Which is one of many reasons why they will be appealing the conviction and will quite likely get it overturned if SCOTUS’ past behavior is any indication as to their future actions
Like they let him off on 34 counts they'll let this slide also. Bc hell target them.
I want to see nations stand up but we such a dumbass/greedy planet that the bad guys around the world are winning🤷🏽♀️
After today, we know that laws don't apply to him. Being a felon means nothing unless someone has the courage to hold the monster accountable and the Republicans alongside his billionaire allies will ensure that never happens.
Yep, that ‘s international law. The cruel irony of international law is you cannot violate it, even though the on you have to allow in, speaks constantly of violating it.
It would be so funny if he was refused a visa to enter a country or barred from countries....imagine airforce 1 lands at Heathrow, tower tells pilot all crew can disembark but passenger has to remain on plane!😂😂😂😂
37 countries wouldn’t take him, huh? Makes sense. Trump’s passport might as well say, “Person Non Grata.” Diplomatic status won’t save him forever—he’s just a convicted ex-reality star trying to cosplay as REAL leader. The world’s closing its doors, and he’s stuck in his golden cage!
Okay. That isn’t really accurate. He wasn’t a reality star. He sat there and fired people. Johnny Bananas? Ashley from Rock of Love Bus? Paris and Nicole? Those are stars.
He was even upstaged on his own show. Dude had to keep getting a rub from having Omarosa on his show multiple times, ffs
Fine, I’ll give you this—Trump wasn’t exactly Paris Hilton level, but let’s not act like he wasn’t closer to a reality star than a competent president. The man spent more time staging boardroom drama than reading briefing books. If “grift and chaos” was a genre, he’d win an Emmy.
I’ll compromise. He was a reality show participant. I put him at the level of that one guy from Survivor who may or may not have been a federal agent. Memorable, but for making you wonder if he should be without a caretaker, and people only brought him along because he was gullible.
Fair enough—a reality show participant. I’ll take that. Trump’s definitely more “weird guy from Survivor” than an actual strategist. Memorable for all the wrong reasons, and people kept him around because they thought they could USE him. Gullible, chaotic, and completely out of his depth.
Wouldn't it be nice if these countries denied access and he had to conduct diplomacy through zoom, or the real President elect Musk could go in his place
No country will deny the Puppet access. Or any other president this crazy country puts in office. But it sure is fun to keep pointing out Melon Head’s Puppet is a felon. A raging felon.
I doubt any country will have the balls to enforce it though, for fear of his reprisals/sanctions. He'll be the de facto leader, so he'll just spin it as a slap against America, etc..
There is a higher law that applies in this case. International law. You cannot bar a head of state or head of government (and a few others) from entering.
(Even if that same “head of state” constantly babbles about breaking international law).
Doesn't matter. Our country is run by corporations. They alone elected the idiot Cheeto to protect their interests. America is gone, and there's nothing we can do about it. Time to move on and not stress about things we can't change
I would LOVE it if he keeps mouthing off about other EU countries, about invading Greenland (for it's minerals and it's position with NATO for security and bases) -- and having each and every one of them do a press conference announcing that "The felon, Trump will NOT be permitted entry." KARMA
Yeah!!! A great reason for the UK to shrug and say “Them’s the breaks” when that orange blowhard tries to get into the UK so he can stay at Buckingham Palace and pretend he got ‘knighted’ again. A small but important positive. DON’T GIVE IN BRITAIN!!!
Trump as a felon will indeed travel where ever he wants to go.
Now hear me out….that may be the policy BUT I am realistic.
Trump can indeed shoot someone on 5th ave and not loose any support or see any prison time 🤷🏾♂️
Not sure that will be enacted in reality as Trump will travel on a diplomatic passport which will exempt these restrictions. GW Bush was also convicted of a felony DUI offence and this procedure was followed to permit travel.
Oh, I’m sure he’ll go, and be welcomed. There are countries who are rufusing to arrest Netanyahu despite the warrant for him.
Spines seem to be in short supply these days.
SO WHAT! Yeah, and all 50 states denied felons to own a fire arm...America gave this felon a military, allowing him to sell pardons over the internet and have lunch in the Rose Gardern with Nazis corporations who throw him protection "donations" why would he have the need to leave.
It’s part of the Vienna convention, IIRC.
I want to see nations stand up but we such a dumbass/greedy planet that the bad guys around the world are winning🤷🏽♀️
As democratic nations we must at the very least apply our punishment by rejecting entry to Trump.
As a Canadian 🇨🇦, our diplomacy stops at our borders. #Justice
From this day forward Trump will always be referred to as
a Criminal President 👎🤨
I’m sick about the outcome of the election.
He was even upstaged on his own show. Dude had to keep getting a rub from having Omarosa on his show multiple times, ffs
Just how sensitive are those Mar-a-Lago Documents
"25 Years to Life"
...but since he's President, just a "Felony" label, detachable when appealed.
...but a State can't remove him from their voting roles.
"Sexual Assault"
...but only because of semantics.
Coming Soon: Canada, Greenland, Panama.
(Even if that same “head of state” constantly babbles about breaking international law).
Now hear me out….that may be the policy BUT I am realistic.
Trump can indeed shoot someone on 5th ave and not loose any support or see any prison time 🤷🏾♂️
Pisses me the fuck off
Spines seem to be in short supply these days.