my take on all this: the folks who smuggled in signs, booed and chanted, walked out - those are the folks to watch here. they're the ones who pushed back
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They didn’t push back, they gave him exactly the audience he wanted, and acted smug while doing it.
Even worse, no one who attended captured any media attention but when he stood up for us. The democrats are not united and we will suffer for that.
Sincerely Ds need some theater kids in their strategy tent.
This was the one moment of the year where all eyes are on Congress. With the seizure of Congress’s power of the purse, an I Am Spartacus type of routine was required for maximum theatrics. Anything less is a disappointment.
Yes! I watched Wyden's town hall and there were really GREAT questions.
It was a great use of time, even if we weren't measuring in contrast to the cesspool of delusional fascist propaganda Trump was spewing.
They are real people who live by their convictions, and there are millions of us around the United States who are willing to stand up and act accordingly. Thank you, Leah!
I would have liked to.see them be more disruptive. It must be terribmy imtimidating..None of us has any idea what it is like for our electeds to be attending a Klan rally. Most of us have no practice standing up to this kind of hate. I think we need to give them some grace.
This is the time to take loud action. They should have planned it out and staged a noise disruption every 3 minutes, with one more person being carried out. The media did not cover any protest but that. They should have made it impossible to ignore.
Why we are frustrated:
1. No coordinated effort to capitalize on the moment!
2. Even w/out 1, they should have all left when was removed. THAT would've changed the narrative of the night, the movement & what resistance can look like
We are looking for Not acting with decorum any longer. Not behaving. We are playing a team that lies, cheats, deflates the ball, has signals called in from the Russian outfield, has the umpire in their pocket.
Play by new rules or get stepped on. We’re getting trampled!
I call his office
e v e r y
s I n g l e
d a y .
(as in, all 3 since I so rarely get a human.)
Yesterday I had to call AGAIN after that theater audience deadness from most of the dems.
AND....I will be calling again THIS MORNING.
(along with Schumer. Let's not forget useless Schumer...)
That’s amazing! And leaving messages count! I love it when we can overwhelm them with voicemails.
Can’t forget about he’s currently competing with and to see who can be more useless.
(I just have to add I WISH it felt like voice messages counted. How about a damn IN PERSON town hall. Shouldn't our elected officials OWE us that? I'm just so furious this morning. EXTREME rage level.)
Trust me, I call Schumer's offices, too. Daily. And Gillibrand (ugh.) I just put up a photo of a town hall happening tonight streaming on YouTube. Notice of it went up yesterday afternoon. (insert more rage here.) Ken Martin, the TRASH head of the DNC, and Jeffries. Call call call in!!
There are plenty of independent journalists doing real journalism, who would show up in a hot minute. Major media would either send someone or have to deal with the fallout from getting scooped.
We are talking about staging a coordinated mass protest by congressional Democrats at the highly televised State of the Union and holding a People’s State of the Union streamed live by all of them everywhere. Not doing short piecemeal interviews with CNN.
Okay, but why would they do that when everyone ignores all their speeches and livestreams? The media wouldn't cover them instead of Trump's speech. If you want your reps to do certain things, you have to give them positive reinforcement when they do those things. Or they'll assume it's ineffective.
Meidas Gold podcast has more viewings and downloads than Fox News and Joe Rogan. People ARE turning to independent news sources. Obviously we dont look to MSM
Maybe, but I think too generous. We've seen signs, heard boos, had color coordination, and even silent walk-outs in small numbers before. Anyone who didn't level up did not learn. If they learn after today, good for them. Maybe for us too. Hope they learn fast.
yes the signs were small; my understanding is that they were smuggled in, basically
Even worse, no one who attended captured any media attention but when he stood up for us. The democrats are not united and we will suffer for that.
This was the one moment of the year where all eyes are on Congress. With the seizure of Congress’s power of the purse, an I Am Spartacus type of routine was required for maximum theatrics. Anything less is a disappointment.
And 10000000000%yes.
Vote of No Confidence.
It was a great use of time, even if we weren't measuring in contrast to the cesspool of delusional fascist propaganda Trump was spewing.
I don't know why we were supposed to be mad at them.
I am sure someone will remind me.
This is the time to take loud action. They should have planned it out and staged a noise disruption every 3 minutes, with one more person being carried out. The media did not cover any protest but that. They should have made it impossible to ignore.
Why we are frustrated:
1. No coordinated effort to capitalize on the moment!
2. Even w/out 1, they should have all left when was removed. THAT would've changed the narrative of the night, the movement & what resistance can look like
My frustrations stem from the fact that voters gave Republicans full control of the federal government and elected Trump president.
Democrats warned about the chaos and destruction and voters ignored those warnings.
Play by new rules or get stepped on. We’re getting trampled!
Dems have NO CLUE at all about how to do marketing and publicity.
The entire marketing strategy of the Dems should be taken back to square one and rebuilt from the ground up.
Call Rep. Hakeem Jeffries for doing nothing tonight ☎️
Washington, DC
Phone: (202) 225-5936
Brooklyn, NY
Phone: (718) 237-2211
Brooklyn, NY
Phone: (718) 373-0033
e v e r y
s I n g l e
d a y .
(as in, all 3 since I so rarely get a human.)
Yesterday I had to call AGAIN after that theater audience deadness from most of the dems.
AND....I will be calling again THIS MORNING.
(along with Schumer. Let's not forget useless Schumer...)
Can’t forget about he’s currently competing with and to see who can be more useless.
Update: they’re tied.
I've been calling my reps office as well! But time to call others perhaps too.
Plus, not one Democrat mentioned the upcoming special elections that have the potential to flip the House. Not one!!!
…and yes, they’re in districts where it’s unlikely…but the point is they didn’t even try to rally support.
They didn’t even try!
One guy goes on Fox Business and says "I think the office of the Presidency deserves respect" and he gets wall-to-wall coverage.
Did anyone actually catch that "trusk" are after our social security? Do you have any clue what will happen if SS is cut or eliminated?
But yes let's fight back using a sign while MILLIONS will become homeless, hungry & sick