Genuinely curious as I don't have the background: is this just a NIMBY smokescreen or genuine concern for a historic structure? I'm on your side, but do have some sympathy for targeted examples of the latter.
To be honest, I have sympathy for historic preservation. Thing is, you can't save everything. The person 1. Needs to be of actual importance. It's not just some random suburb built in the 60's but has importance 2. Used for some purpose. Like, people give a damn. If it's not, just put up a plaque
I am uh...finding nothing about William Payson. Maybe he's special to the local area, IDK. I'm not opposed to historic preservation, but it's misused a lot, and having half-rotten homes because no one is maintaining it/use it is just silly. Like Mount Vernon is actually used so I guess it can stay.
So some interesting history about the person but unrelated to a boring and dilapidated structure.