he is damaged and seeks to hurt others because he perceives that as power. his ego tells him he should "own" everything ... when he does face his mirror of truth it will be very painful for his spirit to face ....
Even if you aren’t able to protest at your capitol today, let’s show our solidarity!
Every single person who is part of the resistance needs to be screaming fascism ALL day! This is not about left or right, this is about the UNITED States of America!
I’ll give you a piece of advice before you take MerdeALago, hose it down , disinfect thoroughly with bleach and don’t forget to make sure no bed bugs in the rooms. Otherwise . Take it . And the felon as a cherry on top . Or orange? Anyway. It’s yours. 😀💙
Hopefully, some middle eastern countries will agree to take the home’s occupants. Then, we can look for the rest of the missing classified documents, before we plow it into the earth.
What is that song that says “If you want it, here it is, come and get it…” please, please come and get it. You’ll need a lot of sage to get the evil out but come and get it now.
Maybe if he pisses off enough countries someone will step in and help us defeat him. It's looking like we're going to need outside help at this point anyway.
Trudeau did say in an interview that during the Maralago dinner he offered to take Vermont, California and a couple of other states. That apparently ended the conversation abruptly.
Right now, Republicans have the Congressional majority
As long as they appear to think it's funny to put down Democrats, our Republic doesn't stand a chance.
JUST IMAGINE......Has there EVER been a person, MORE HATED, than this disgusting sexual predator, child fucker (with the child sex trafficking best buddy and ol'pal EPSTINE), FAILED businessman with 6? Bankruptcy's....than this bloated, pompous, Antisocial personality disorder +more!
I mean all the furniture would have to go at a minimum who knows who was molested on it…then the bug issues, and I’m sure a total redesign to make things more friendly and functional.
LOL, and so they should. I'm always amazed at the Trumputians will give Trump their last dime but Trump would never let a single one of them into Maralago. He will not ever talk to them, he talk at them but he never has a conversatioin with any of his die hard supporters. He sees them all as slaves
Why isn't MUCH MORE attention being given to this??😡 We all could feel in our guts that the election results were tampered with. This election was stolen. Musk knows it too🤬🖕
Yes! I wrote to him several times for different reasons. I got some good responses. I also sign a lot of petitions with various action groups trying to stop bad things from happening.
Not only was it hacked there was also a bomb threats in democratic voting areas, votes that were taken away because Gen Zers didn't know how to sign their own signature and mounts and mounts of misinformation on their sites. AND lying ass commercials on TV. 🗣️
Just buy the beach adjacent to it & put up a wind turbine, preferably a noisy one. That's the same tactic he used to buy the property in the 1st place. The mere threat should work.
Demolish it and build something nice. The people there, they aren't very nice people; they wouldn't mind moving out for a bit, just until the works done, and then we could move some other people back once we have finished rebuilding. Said Trump.
I thought it was because of this thing I had just seen in the news, I now realize it's probably because of Trump talking about taking Greenland and Canada and stuff like this lol but this is brilliant as well as great
I was thinking bring all 6 million to Florida. Climate about the same and they’ll feel right at home living next door to the friendly neighbors. Religiously from the same parish.
Every single person who is part of the resistance needs to be screaming fascism ALL day! This is not about left or right, this is about the UNITED States of America!
Eliminate Trump!
People from Gaza stay away from his underwear 🩲 drawers 😂
But beware of mishandled classified documents laying around.
Probably have better taste?
Failing that, wasn’t this the reason the second amendment was passed?
As long as they appear to think it's funny to put down Democrats, our Republic doesn't stand a chance.
so you can betray and murder him, is pure Evil.
(fixed it) 😉
JUST IMAGINE......Has there EVER been a person, MORE HATED, than this disgusting sexual predator, child fucker (with the child sex trafficking best buddy and ol'pal EPSTINE), FAILED businessman with 6? Bankruptcy's....than this bloated, pompous, Antisocial personality disorder +more!
No one is covering their reaction to being removed from Gaza.
I wonder if Donnie is going to try and change the name to something ICONIC...
They had the power to do whatever they needed to about it.
And did nothing...
Idk what the f*cking solution is when one party wants to destroy the Constitution and the other is unwilling to defend it.
Pray for a Progressive Revolution as Nazis take over, I guess.
You ever see pics of guests
Eating there...they must have to puree all the dinners
If you can get 10 times that for a street protest
You can easily get the numbers to accomplish what is necessary
Kushner Kondos are koming.
With lots of space for animal shelter!
Coupacabana..... 🎶🎶
is loved by MAGA…