Someone pointing out how awful hotdesking is for neurodiverse people. Only diagnosed people can get their own desk, and they have to disclose to get this...
I truly hate hotdesking.
I truly hate hotdesking.
Hotdesking is an evil that needs to be eradicated from the world.
Though I will never not be fascinated by allistic folks who can’t hear how bloody loud fluorescent lights are.
Not fascinated enough to want them around.
Wipes, deodorant, spare shirt, for those "surprise! It's a seminar with somebody really important!" days
My fork because I am not learning a new handle every day when somebody steals it from the draining board grrrr
Come to think of it also Qtips and wooden sticks because people keep using them all and not telling anybody
10,000 TEM samples in strict order so I can find anything ever
11 lab books arranged in chronological order
Those pens I can use to write better
May be worth querying the policy that says dx is needed for reasonable adjustments as it's not in line with legislation and guidance I know about.
Generally there now aren't enough desk to go around, and they have to prioritise, so they say you're just making a fuss...
I’ve got no hot-desking as a reasonable adjustments. Me and another ND person sit on a bank of 2 desks. We’ve also had the horrible light above our desks removed.