A point that I have heard Judith Butler articulate several times is that there is no grand distinction between attacking a group's material status and legal rights and attacking its members' dignity by refusing to use forms of address they find tolerable. Both are on a spectrum of disrespect.
Normalized disrespect directly leads to increased material harms to the disrespected group.
You dumb bitch
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Given that the Republicans now control the presidency, senate, house, and increasingly the federal courts, on a platform plank of hard anti-transism, that could be one way to bring the Dems back to power, logically.
You're allowed to find legal speech unacceptable.
The mistake is thinking that they're on different tiers.
The disrespect led to the dehumanization which led to the genocide.
Japanese were already a disrespected outgroup and so it was trivially easy for the government to seize their material property.
Because you can be a complete pro at Marxist economics and still be a far worse leftist than someone who says "i dunno socialism sounds good" but has a real understanding of intersectional feminism and patriarchy.
I don't know what I would have done without your deeply informed opinions
Anti-"woke" people ofc understand that just fine when it comes to people disrespecting *them*.
where are the "anti-woke leftists" who actually understand what bodily liberation for trans people looks like?
don't worry they will get to it any second now
Is why we lost the election.
This idea that All Liberals have to fully support the LBGQT community before any other issue is flawed thinking.
That's not how solidarity works. AT ALL. If already like you, then it's not solidarity, it's just friendship. If I DON'T like you but recognize we have common interests we need to work together on, then that alone makes us allies.
For example, I have zero respect and all the contempt for every quisling asshole that has bent the knee to Trump and the GOP.
I can work with someone who voted for Trump just fine, but I'll never, ever respect them as a person.
Is the reason we are driving voters away as a party.
Everyone is entitled to an opinion & being liberal isn’t make or break on Trans SPORTS🙄