I’d support his right to be trans, but I’m I’d still call him a nazi asshole. So, I think the trans community lucked out on this one in all honesty. I’m somewhat shamed we as a human race have to fucking claim him and agent Orange
I absolutely think he is trying to become a breeder. If he can self clone and feed himself from his own boobs… I think that is his ultimate mantasy. The story of Mpreg Elon Musk, the beta or omega or some shit to.. Peter Thiel?
It’s like when you see something inappropriate, but it’s insanely funny, and you can’t stop yourself from laughing. That’s what it’s like. It’s actually pretty humorous that she thinks we will stop laughing, just because she asked us to.🥴
she also had to defend him when the whole wildly childish 'fight Zuckerberg' nonsense was happening. Elon realized he was going to get his dick slapped in the dirt so mommy had to come rescue him and tell Mark he was a big ol meany.
I really want to say this to her your 'son' is supposed to be a grown up, unless he is a mummy's boy? He needs to Fuck off and she should Fuck off after him!!
This woman truly is a dolt. She helped create this creature. Truly, like the Trumps, a pathetic family .....absolutely unworthy of respect or kindness.
World worst mother. It’s amazing that she doesn’t have enough sense to be ashamed. She should be absolutely horrified and ashamed of what her child has become.
Maye Musk proving once again that you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. She appears to fit in well with the entitled miscreants her man-child son cavorts with.
Foxtrot Echo Mike...
Foxtrot Delta Tango...
VOTE THEM OUT! Support the Dems: Valimont in FL-1; Josh Weil in FL-6; Blake Gendebien in NY-21; Crawford for WI Supreme Court in the upcoming Special Elections. DONATE at https://www.actblue.com/directory? and State Legislatures at https://dlcc.org/ LOCK THEM UP!
everybody knows the best thing to do if you are getting mocked is to have your mommy show up and tell those people to be nice. a can't lose strategy. something 50 year olds do all the time. very normal and definitely not super super weird.
Damn, I have seen white but that is white-white. I did not realize that Elon's mom was Nosferatu. Maybe that is why his brain don't work, it's starved for blood.
That must be why he making all these kids he don't want, they are for him to throw at Mama to buy him time to get away.
Seriously? The richest man in the world who bought himself a presidency and is destroying the United States has his mommy asking people not to laugh at him?? You really can’t make this stuff up.
Well, Mommy brought the boy to the place where he is now by asking the right people not to laugh at him. Now that things have gotten out of hand she thinks the same strategy will work
Maybe she should go pay attention to her 14 grandchildren that her son ignores...oh, except for the poorly named X whom he uses as a human shield and prop.
Foxtrot Delta Tango...
Foxtrot Echo Mike...
VOTE THEM OUT! Support the Dems: Valimont in FL-1; Josh Weil in FL-6; Blake Gendebien in NY-21; Crawford for WI Supreme Court in the upcoming Special Elections. DONATE at https://www.actblue.com/directory? and State Legislatures at https://dlcc.org/ LOCK THEM UP!
Foxtrot Delta Tango...
Foxtrot Echo Mike...
VOTE THEM OUT! Support the Dems: Valimont in FL-1; Josh Weil in FL-6; Blake Gendebien in NY-21; Crawford for WI Supreme Court in the upcoming Special Elections. DONATE at https://www.actblue.com/directory? and State Legislatures at https://dlcc.org/ LOCK THEM UP!
I have more sympathy for Grendel actually...he just wanted a quiet nap 🤣 Felonia would have been snapped in two the minute he fired up that stupid chainsaw.
This is what's meant by a Smother! Yikes! Some early narcissistic training. So genetic & environmental. She built a dark tetrad.
And she seems like AI mom, to me ! She doesn't seem real!🥴
Why do fascist men need their mommies to fight their battles? Hegseth had his mom go out and defend him by denying her true opinion of him. These women are just as pathetic as their nasty spawn.
He’s a spoiled rich kid that looks down on all beneath his status ! Just like trump, bezos and a few other wealthy 🫏es they only care about themselves. Be a Warren Buffet or Mark Cuban - Not a Maga lemming!
I didn’t know they made Karen haircuts in that shade of white. 🧐 She could run for congress and win- she meets the age requirement. 🦕That’s a child that only a mother could love. 👹
If Musk's mother had had an abortion the world would now be a better place. The electric car still would exist, rockets would still exist and Twitter wouldn't have become a cesspool of lies, racism and a platform for fascists.
Does she know that we laugh at her also and that she’s homely as a mud fence and that we know that she’s also a Nazi and that it’s probably best at the both of them just fucking leave our country and go back to their Nazi family wherever they come from
If only Germany had laughed at Adolf Hitler instead of German Conservative/Royalist Chancellor von Papen including him in his right wing cabinet in 1930. 1,000,000 Berliners protested the move. Von Papen PROMISED he could control Hitler. By January 1933, von Papen was gone, Hitler was Chancellor.
Got that right. Elmo would have you believe that he's the new Edison but the truth is that he never invented anything except perhaps the Cybertruck and that clusterfuck was developed while on ketamine, no doubt. Elmo is a trust fund Nazi and nothing else.
HERO - Cooper Jo Frederick, a Fort Collins resident, is facing multiple felony charges in connection with the incident on March 7. The Loveland Police Department said Frederick ignited an incendiary device and threw it at the Loveland Tesla building, where it landed between two vehicles.
More ghoul than girl!
Maybe we need to start calling him #MommasBoyMusk
completely pathetic and weird.
Let me laugh even harder.
no respect from sentient beings...
He is exactly like her!🤮
Deep breath!
"Stop laughing at him"
How about he stops being a douchebag??
We’re mostly horrified
Can't buy class 🫵
Foxtrot Delta Tango...
VOTE THEM OUT! Support the Dems: Valimont in FL-1; Josh Weil in FL-6; Blake Gendebien in NY-21; Crawford for WI Supreme Court in the upcoming Special Elections. DONATE at https://www.actblue.com/directory? and State Legislatures at https://dlcc.org/ LOCK THEM UP!
That must be why he making all these kids he don't want, they are for him to throw at Mama to buy him time to get away.
She can fuck right off.
Your son is fair game. And so are you.
Foxtrot Echo Mike...
VOTE THEM OUT! Support the Dems: Valimont in FL-1; Josh Weil in FL-6; Blake Gendebien in NY-21; Crawford for WI Supreme Court in the upcoming Special Elections. DONATE at https://www.actblue.com/directory? and State Legislatures at https://dlcc.org/ LOCK THEM UP!
Foxtrot Echo Mike...
VOTE THEM OUT! Support the Dems: Valimont in FL-1; Josh Weil in FL-6; Blake Gendebien in NY-21; Crawford for WI Supreme Court in the upcoming Special Elections. DONATE at https://www.actblue.com/directory? and State Legislatures at https://dlcc.org/ LOCK THEM UP!
And she seems like AI mom, to me ! She doesn't seem real!🥴
She should be on Mars
With her alien family members. She and her son both look like space aliens that came thru Area 51.
Idea: I hear that Moscow is simply gorgeous this time of year plus i hear he has a good friend to stay with. lets do that rather.
It hurts their feelings…….
and calling them nazis or fascists kinda isn't. because they think that sounds tough and frightening and scary so it emboldens them.
weird isn't something they can flip into something tough and scary.
So, what other weird words can we call them? 🧐
Dumb as a rock when it comes to poorer people!
We are not easily fooled into your greedy world!
53 year olds must be super-cool.
She deserves to be laughed out of any place she goes, just saying.
Really,really loathing him
If she knew how much we loathed him, she would be begging us to laugh at him
Just the thought of him and that Nazi mother imploding, makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.