The platform will consume a lot of cloud services to keep it afloat. If we don’t want ads we should seriously consider a subscription model. This freemium can’t last forever
I've already seen some Fake accounts. Scammers Ruin Everything (or they try). So BOLO for the usual "Tried sending you a request but didn't go through so send me a request" Bullsh¡t... #DebbieDownerSorry #ScammersRuinEverything
at some point there probably will be. I would so much rather deal with the ADs (from quality companies) than the vitriol X crap. Yeah it's peaceful here
They’ll have to eventually have some to keep making money though. They need to ask us all in surveys how they can manage them, if they do down the line.
Ads will follow at some point, running the servers for this as the size of the Site increases is expensive, we can only hope they actually manually review the ads and we don't get spammed with scams and shitty mobile game ads.
That, or subscriptions.
I've already seen some Fake accounts. Scammers Ruin Everything (or they try). So BOLO for the usual "Tried sending you a request but didn't go through so send me a request" Bullsh¡t... #DebbieDownerSorry #ScammersRuinEverything
I should curate a collection 🤔
I'll scroll past a few ads to keep those if I have to.
And there was the phase of getting deluged with The Old Lady Bra ads 😛
I'd totally subscribe for a reasonable amount of "normal" ads, if that maintains the platform... with no strings attached.
We don't want to encourage this. 🖖
I don’t have to keep reporting and deleting.