I'm begging everyone to consider how these systems work together to oppress and subdue us.
When we need healthcare the system is allowed to kill us. But their killing is enshrined in policy.
When we need help, we are told the law does not allow it. Yet if we threaten the system...
When we need healthcare the system is allowed to kill us. But their killing is enshrined in policy.
When we need help, we are told the law does not allow it. Yet if we threaten the system...
"Law and order perversion"?
Why is it that someone can threaten my life for months and that is completely uninteresting to police yet a threat to the powers that be strikes at the very heart of the issue.
"Law and order perversion"?
"We're gonna do to you what we did to her!"
An intimidation tactic.
They see y'all as threats, keep going.
I think the US healthcare system is absolutely bonkers, but it *is* the current law.
The whole healthcare system needs replacing, and the police can't do that.
The police and military have a legal monopoly on violence. If even just police band together, they can indirectly fix healthcare, with organized violence that the people would sanction until the fix was put in place.
Slavery was legal. Raping your wife was legal.
Legality is not the measure of what is right.
I’m real glad my kids love this show
"You let one ant stand up to us, then they all might stand up! Those puny little ants outnumber us a hundred to one and if they ever figure that out there goes our way of life! It's not about food, it's about keeping those ants in line"
Presidents being assassinated. Civil rights movements.
Believe it or not it calms me down in times of great strife and chaos because I remember that there is precedent for this
Later, my mother said 1968 felt like the end of the world.
The great depression was just the beginning, and its repercussions had only been delayed by the post-war boom the US has been fighting tooth and nail to maintain since
Can't let the hegemony slip or the system fails
The system has tens of thousands of people in it. So one person taking out a CEO isn't changing things.
[This is based off old memory]:
I had a friend who’s house mate was threatening him and destroying the door to his room, and the police said they couldn’t do anything because the guy was destroying his own property.
And I hate that so very much.
Insanely outdated now
This comedian sure got that exact point across, (& in a pretty funny way).
They doing do much just distract us from them
Then we focus back and attack each other
That’s all ism are a place to distract so they can hustle
It has always been about protecting the interests of wealthy, property-owning white men.
There's absolutely a two-tiered justice system. One for we, the peons, the other-the better, more responsive, & active one-is for those w/ money, status, & power.
We DO outnumber them. We SHOULD band together to get things changed. We deserve better!
There's ~400 billionaires.
There's <10,000 centimillionaires (worth $100m). That's 0.003% of Americans.
$100m is closer to 0 than $1b.
While obviously affluent, if you're not worth $200m+, you're not who "the left" has been wanting to tax.
The culture war is only a series of skirmishes, but too many people like the applause for being the white knight tilting at windmills and rallying under whichever flavor of the week banner is in vogue
There's only so many people, money, etc that can be organized against the oligarchy, so spreading it all out over an ever-incressing number of causes works amazingly to render them all futile
Literally this election proved that
Also me: Just become a CEO and ask them to skullfuck that dude for eternity. Problem solved.
Also a perfect quote for this thread!
My FOM is not affected. I have seen the impact of Brexit in business particularly.