If you get this goddamn notebook and no one dies in a wacky slapstick way straight out of some Buster Keaton movie, you are more of a failure as a human being than you would be for committing murder.
i think there was a thing about it only being able to affect the future 20-something days in advance, otherwise it just defaults to normal heart attack
I assumed it's because L would have an anti gun gun that he would shoot himself with that would knock the bullet light shot at him this somewhat proving he is death nothe
I mean, L proved his existence in like a day of him using the death note, even to the point of pinpointing the *exact* first person he used it on.
So yeah, Light's pretty dumb.
after years of using the death note he just forgets there's other ways people can die. like an older relative dies of natural causes and he spends maybe too long trying to figure out who would have a second death note before going "oh wait I forgot people die normally sometimes too"
Lazy ass letting most people die of heart attacks.
So yeah, Light's pretty dumb.