What games have you played for 1,000 hours or more?
What's the game you've put the most time into?
What's the game you've put the most time into?
Specifically, the kaizo romhacks. Great stuff. Awesome community.
About 1000 hours - probably there is no such game, I get tired of the same pretty fast. Witcher was an exception in that sense.
The rest is difficult to say for sure. Diablo II and the Age of Empires in my youth.
It's rare for me to commit more than 300-400 hours.
good times
(Maybe the smash bros series(spread out amongst 3 games) is in there)
Minecraft is the one I’ve put the most into, but it’s also the one I’ve been playing the longest(I was 8 I think)
The game I've put the most hours into, hands down, is tabletop RPG Dungeons and Dragons.
But for video games, Skyrim. Nothing else comes close.
Oh, and Doom. Lots of Doom played since I was a kid.
FFVII, FFVIII, Morrowind/Oblivion/Skyrim, Fallout 3/4, Elden Ring.
I don’t know if I had 1,000 hours in any though. I didn’t keep track.
I do know that back in the day I got all characters to level 99 and got all available limit breaks in FFVII before Aeris left the party.
1582 hrs in No Man's Sky
1003 hrs in Skyrm
unlike my brethren who have 5k+ hrs in Elite Dangerous *which baffles me* im stuck with Fallout 4 that i havent actually played in several years.
although i MIGHT have 1k in Elite Dangerous.
But Sims Medieval for me.
Cyberpunk 2077
Dragon Age INQ
Elder scrolls, Daggerfall, Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, SWTOR, City of Heroes, City of Villians, TIE fighter, X-Wing, silent Hunter 2.
plus a few others 🤣
Prefer him to Ronnie Shaw though.
I’m not gonna say how much time I put into it. But it was the right amount.
According to steam I’ve put 371 hours into Rusty’s retirement. Some older games I’ve played have probably reached 300 hours too.
Card games: Magic the Gathering and Yu-Gi-Oh
I've spent the most time with Magic the Gathering and League of Legends
Persona 5 Strikers took me ~100 hours to beat and i beat it 3 times so thats ~300.
Pokemon Emerald may be highest? If QoL hacks count ive played that like 50+ times.