It's time to see what "The Greatest Game of All Time" is! 38 different systems, each with a week to vote. These winners will then be pooled together for a final vote. And hey, maybe share this for wider variety!
Let's begin with the NES, what are your Top 10 games?
Let's begin with the NES, what are your Top 10 games?
Kirby's Adventure
Mr Gimmick
Super Mario Bros 3
Duck Tales
Marble Madness
Mega Man 2
Fire N Ice
Duck Hunt
Donkey Kong Jr
Honouary mentions to Flea! an Lizard, my top two NES games but they're modern homebrews so they're over here instead!
2. Mega Man 4
3. Castlevania
4. Mega Man 2
5. Punch Out!
6. Kirby’s Adventure
7. The Legend of Zelda
8. Excitebike
9. Metroid
10. Kid Icarus
2. Kirby's Adventure
3. The Legend of Zelda
4. Metroid
5. Super Mario Bros.
6. Final Fantasy
7. Kid Icarus
8. Super Mario Bros. 2 (USA)
9. Punch-Out
10. Clu Clu Land
Great idea!
Love seeing everyone's lists.
2. Legend of Zelda
3. Super Mario Bros 3
4. Super Mario Bros 2
5. Contra
6. Fire Emblem: Gaiden
7. Blades of steel
8. Bubble bobble
9. Duck hunt
10. Snake rattle n roll
There is not enough love for blades of steel or contra.
2. Mario 3
3. River city ransom
4. Dragon quest 3
5. Dragon quest
6. Final fantasy
7. The legend of zelda
8. Castlevania 3
9. Adventure island II
10. Excite Bike
2. Duck Hunt
3. Mario 3
4. Mega Man 6
5. Mario 1
6. Zelda 1
7. Mario 2
8. Mega Man 5
9. Mega Man 4
10. Mega Man 3
2. The Legend of Zelda
3. Mike Tyson’s punch-out!!
4. Kirby’s Adventure
5. Super Mario Bros.
6. Super Mario Bros. 2
7. Tetris
8. Dr. Mario
9. Metroid
10. The Mysterious Murasame Castle
2. Metroid
3. Mega Man 2
4. Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles
5. Super Mario Bros.
6. Bubble Bobble.
7. Mario Bros. (Classic Series)
8. Final Fantasy
9. The Legend of Zelda
10. Duck Tales
2. Bubble Bobble
3. Mega Man II
4. Super Mario Bros. 3
5. Tetris
6. Contra
7. Double Dragon
8. Balloon Fight
9. Excitebike
10. Punch-Out
(Hon. Mention to Star Tropics, which I have not played but heard is very good)
2. Castlevania
3. Kirby's Adventure
4. Ninja Gaiden
5. The Legend of Zelda
6. Castlevania III
7. Vice: Project Doom
8. Super Mario Bros 3
9. Balloon Fight
10. Baseball Stars
2. EarthBound Beginnings
3. Super Mario Bros. 3
4. Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse
5. Famicom Detective Club: The Girl Who Stands Behind
6. Mega Man 3
7. Ninja Gaiden
8. Kirby's Adventure
9. The Legend of Zelda
10. Metroid
2. Super Mario Bros. 3
3. Super Mario Bros.
4. Super mario bros 2.
5. Super C
6. Contra
7. Side Pocket
8. bubble bobble
9. star tropics
10. Pictionary (title music)
1. Gimmick!
2. Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!
3. Mega Man 5
4. Kirby's Adventure
5. Tetris
6. Mega Man 2
7. Mega Man 6
8. Super Mario Bros. 3
9. The Legend of Zelda
10. Mega Man 4
2. Super Mario Bros 3
3. Metroid
4. The Legend of Zelda
5. Duck Hunt (the use of the zapper as a kid just blew my mind)
6. Mega Man 4
7. Final Fantasy
8. TMNT 3: The Manhattan Project
9. Ghost n' Goblins
10. Crystalis
2. Zelda 2
3. The Legend of Zelda
4. Kid Icarus
5. Dragon Quest 2
6. Dragon Quest
7. Dragon Quest 3
8. Kirby's Adventure
9. Super Mario Bros
10. Super Mario Bros 2
I only included games I've actually played, so I can't put Mario 3, for instance. (I'll play it someday, I promise!)
2. Fire 'n' Ice
3. Mega Man 6
4. StarTropics
5. Tetris
6. Kirby's Adventure
7. Donkey Kong
8. Earthbound Beginnings
9. Blaster Master
10. Adventures of Lolo
1. Kirby's Adventure
2. Mega Man 3
3. Mega Man 6
4. Mega Man 4
5. Legend of Zelda
6. Final Fantasy 3
7. Mega Man 2
8. Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light
9. Bionic Comando
10. Castlevania 3 Dracula's Curse
2. Punch-Out!!
3. Super Mario Bros. 3
4. Kirby’s Adventure
5. The Legend of Zelda
6. Super Mario Bros. 2 (USA)
7. Balloon Fight
8. Super Mario Bros.
9. Vs. Excitebike
10. Wrecking Crew
Somehow I’ve only played a little over 10 NES games.
2. Ice Hockey
3. Downtown Special Kunio-kun's Historical Period Drama!
4. Super Mario Bros. 3
5. Tecmo Bowl
6. Super Mario Bros. 2 (USA)
7. The Legend of Zelda
8. Super Dodge Ball
9. Blaster Master
10. Tetris
The Legend of Zelda
Final Fantasy
Castlevania I
Mega Man II
Super Mario Bros. 3
NES Open Tournament Golf
Blaster Master
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!
Kirby's Adventure
1.) The Legend of Zelda
2.) Castlevania
3.) Super Mario Bros. 3
4.) Final Fantasy
5.) Contra
6.) Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!
7.) Mega Man II
8.) Blaster Master
9.) Kirby's Adventure
10.) NES Open Tournament Golf
2. Mega Man 2
3. Mega Man 3
4. Kirby's Adventure
5. Ducktales
6. Mario 1
7. Zelda 1
8. Castlevania
9. Gyromite
10. Godzilla: Monster of Monsters
2. Dragon Quest 3
3. Castlevania 3
4. Kirby's Adventure
5. Super Mario Bros 3
6. Tetris
7. The Legend of Zelda
8. Ninia Gaiden
9. Marble Madness
10. Metroid
Hard console to really pin down my favourites on with the exception of number one
2. Super Mario Bros 3
3. Dragon Quest 3
4. Super Mario Bros
5. Dragon Quest 2
6. Dragon Quest 1
7. Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light
8. Super Mario Bros 2 USA
9. Super Mario Bros 2 JP
10. Zelda 2 Adventure of Link
2. Super Mario Bros. 3
3. Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers
4. Dr. Mario
5. Kid Icarus
6. Super Mario Bros.
7. The Legend of Zelda
8. Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light
9. Fire Emblem Gaiden
10. Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse
2. Super Mario Bros 3
3. Bubble Bobble
4. Mega Man 2
5. Super Mario Bros
6. Punchout
7. Super Spike Volleyball
8. Super Sprint
9. Duck Hunt
10. Excitebike
2. Kirby's Adventure
3. Super Mario Bros. 3
4. Balloon Fight
5. Castlevania 3
6. Tetris
7. Super Mario Bros.
8. Mega Man 2
9. Final Fantasy
10. Dr. Mario
2. Tetris
3. Mega Man 4
4. Mega Man 3
5. Metroid
6. Kirby's Adventure
7. The Legend of Zelda
8. Dr. Mario
9. Mega Man 2
10. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: The Manhattan Project
2: The Legend of Zelda
3: Final Fantasy
4: Dragon Quest 4
5: Mega Man 2
6: Ninja Gaiden
7: StarTropics
8: DuckTales
9: Tetris
10: Kirby’s Adventure
2) Punch-Out!!
3) River City Ransom
4) Castlevania 3
5) Dragon Quest 3
6) RBI Baseball
7) RC Pro Am
8) Super Mario Bros 2
9) Bionic Commando
10) Castlevania 1
2. The Legend of Zelda
3. Mega Man 2
4. Tetris
5. DuckTales
6. Dragon Quest 3
7. Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
8. Kirby's Adventure
9. Blaster Master
10. Maniac Mansion
1. Super Mario Bros. 3
2. The Legend of Zelda
3. Kirby's Adventure
4. Zelda II
5. Super Mario Bros. 2
6. Metroid
7. Super Mario Bros.
8. Bomberman
9. Tetris
10. Castlevania
Ninja Gaiden
Earthbound Beginnings
Super Mario Bros.
Final Fantasy
Famicom Detective Club: The Girl Who Stands Behind
Kirby's Adventure
Dragon Quest (haven't played 3 yet)
1. Punch-Out
2. Kirby's Adventure
3. Castlevania
4. Dragon Warrior / Quest 1
5. Super Mario Bros 3
6. Zelda II
7. Metroid
8. Mega Man 2
9. Power Blade
10. Ducktales
2. Super Mario Bros. 1
3. Super Mario Bros. 2
4. Mega Man 2
5. Castlevania III
6. The Legend of Zelda
7. Punch-Out!!
8. Kirby's Adventure
9. River City Ransom
10. Nintendo World Cup
2. Super Mario Bros 3
3. Megaman 3
4. Super Mario Bros
5. Castlevania
6. Contra
7. Ducktails
9. Duck Hunt
10. Super Dodge-Ball
2. Super Mario Bros 3
3. Mega Man 4
4. Castlevania
5. Kirby's Adventure
6. Crystalis
7. StarTropics
8. The Legend of Zelda
9. DK Jr Math
10. Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle
2. Mega Man 4
3. Ninja Gaiden 2
4. Batman The Video Game
5. Super Mario Bros 3
6. Kirby's Adventure
7. Punch Out
8. Zelda 2 Adventure of Link
9. Fire Emblem 1
10. Shadow of The Ninja
I tried to limit to one game per series, but I'm satisfied with it
2. Kirby's Adventure
3. Balloon Fight
4. Super Mario Bros. 3
5. Dr. Mario
6. Mega Man 2
7. Kid Icarus
8. R.C. Pro-Am
9. Yoshi
10. Duck Hunt
1. Punch Out
2. Kirby’s Adventure
3. Castlevania 1
4. Contra + Super C (counting them as one)
5. Dragon Quest 3
6. Mega Man 4
7. Dr. Mario
8. Super Mario Bros 3
9. Metroid
10. Fire Emblem 1
2. The Legend of Zelda
3. Punch-Out!!
4. Metroid
5. Super Mario Bros. 2
6. Super Mario Bros
7. Kirby's Adventure
8. A Mega Man title
9. Zelda II
10. A Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest title
1.) SMB3
2.) Dr. Mario
3.) SMB
4.) Legend of Zelda
5.) Mother
6.) Kirby’s Adventure
7.) Final Fantasy
8.) SMB2
9.) Dragon Quest 3
10.) Fire Emblem
1. Kirby's Adventure
2. Mega Man 2
3. Super Mario Bros. 3
4. Mother 1/Earthbound Beginnings
5. The Legend of Zelda 1
6. Super Mario Bros. 1
7. Fire n Ice
8. Metroid 1
9. Punch Out
10. Castlevania 1
2. Final Fantasy I
3. Super Mario Bros 3
4. Metroid
5. Castlevania 3: Dracula's Curse
6. Startropics
7. Legend of Zelda
8. Super Mario Bros
9. Mega Man 2
10. Contra
2. Kirby's Adventure
3. Mother 1
4. Super Mario Bros.
5. Ninja Gaiden II: The Dark Sword of Chaos
6. Mega Man 6
7. The Mysterious Murasame Castle
8. Metroid
9. DuckTales
10. Kid Icarus
2. The Legend of Zelda
3. Clu Clu Land
4. Super Mario Bros.
5. Metroid
6. Kirby’s Adventure
7. Bomberman
8. Dr. Mario
9. Excitebike
10. Ms. Pac Man
2. Zelda 1
3. Castlevania 3
4. Mega Man 2
5. Dragon Quest 3
6. Kirby's Adventure
7. Tetris
8. Final Fantasy 3
9. Metroid
10. Earthbound Beginnings
9) Punch-Out
8) Kirby's Adventure
7) Ninja Gaiden
6) Contra
5) Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
4) Gradius
3) Super Mario Bros. 3
2) Castlevania
1) The Mysterious Murasame Castle
2. Kirby’s Adventure
3. Mega Man 2
4. Ice Climbers
5. Bubble Bobble
6. Tetris
7. Ducktales
8. Super Mario Bros.
9. Metroid
10. Star Tropics
2. Mega Man 2
3. Kirby’s Adventure
4. Super Mario Bros.
5. DuckTales
6. The Legend of Zelda
7. Kid Icarus
8. Super Mario Bros. 2 (USA)
9. Mysterious Murasame Castle
10. Ice Hockey
2. Punch Out
3. Metroid
4. Super Mario Bros. 3
5. Tetris
6. Mega Man 3
7. Kid Icarus
8. Super Mario Bros.
9. Castlevania III
10. Bionic Commando
2) mario 3
3) megaman 4
4) punch out
5) tetris
6) ducktales 1
7) castlevania 3
8) dragon quest 3
9)gargoyles quest 2
10) startropics
Harder than i thought to rank these tbh some other great games that barely dont make my personal top 10
2 Mario 3
3 Kirby's Adventure
4 Castlevania
5 Mega Man 2
6 Mario 1
7 Kid Icarrus
8 Journey to Silius
9 Bubble Bobble
10 Solomon's Key
2 Legend of Zelda
3 Mega Man 4
4 TMNT 3: The Manhattan Project
5 Excitebike
6 Kirbys Adventure
7 Dragon Quest IV
8 Punch-Out!!
9 Contra
10 Balloon Fight
2. Super Mario Bros 3
3. Super Mario Bros
4. Bubble Bobble
5. Kickle Cubicle
6. DuckTales
7. Mega Man 2
8. The Simpsons: Bart Vs the Space Mutants
9. Trog
10. Punch Out
2. Mega Man 2
3. Punch Out
4. Super Mario Bros 3
5. Final Fantasy
6. Metroid
7. Kirby Adventure
8. Legend of Zelda
9. Super Mario Bros 2
10. Duck Hunt
2. Mario Bros 3
3. Kirby’s Adventure
4. Donkey Kong JR
5. Super Mario Bros
6. Castlevania
7. Metroid
8. Kid Icarus
9. The Legend of Zelda
10. Uhh…Ice Climbers
2. Tetris
3. Castlevania
4. The Legend of Zelda
5. Super Mario World
6. Super Mario Bros. 3
7. Final Fantasy
8. Dragon Quest/Warrior
9. Excitebike
10. Super Mario Bros. 2 (USA)
2. Punch Out!
3. Super Mario Bros. 3
4. Tetris
5. The Legend of Zelda
6. Final Fantasy
7. Contra
8. Kirby’s Adventure
9. Super Mario Bros. 2
10. The Mysterious Murasame Castle
I haven’t played any DQ Games yet im sorryyyy 😭
I want to get into Castlvania soon as well!
2. Mario 3
3. Mega Man 6
4. Mega Man 4
5. Kirby's Adventure
6. Mario 2
7. Castlevania
8. The Guardian Legend
9. Mike Tyson's Punch Out!!
10. Double Dragon 2
2. Excitebike
3. Punch Out
4. Mega Man 2
5. Double Dragon II
6. Super Mario Bros. 2
7. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
8. Duck Hunt
9. Marble Madness
10. Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers
2. MegaMan 2
3. Kid Icarus
4. MegaMan 6
5. Kirby's Adventure
6. Super Mario Bros 3
7. Battletoads
8. Ninja Gaiden
9. Zelda 1
10. Ducktales
tbh, kinda realized i don't play nes games that often
Mario 1
Mario 3
Kirby's Adventure
Punch Out
Final Fantasy
Dragon Quest
Ninja Gaiden
1. Super Mario Bros. 3
2. The Legend of Zelda
3. Mega Man 2
4. Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse
5. Contra
6. Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom
7. Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
8. DuckTales
9. Rygar
10. Super Mario Bros. 2 (USA)
2. Kirby's Adventure
3. Balloon Fight
4. Dr. Mario
5. Duck Hunt
6. Super Mario Bros.
7. Tetris
8. Ice Hockey
9. Donkey Kong
10. Anticipation
2: The Legend of Zelda
3: Kirby's Adventure
4: Super Mario Bros
5: Punch Out
6: Castlevania
7: Dr. Mario
8: Zelda 2
9: Ninja Gaiden
10: Donkey Kong
Honorable mention to FF1, but I played the PSP and PR versions of it, so I can't count the NES version to my list
2) Punch-Out
3) Mother 1
4) The Legend of Zelda
5) Final Fantasy III
6) Fire Emblem Gaiden
7) Dr. Mario
8) Kid Icarus
9) Metroid
10) Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
2. Megaman 4
3.Super mario bros 3
4. Castlevania 3
5. Tetris
6.Dragon quest 4
7. Joe & Mac
9.Metal Gear
10.Solomons Key
- Batman: The Video Game
- Legend of Zelda
- Metroid
- Bubble Bobble
- Contra
- Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle
- Casino Kid
- Tetris
- Captain Skyhawk
Just in order of how they came to mind. Probably a lot of these are just based off nostalgia as I was a kid back in the nes era.
2) Earthbound Beginnings/Mother
3) Punch-Out
4) Mega Man 2
5) Joy Mech Fight
6) Super Mario Bros
7) Balloon Fight
8) Duck Hunt
9) Castlevania
10) Kirby's Adventure
2.) Super Mario Bros. 2
3.) EarthBound Beginnings/MOTHER
4.) Punch-Out!! (featuring Mr. Dream)
5.) Kirby's Adventure
6.) Kid Icarus
7.) Castlevania
8.) StarTropics
9.) Balloon Fight
10.) The Legend of Zelda
Personal favorites out of the NES library.
1. Super Mario Bros. 3
2. Super Mario Bros. 2
3. Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
4. Tecmo Cup Soccer Game
5. Maniac Mansion
6. Mega Man 6
7. Adventure Island III
8. EarthBound Beginnings
9. Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!
10. Kirby's Adventure
Zelda 1
Zelda 2
Final Fantasy
Mega Man 2
Battle of Olympus
Blaster Master
Castlevania 2
1. Castlevania
2. Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!!
3. Kirby’s Adventure
4. Dragon Quest III
5. Metal Slader Glory
6. Mega Man II
7. Super Mario Bros. 3
8. Donkey Kong Jr. Math
9. Crash n’ the Boys Street Challenge
10. Golf
2. Super Mario 3
3. Bionic Commando
4. F-Zero
5. Contra
6. Gradius
7. Rygar
1. Super Mario Bros 3
2. Mega Man 3
3. The Legend of Zelda
4. Castlevania 3
5. Kirby's Adventure
6. Contra
7. Metroid
8. Kid Icarus
9. Punch-Out
10. Ducktales
I chose only one game per franchise so there would be more variety. I'd have more Mario and Mega Man games otherwise.
2. EarthBound Beginnings
3. Wario’s Woods
4. Mega Man 2
5. Blades of Steel
6. Kid Icarus
7. StarTropics
8. River City Ransom
9. Punch-Out!!
10. Crystalis
1, Super Mario Bros
2, Super Mario Bros 3
3, Final Fantasy
4, Dragon Quest
5, Dragon Quest 3
6, Kirby's Adventure
7, Dr. Mario
8, Bubble Bobble
9, The Legend of Zelda
10, Tetris
2. Final Fantasy
3. Mega Man 6
4. Castlevania
5. Zelda 2
6. Contra
7. Batman: The Video Game
8. Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!!
9. R.C. Pro-Am
10. Kirby’s Adventure
2. SMB3
3. Zelda 1
4. Dragon Quest 3
5. Mega Man 6
6. TMNT 3
7. Faxanadu
8. River City Ransom
9. Yoshi's Cookie
10. Ice Hockey
2. Battle City
3. Blades of Steel
4. Duck Hunt
5. Micro Machines
6. Final Fantasy
7. Kirby's Adventure
8. Super Mario Bros 3
9. Legend of Zelda
10. Adventures of Lolo 3
2. Super Mario Bros.
3. Castlevania
4. Mega Man 2
5. The Legend of Zelda
6. Bubble Bobble
7. Punch-Out
8. Zelda II
9. Kirby’s Adventure
10. Ducktales
2. The Legend of Zelda
3. Contra
4. Punch-Out!!
5. Mother
6. Super Mario Bros.
7. Kirby’s Adventure
8. Metroid
9. Zelda II
10. Duck Hunt
Definitely missing some early heavy hitters so I had to double up on some franchises
2. Fire 'n' Ice
3. Tetris
4. Joy Mech Fight
5. Dr. Mario
6. Punch-Out!!
7. The Legend of Zelda
8. Kirby's Adventure
9. Super Mario Bros.
2. Punch Out!
3. Super Mario Bros. 3
4. Super Techmo Bowl
5. Metroid
6. Ninja Gaiden
7. Castlevania
8. Cyber Stadium Series Base Wars
9. Contra
10. Iron Tank
2. Kirby's Adventure
3. The Legend of Zelda
4. Mega Man 2
5. Shadow of the Ninja
6. Castlevania
7. Contra
8. Life Force (Salamander)
9. Metroid
10. Ninja Gaiden II: The Dark Sword of Chaos
1. Super Mario Bros 3
2. Super Mario Bros 2
3. Castlevania III
4. Mega Man 3
5. Kirby's Adventure
6. Punch-Out
7. Faxanadu (Better than Zelda II)
8. Bubble Bobble Part 2
9. The Legend of Zelda
10. Ninja Gaiden
Dragon quest iv
Final fantasy iii
Final fantasy
Super mario bros 3
Fire Emblem 1
Punch out
Kirby's adventure
10. Startropics
2. Super Mario Bros. 3
3. Mega Man 6
4. Kirby’s Adventure
5. The Legend of Zelda
6. Super Mario Bros. 2 (USA)
7. Micro Machines
8. River City Ransom
9. Contra
10. Mega Man 3
1. Super Mario Bros. 3
2. Super Mario Bros.
3. Punch-Out!!
4. Kirby's Adventure
5. Kid Icarus
6. R.C. Pro-Am
7. Tetris
8. StarTropics
9. The Legend of Zelda
10. Balloon Fight
2. Super Mario Bros
3. Kirby Adventure
4. Ice Climber
5. Metroid
6. Legend of Zelda
7. Donkey Kong
8. Dr. Mario
9. Dragon Quest 3
10. Punch Out
2. Batman (1989)
3. Ninja Gaiden 2
4. Mario 3
5. Mega Man 2
6. Contra 1
7. Mega Man 6
8. Castlevania 3
9. Zelda 1
10. Metroid 1
2. kirby’s adventure
3. famicom detective club: the girl who stands behind
4. punch-out!!
5. super mario bros 3
6. mega man 2
7. earthbound beginnings
8. super mario bros
9. the mysterious murasame castle
10. the legend of zelda
2) Mega Man 6
3) Super Mario Bros. 3
4) Metroid
5) Castlevania
6) Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!
7) Super Mario Bros. 2 (USA)
8) Kirby's Adventure
9) Duck Hunt
10) Clu Clu Land
2. Metroid
3. Super Mario Bros. 2
4. Mega Man 3
5. Super Mario Bros.
6. Gargoyle's Quest 2
7. Little Nemo: The Dream Master
8. Chip 'N Dale: Rescue Ranger
9. Mickey Mousecapade
10. Kirby's Adventure
2. Mega Man 3
3. Final Fantasy
4. Castlevania
5. Earthbound Beginnings
6. The Legend of Zelda
7. Kid Icarus
8. Kirby's Adventure
9. Dr. Mario
10. Tetris
Kept it to 1 a franchise otherwise the whole list could have been Dragon Quest and Mega Man lmao
2. Castlevania III
3. Mega Man 4
4. Super Mario Bros. 3
5. Metal Storm
6. Zelda II
7. DuckTales
8. Contra
9. Blaster Master
10. Batman
2. The Legend of Zelda
3. Duck Hunt
4. Contra
5. Super Mario Bros.
6. Castlevania
7. Super Mario Bros. 2
My NES game history is small as I've learned.
So it’s pretty much Super Mario Bros 1-3, duck hunt and wrecking crew off the top of my head
2. Dragon Quest
3. Mario 3
4. Castlevania
5. Metroid
6. Earthbound Beginnings
7. Kirby's Adventure
8. Mario 1
9. Wario's Woods
10. Castlevania 3
I really don't have much experience on NES, but it's got some rad games tho.
2. Dragon Quest 3
3. Final Fantasy
4. Castlevania
5. Duck Hunt
6. Super Mario Bros 3
7. Battletoads
8. Kid Icarus
9. Ducktales
10. Tetris
2. Dragon Quest 3
3. Super Mario Bros 3
4. Mega Man 2
5. Castlevania
6. Contra
7. Ducktales
8. Twinbee
9. The Legend of Zelda
10. The Mysterious Murasame Castle
2.Dragon quest 3
3.castlevina 3
4.Final fantasy 3
5. Castlevina 1
6. Ducktales
7. Dragon quest 1
8. Mega man 3
9.mega man 6
10. Final Fantasy 1
2 - Mega man 4
3 - The legend of Zelda
4 - Super Mario bros
5 - Kirby's Adventure
6 - Super Mario Bros 2
7 - Castlavania
8 - Castlevania 3
9 - Zelda 2
10 - Duck Tales
1. Kirby's Adventure
2. Super Mario Bros. 3
3. Super Mario Bros.
4. Mega Man 2
5. Castlevania
6. The Legend of Zelda
7. Punch-Out!!
8. Metroid
9. Contra
10. Super Spy Hunter
Mario 3
Balloon Fight (yes, really)
Earthbound Beginnings
Kirby’s Adventure
Mega Man 2
I’m gonna say Donkey Kong and we’ll need to be okay with that
And sure, Metal Gear. It’s an alright port
Zelda 2: Adventure of Link
Kid Icarus
Megaman 5
Dragon Warrior (Quest)
Fire Emblem 1
Kirby's Adventure
Ice Climbers
Final Fantasy
1. Little Samson
2. Super Mario Bros. 2
3. Blaster Master
4. Snake Rattle n Roll
5. Solstice
6. Mega Man 2
7. Kirby’s Adventure
8. DuckTales
9. Super Mario Bros. 3
10. Balloon Fight
2. Earthbound Beginnings
3. Kirby's Adventure
4. Mega Man 4
5. Mega Man 3
6. Mega Man 5
7. Castlevania
8. Metroid
9. Ninja Gaiden
10. Super Mario Bros. 2
2. Tetris
3. Solomon's Key 2
4. Punch-Out!!
5. Super Mario Bros. 3
6. Dr. Mario
7. Mega Man 3
8. Super Mario Bros.
9. Castlevania
10. TwinBee
2: Dragon Quest (Warrior)
3: Kid Icarus
4: Metroid
5: Kirby's Adventure
6: The Legend of Zelda
7: Mega Man
8: Super Mario Bros. 3
9: Super Mario Bros. 2 (USA)
10: Super Mario Bros.
2. Megaman 2
3. Legend of Zelda
4. Metroid
5. Punch Out
6. Dragon Quest 3
7. Tetris
8. Tiny Toon Adventures
9. Kirby’s Adventure
10. Double Dragon
2. Super Mario 2 USA
3. Ninja Gaiden
4. Kabuki: Quantum Fighter
5. Shadowgate
6. Zelda 2
7. Mega Man 3
8. Contra
9. Metal Storm
10. Godzilla: Monster of Monsters!
2. River City Ransom
3. Startropics
4. Faxanadu
5. Mega Man 2
6. Mega Man 3
7. Super Mario Bros 3
8. Dragon Quest 4
9. Super Mario Bros 2
10. Mega Man 4
1. Super Mario Bros. 3
2. The Legend of Zelda
3. Kirby’s Adventure
4. Punch-Out!!
5. Mega Man 2
6. Super Mario Bros.
7. Castlevania
8. Metroid
9. Super Mario Bros. 2
10. Dragon Quest 3
2. Earthbound Beginnings
3. Super Mario Bros. 3
4. Itadaki Street: Watashi no Omise ni Yottette
5. Famicom Wars
6. Donkey Kong Jr. Math
7. Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light
8. Gimmick!
9. Kirby's Adventure
10. Joy Mech Fight
1. Super Mario bros 3
2. Kirby’s Adventure
3. Super Mario Bros
4. Tetris
5. Ducktales
6. Castlevania
7. Punch out
8. Donkey Kong
9. The Legend of Zelda
10. Earthbound Beginnings
2. Ducktales
3. Punch-Out
4. Mega Man 6
5. Kirby's Adventure
6. Duck Hunt
7. Kid Icarus
8. Metroid
9. TMNT: Manhattan Project
10. Castlevania
2. The Legend of Zelda
3. Ice Hockey
4. Cobra Triangle
5. Super Mario Bros 3
6. Metroid
7. Tetris
8. Marble Madness
9. Star Tropics
10. Dr. Mario
1) Kirby's Adventure
2) EarthBound Beginnings
3) Metroid
4) Zelda 1
5) MegaMan 3
6) Battletoads
7) Duck Hunt
8) Zelda II
9) Super Mario Bros 3
10) Fire and Ice
I don't have anything else to add
2. Mega Man 2
3. DuckTales
4. Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
5. Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse
6. Kirby's Adventure
7. Punch-Out
8. Ninja Gaiden
9. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: The Manhattan Project
10. Contra
2. Dr. Mario
3. Mega Man 3
4. Castlevania
5. Final Fantasy
6. Super Mario Bros 3.
7. Battletoads
8. Mega Man 6
9. Kirby’s Adventure
10. DuckTales
2. Super Mario Bros. 3
3. Super Mario Bros.
4. Punch-Out
5. Contra
6. Mega Man 2
7. Metroid
8. Dragon Quest/Warrior
9. Fire & Ice
10. Gradius
2. Kirby's Adventure
3. Mario Bros 3
4. Tetris
5. Ducktales
6. Zelda 2
7. Mario Bros 1
8. Faxanadu
9. Rad Racer
10. Dr. Mario
2. Balloon Fight
3. Super Mario Bros 3
4. Super Mario Bros
5. Donkey Kong Jr Math
6-10. Idk I haven't played that many NES games
1. Super Mario Bros.
2. The Legend of Zelda
3. Metroid
4. Kirby’s Adventure
5. Kid Icarus
6. Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!!
7. Mega Man 2
8. Castlevania III: Dracula’s Curse
9. Final Fantasy III
10. Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation
2 Mega Man 4
3 Mega Man 6
4 Mega Man 3
5 The Legend of Zelda
6 Fire Emblem 1
7 Metroid
8 Super Mario Bros 3
9 Super Mario Bros 2
10 Zelda II The Adventure of Link
1. Metroid
2. The Legend of Zelda
3. Castlevania 3: Dracula's Curse (Japanese version)
4. Super Mario Bros. 3
2. Mega Man 2
3. Super Mario Bros 2
4. Punch Out!!
5. Super Mario Bros.
6. Kirby’s Adventure
7. Castlevania III: Dracula’s Curse
8. The Legend of Zelda
9. DuckTales
10. Excite Bike
2. Kirby’s Adventure
3. Mega Man 2
4. Super Mario Bros.
5. The Legend of Zelda
6. Punch Out
7. The Mysterious Murasame Castle
8. Duck Hunt
9. Metroid
10. Castlevania III
2. Punch Out!!
3. Blaster Master
4. Mega Man 3
5. Contra
6. Ninja Gaiden
7. Super Mario Bros. 2
8. Bionic Comando
9. Kirby’s Adventure
10. Castlevania 3
2. Zelda 2: The Advebture of Link
3: Castlevania
4: Super Mario Bros.
5: Kirby’s Adventure
6: Mega Man 2
7: Final Fantasy
8: Metroid
2. Punch Out
3. Super Mario Bros
4. Legend of Zelda
5. Mega Man 2
I'm realizing I haven't played enough NES games to completion or close enough to completion to rank a top 10.
2. Super Mario Bros. 3
3. Mega Man 2
4. Batman
5. Kirby's Adventure
6. Startropics
7. Castlevania
8. The Legend of Zelda
9. Ninja Gaiden
10. Ducktales
1. The Legend of Zelda
2. Mario Bros 3.
3. Kirby's Adventure
4. Final Fantasy
5. Metroid
10. The Legend of Zelda
9. Castlevania
8. Dr. Mario
7. Mega Man 6
6. Mega Man 2
5. Super Mario Bros
4. Gimmick!
3. Kirby's Adventure
2. Mega Man 4
1. Super Mario Bros. 3
2. Super Mario Bros 3
3. The Legend of Zelda
4. Duck Tales
5. Castlevania
6. Contra
7. Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon and the blade of light
8. A boy and his Blob
9. Solomon's Key 2
10. Duck Hunt
2. The Mysterious Murasame Castle
3. Punch-Out!!
4. Dragon Quest III
5. Super Mario Bros.
6. The Legend of Zelda
7. Gargoyle's Quest 2
8. Joy Mech Fight
9. Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse
10. Adventure Island II
2. Super Mario Bros. 3
3. The Legend of Zelda
4. The Mysterious Murasame Castle
5. Dragon Quest 3
6. Contra
7. Mega Man 2
8. Kid Icarus
9. Castlevania
10. Metroid
2. Mega Man 2
3. The Legend of Zelda
4. Super Mario Bros.
5. Contra
6. Mega Man 3
7. Kirby’s Adventure
8. Mike Tyson’s Punchout!!
9. Dragon Warrior IV
10. Tetris
2. Super Mario Bros. 2
3. Bubble Bobble
4. Mega Man 2
5. Tetris
6. Super Mario Bros. 3
7. Super Mario Bros.
8. Donkey Kong
9. Duck Hunt
10. Castlevania
I think I’d love games like Ducktales and Darkwing Duck, but I haven’t played those yet
2. Castlevania 3
3. Kirby's Adventure
4. Gargoyle's Quest 2
5. Mega Man 3
6. Punch-Out
7. Legend of Zelda
8. Metroid
9. Life Force
10. Star Tropics
1. Super Mario Bros. 3
2. Punch Out
3. Kirby’s Adventure
4. Mega Man 2
5. Super Mario Bros.
6. The Mysterious Murasame Castle
7. StarTropics
8. Castlevania 3
9. The Legend of Zelda
10. Joy Mech Fight
2. Super Mario Bros. 3
3. Dragon Warrior IV
5. Dragon Warrior III
6. Kirby's Adventure
7. StarTropics
8. The Legend of Zelda
9. Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!
10. Dr. Mario
1. Super Mario Bros. 3
2. Mega Man 5
3. Final Fantasy
4. Kirby’s Adventure
5. TMNT III: The Manhattan Project
6. Wario’s Woods
7. Super Mario Bros. 2
8. Mega Man 3
9. The Legend of Zelda
10. Dr. Mario
1. Super Mario Bros. 3
2. The Legend of Zelda
3. Mega Man 3
4. Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse (NES version)
5. Metroid
6. Punch-Out!!
7. Ninja Gaiden
8. River City Ransom / Downtown Nekketsu Story
9. Kirby's Adventure
10. Contra
Note: I haven't played many NES JRPGs
1. Super Mario Bros. 3
2. Castlevania
3. Dragon Quest 3
4. Mega Man 4
5. Kirby’s Adventure
6. The Legend of Zelda
7. TMNT 2: The Arcade Game
8. DuckTales
9. Journey to Silius
10. Little Nemo: The Dream Master
2. Mr. Gimmick
3. The Legend of Zelda
4. Super Mario Bros.
5. Mega Man IV
6. Duck Tales
7. TaleSpin
8. Startropics
9. Gargoyles Quest 2
10. The Legend of Zelda 2
2. Blaster Master
3. The Legend of Zelda
4. Super Mario Bros. 3
6. Castlevania 3
7. Battle Toads
8. DuckTales
9. Metroid
10. Darkwing Duck
2, Super Mario Bros 2 (USA)
3, The Legend of Zelda
4, Castlevania
5, Super Mario Bros 3
6, Kirby Adventure
7, Super Mario Bros 1
8, Ducktales
9, Balloon Fight
10, Mega Man 2
2. Super Mario Brothers 3
3. Metroid
4. Pinch-hit
5. Duck tales
6. River City ransom
7. Phantom fighter
8. Bubble bobble
9. Super Mario Brothers 1
10. Master blaster
1. Super Mario Bros 3
2. Super Mario Bros 2
3. Mega Man 2
4. Mega Man 3
5. DuckTales
6. Chip n Dale's Rescue Rangers
7. Castlevania III
8. Super Mario Bros
9. Blaster Master
10. Little Nemo
Megaman 2
Legend of Zelda
Megaman 3
Super Mario Bros 3
Kid Icarus
Final Fantasy
Super Mario Bros 2
DuckTales 2
2. Super Mario Bros 3
3. Super Mario Bros
4. Batman
5. Castlevania
6. Contra
7. Legend of Zelda
8. Kirby's Adventure
9. Battle City
10. Ninja Gaiden
1. Kirby’s Adventure
2. Mega Man 2
3. Super Mario Bros.
4. Metroid
5. Castlevania
2. Duck Hunt
3. The Mysterious Murasame Castle
4. Adventures of Lolo
5. Punch Out!!
6. Dr Mario
7. Kirby's Adventure
8. The Legend of Zelda
9. Super Mario Bros.
10. Startropics
2 The Legend of Zelda
3 Castlevania
4 Battletoads
5 Dragon Quest 2
6 Balloon Fight
7 Mega Man
8 Contra
9 Dragon Spirit: The New Legend
10 Journey to Silius
1. Super Mario Bros 3
2. Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse (NES)
3. Zelda II the Adventure of Link
4. Castlevania
5. The Legend of Zelda
6. Kirby's Adventure
7. Megaman 5
8. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game
9. Metroid
10. Final Fantasy
2. Mega Man 3
3. Final Fantasy
4. Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest (yes, I love that game, it's wonky but it's my go to NES vania)
5. Metroid
6. Mario Bros 3
7. Ghosts and Goblins
8. Ninja Gaiden
9. Contra
10. Zelda 2 (If we're allowed multiple entries from one franchise, if not, Kid Icarus)
2. Dragon Quest
3. Hokuto no Ken
4. Dragon Ball: Shenlong no Nazo
5. Kinnikuman: Kinniku-sei Ōi
6. Saint Seiya: Ōgon Densetsu
7. Captain Tsubasa
8. Saint Seiya: Ōgon Densetsu Kanketsu-hen
9. Sekiryūō
10. Famicom Jump: Hero Retsuden
2. Super Mario Bros 3
3. Tetris
4. Kirby's Adventure
5. Ducktales
6. Mega Man 2
7. The Legend of Zelda
8. Metroid
9. Bubble Bobble
10. Where's Waldo
Super Mario 3
Castlevania 2
Castlevania 3
Mike Tysons Punch out
Goonies 2
Duck Tales
Pro Wrestiling
Fav is probably TMNT 3 as I was able to beat that with no codes
2. Legend of Zelda
3. Kid Icarus
4. Ice Climbers
5. Mysterious Murasame Castle
6. Fire Emblem:Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light
7. Kirby's Adventure
8. Wario's Woods
9. ExciteBike
10. Donkey Kong Jr.
2. Castlevania III
3. Dragon Quest III
4. Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei II
5. Mega Man 2
6. Castlevania
7. Super Mario Bros. 3
8. Final Fantasy
9. Punch-Out!!
10. Super Mario Bros.
1. Metroid
2. The Legend of Zelda
3. Super Mario Bros. 3
4. Shin Onigashima
5. Dragon Quest III
6. Kirby's Adventure
7. Crystalis
8. Blaster Master
9. Castlevania III
10. Final Fantasy
If strictly NES only, remove Shin Onigashima, Kid Icarus is my new #10.
2) Crystal Mines
3) Super Mario Bros.
4) Super Mario Bros. 2
5) Super Mario Bros. 2
6) Super Glove Ball
7) Bucky O'Hare
8) Kirby's Adventure
9) Mega Man 2
10) Mega Man 3
2- Mega Man 2
3- Ninja Gaiden
4- The Legend of Zelda
5- Metroid
6- Ducktales
7- Mike Tyson's Punch Out!!
8- Contra
9- Dragon Quest 3
10- River City Ransom
2. Castlevania
3. Final Fantasy III
4. Megaman 2
5. The Legend of Zelda
6. Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light
7. Super Mario Bros
8. Kirby's Adventure
9. Contra
10. Metroid
2. The legend of Zelda
3. Mega man 3
4. Kirby's Adventure
5. The legend of Zelda 2: The adventure of link
6. Mega man 2
7. Tetris
8. Super mario bros 3
9. Super mario bros 2
10. Mega man 6
2. Dragon Warrior 3
3. Dragon Warrior 4
4. Legend of Zelda
5. Legacy of the Wizard
6. Crystalis
7. Final Fantasy
8. Castlevania 3: Dracula's Curse
9. Mega Man 4
10. Faxanadu
2 - Super Mario Bros 3
3 - River City Ransom
4 - Bionic Commando
5 - Vice: Project Doom
6 - Ducktales
7 - Mega Man 3
8 - Blades of Steel
9 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3: The Manhattan Project
10 - Battletoads
Ex - Adventures of Lolo, Bucky O'Hare, Kirby's Adventure, Castlevania 3
2. Super Mario Bros. 3
3. DuckTales
4. MegaMan 2
5. Super Mario Bros. 2
6. Punch-Out
7. Startropics
8. MegaMan 3
9. The Legend of Zelda
10. Darkwing Duck
2. Super Mario Bros. 3
3. Castlevania
4. Punch Out!
5. Duck Hunt
6. Contra
7. Dragon Quest/Warrior 3
8. Metroid
9. Tetris
10. Kirby’s Adventure
2. Mario 3
3. Kirby's adventure
4. Dragon quest 3
5. Tetris
6. Zelda 1
7. Mega man 2
8. Castlevania
9. Ninja Gaiden
10. StarTropics
2. Dragon Quest 3
3. Super Mario Bros.
4. Kid Icarus
5. Metroid
6. Kirby's Adventure
7. Contra
8. Ducktales
9. Excitebike
10. Tetris
2: Super Mario Bros. 3
3: Super Mario Bros. 2
4: Kirby’s Adventure
5: Legend of Zelda
6: Mega Man 6 (all are pretty even tho)
7: Castlevania
8: Super Mario Bros.
9: Metroid
10: Zelda II
HM: Kid Icarus
Dragon Quest 3
Earthbound Beginnings
The Legend of Zelda
Super Mario Bros 3
Balloon Fight
Kirby's Adventure
Dragon Quest
Final Fantasy
Mega Man 2
Castlevania 3