the people saying, “But it’s illegal” don’t understand that by the time this meanders through the courts, the small local nonprofits that distribute federal funds will be dead.
And even then, there’s no mechanism to actually stop him. Is he going to be impeached a third time? I’m sure these are official acts that are immune from persecution, right?
Where are the lawsuits? The executive branch can't legally decide not to spend money allocated by congress. Are the Ds going to do anything other than frown and tsk and mumble about bipartisanship?
When my neighbor has been telling me for 2 years that he was going to have his dog shit in my yard, wrote a book detailing exactly how the dog was going to shit in my yard, and then finally got a dog and marched it towrda my yard, yes. I do.
What are the Dems going to do ? Be realistic- we don't have the house or senate and fucking Fetterman is helping them on votes so they have that ! It's a mess- he's going to shut down the gov 100% and be the next Dictator and no more elections. Watch. I've been right on it all so far. .
And yet when Republicans were in the minority they had no problem suing the Obama Administration. A lawsuit is not passing new legislation, it's defending existing law in court.
So this is just flat out illegal, congress already allocated that money. This is it. Do we have a King or not? Didn’t expect we’d be at this showdown after a week but here we fucking are.
the main thing is, sure it's illegal, but who's going to enforce it? Does the government just ignore the executive branch's insane pronuncements from on high, or do we keep pretending the emperor is wearing clothes? I just don't see any existing backbone in the whole of the bureaucracy to resist it
Historically, this is 100% the case. It's designed to not only hurt people the fascists don't like, but create a new reason to punish them for "causing" the hard times
FAFSA is just the application, but the federal grants and loans it qualifies you for shouldn't be included in this paise because they're paid to individuals.
I won't pretend to know, and quite frankly, I don't think anyone does because it's so vague and unheard of, but in the eyes of the federal government, are they paying schools or individuals? Because the money 100% goes from the DOE to colleges.
They're paying students. They pay more than the cost of classes and leftover funds go to the student to use for school related expenses- books, lodging, equipment. Not using them for covered school related expenses means they are considered taxable income and you're required to report them on taxes.
They are correct - FAFSA is just the name of the application, not the aid itself. FAFSA determines your eligibility for a host of aid mechanisms, but it is not aid.
They do not need their idiotic MAGA "base" any more.
Is there *any* vulnerable group this poor imitation of a man and his co-conspirators haven't made miserable?
Democrats better get off their asses and start fighting.
and justify their tax exempt status so they can continue to politically support these goons
yes, that's a requirement
local food drives, while well intentioned, end up like this.
i just say thank you. i would rather feel people try than not at all.
ugh on the food drive donations
I hope you are in a blue state where you at least might have a governor/legislature that will fight for you? do you have more than one food pantry option?
I have no idea how good this place is
"The memo states its orders should not be “construed” to impact Social Security or Medicare recipients, and also says the federal financial assistance put on hold “does not include assistance provided directly to individuals.”"
I hate to have to ask for citation about this, but where did you see that WIC is being impacted?
Too many here falsely believed this OP's speculation that it even talked about WIC. It wasn't even in the memo or the article.
Nobody should've fallen into panic when this dysfunctional administration says something... check your sources <3
they are mostly into kneecapping women's careers & keeping them dependent on poorly raised men
We are about to have so many hungry kids and desperate families.
We need the media to start really comprehending the evil they are reporting on.
See Steve Vladek.
This is not the most user-friendly format,, but it might be a start
*yes, I know that’s pretty low on ranking of human suffering created by this document, but it’s the first thing that caught my eye on the random page I scrolled to.
Notice we are at end of month w/ new month for Medicaid & nursing home care just days away.
Our entire 2 party political system of Government
have been moles of privatization
for decades
Also, it's time for CHURCHES to step up!
I’m wondering if we’ll see a split amongst the states?
My Mom depends on the rental income from that house to pay her own rent of her senior Independent Living apt that costs more than 2X the rent on her house.
Plus my stupid tenant voted for Trump, so she's feeling the consequences of what she chose. I warned her.
And godspeed.
(PS - thank you for your MNleg work)
I’ve gotten pretty sick of waiting around for both media outlets and Democratic leadership to call out their blatant Nazi references in their attempts to normalize their fascist intentions, and it’s nice to see someone finally call them out.
But that's not going to stop them so there's that.
Gotta get them clicks AND keep the orange dictator happy, right?
They know and don't care
They know and don't care
“They’d rather burn down the entire neighborhood, including themselves, than share a house with the rest of us.”
And a lot of these ppl vote for them.
Will there be payback next election? Dems better have messaging
They also luxuriate in cruelty to the poor of any color.
We’re close to 1640s level conflict w r to parliamentary power as such
But here we are
"Trump has damaged the US more in one week than the Soviet Union did in 40 years."
Senator Wyden!
From this article:
I'm all out of fucks for them.