This is how it’s done folks. If your rep won’t hold a town hall because they know what they’re doing is unpopular, hold one for them and let everyone in your community know what they’re up to.
Reposted from
Distill Social
Congressman Jack Bergman’s constituents held a town hall tonight—because their cowardly congressman refused.
He’s happy to cash a taxpayer-funded paycheck but too scared to face the people he’s supposed to represent. Pathetic.
He’s happy to cash a taxpayer-funded paycheck but too scared to face the people he’s supposed to represent. Pathetic.
Don't harass the staff, just march around outside with signs and loud voices.
"WE schedule the townhalls, bitches. YOU show up when you're told."
US House
- FL01
- FL06
- NY21
Sound the alarms in these districts!!
This is the way!!
MA-01 Rep Richard Neal refused to show up to one and MA-02 Rep. McGovern showed up to interface w/ constituents instead
Reminder: Neal is a Big Pharma/HMO donor fellating Establishment Dem & Pelosi wears his ass for a hat.
And ALWAYS make sure to invite the media to these.
Hope this is repeated all over the country
People need to join together and voice their concerns
If their representative will not do their job
Hold the meeting without them