George Santos says a female member of Congress is about to be outed for allegedly having had an affair with her same-sex chief of staff. Of course, Santos is a pathological liar.
Aside from Nancy Mace’s former COS, who was female, does anyone know of another congresswoman who had/has a female COS?
Aside from Nancy Mace’s former COS, who was female, does anyone know of another congresswoman who had/has a female COS?
And Nancy Mace does have masculine features.
If it's a fellow Putinblican, they'll find an excuse.
Watch out Nancy the Republicans always need someone to throw under the bus !
Fancy! Ace in the hole.
His lies tend to be about himself...
I don't think there is any hyena interested in that mental bony ass.
Or maybe she just can't handle rejection. That would make the perfect situation for her to try something new.. 🍑
So many people have fought hard and long for the rights of many groups held down by the right.
They aren't the friends of Women, Trans people, the Gay community and anyone who isn't white.
Merry Christmas
Presents Elon Musk
(Also don’t care what people do, but relevant if they are in the party that wants to regulate what others do)
I hope it is that b**ch. I have no problem with gay or bi behavior, but with her hate, I want this small drama to be hers. 😈😏
God Bless the USA!
Yay, 1st amendment!
“South Carolina is too small for a republic, but too large for an insane asylum.”
Why is anyone listening to anything the lying liar says about anything?
Fk'n worthless...
But ewwww!
The Iron Cross was a military decoration in the Kingdom of Prussia, and later in the German Empire and Nazi Germany.