Their ears will ring with the cries of the wailing mothers. They are digging a deep rut into the consciousness field of humanity. Eventually, the sides will cave in on them. I bet these maga folks see dark shadows in their peripheral vision frequently. Dark energy is coiling around them like a snake
Seriously, could things be any worse if the spineless Democrats did not vote for the Trump agenda? Chucklefuck Schumer either needs to retire or be removed. 🤬
Right. I think it’s Russia and it’s been Russia since the 80’s but this time they have Musk babysitting the orange man in the White House to make sure he’s doing what they want him to. And did Russia give money to musk to buy Twitter? It’s all connected some how.
Well, Trump felt bad because Elon was losing money. I’m sure he feels bad for the farmers and he’s gonna go do a farmers commercial and help out around the farm. Maybe he’ll milk a goat
Hehe. And if he can’t drive anyway, think he will be alive or cognizant enough to drive that Tesla in 4 years. I doubt he could drive himself across the city now. Dumb shit doesn’t use mobile devices. Doubt he could navigate basic street signs right now lol
It is designed to anger you
The sole purpose is to anger you and make you post and post about nonsense like cat eating.
Meanwhile this week the federal government announced they will not prosecute those who sexually assault children in their custody. And teenagers are looting our social security
The Democrats needs to step it up if they want to win back the Senate and House in the midterms..
Playing Mr.Nice Guy will not win you Elections..
we need to fight Fire with Fire!!!
They only think about their riches.
Tell me how an unelected official is in our government hacking away at programs w/complete chaos.Downsizing would take months,maybe a couple yrs to really look at departments to see where the cuts would be.
These two give no thought just hack away & lie, lie, lie
These cuts and firings and elimination of telephone contact will kill some people. It is a simple as that. They won't be headlines. They won't catch anybody's attention. They will blend into the mortality statistics and be of interest to public health officials and graduate students writing papers.
Wasn't it about 2 years ago where Old Donny was crying because he didn't the money to cover the fines to pay New York and E.Jean Carroll cases he lost? Did he ever pay them? Knowing the old guy, he's probably got them wrapped up in courts on appeals.
Have you started using them?? Maybe make them bigger - it isn't working well enough! And be sure to dig the needles in really deep, please, and thank you.
One of my dear friends runs the local food bank and he is now beside himself with worry about being able to delivering food to all of the families who depend on him.
There is so much wrong here and cult GOP refuses to hold tRump accountable. This all rest on the American Disgrace tRump, muskrat and cowardly GOP sycophants!
#ShutitDown vote no there are a so much wrong with the CR.
The kids being killed in school over and over and over by guns is the height of my infuriation!! I expect so little of them that starving them doesn’t even register on my list.
DOGE is just another version of the Government scam which purpose is simply to take money from the working class and give to the rich. And the cycle will continue until people realize the only problem we have in the world is the greed of the rich, everything else is just a distraction.
The funding has already been allocated by congress for purposes to be spent to all those divisions. It literally is a law that the money must go to those places. DOGE is literally stealing the money, which is illegal. Where is this money now? Do the books show extra money now?
I was wrong about Trump. When he first took over the country in 2016, I expected the worst. Every day, since that awful day in 2016, Trump has far exceeded my expectations.
I don't know what else he could do to convince his people that he has absolutely nothing in common with them. No one without his kind of money could just go out and buy a vehicle that expensive. Not too much of anything screams "I'm filthy rich!" as much as this does
Somehow I doubt he actually bought it. Regardless, the whole thing was and is shameful. Every day there is a new low with this regime of emotionally stunted imbecilic clowns.
Bought a $90000 Tesla he will never drive and no one with half a brain will drive because it's a death trap. He's a gimmick guy, not a business man, not a mediator and definitely not a leader.
I believe it would make both of those vile bastards happy to watch children and babies slowly starve to death in front of them. I have never seen anyone relish cruelty as much as trump and fElon. Makes me sick.
Those 2 cocksuckers should be throw in prison . Bad enough the cost of living is nuts, those 2 cocksuckers just made it worse. Shame on the fuckers that voted Donald Trump!!
It's a second Gilded Age because in the first Gilded Age the majority of the country's wealth was concentrated in a handful of individuals, there was a very small middle class, and most Americans were dirt poor.
Unbelievable! I am so angry!
I say he didn’t.
“Thieves of private property pass their lives in chains; thieves of public property in riches and luxury.” ― Cato the Elder
It is real!
Quid Pro Quo
What a return on investment!
Cheeto never says a negative thing on Putin.
But he’s a real guy. 🏁
You're the "good" Billionaire correct! 🎯
...I challenge you to throw down the Gauntlet and challenge your fellow Billionaires to stop Starvation.
Not asking you to end #WorldHunger.
Just eliminate #Starvation.
*Please see Comments ☺️👍
Build Employment,
Raise Community Value/Equity,
Create Self-Sufficiency...etc
Along with Blockchain Technology bringing prices down, purchasing power up and easing Operations and Management. 🎯
The sole purpose is to anger you and make you post and post about nonsense like cat eating.
Meanwhile this week the federal government announced they will not prosecute those who sexually assault children in their custody. And teenagers are looting our social security
Playing Mr.Nice Guy will not win you Elections..
we need to fight Fire with Fire!!!
The cheap ass greedy felon doesn't even pay his lawyers.
He certainly didn't buy this rag.
Red isn't my color.
Tell me how an unelected official is in our government hacking away at programs w/complete chaos.Downsizing would take months,maybe a couple yrs to really look at departments to see where the cuts would be.
These two give no thought just hack away & lie, lie, lie
Dangerous superficial baboons.
I hope you are well my friend...we are in this together ❤️
#ShutitDown vote no there are a so much wrong with the CR.
Will they get bailed out again? Or will they actually LEARN this time?
They voted for this!
this is the tarnished age
“Wow! That’s an Elon,” Trump said when Ross showed him the truck wrapped a picture of Trump raising his fist after the teleprompter glass hit his ear.
He never bought anything in his life.
Everything he owns is stolen or a blackmail payment.
It worked out really well in 1787.
with libraries,museums, and charitable foundations.
We subsidize their exploding rockets, batteries, and takeover of media platforms.
We get the government
We deserve