Why is it the job of the schools to feed kids?
Why are teachers expected to raise and supervise students?
Raise their salaries, have them TEACH only.
Not babysit, not bus duty, not all the other sh*t that has become part of "teaching."
Why has the Teachers Union allowed this sh*t?!
The school has become an extension of the community. It has been the responsibility of the school to promote a safe learning environment. Schools promote creating an environment which facilitates learning. Hungry children do not learn. In our school 50% poverty level (rural IN)
Teachers are leaving in droves because they literally can't teach, thanks to parents who don't parent and completely out of control children. Nobody's taking their places, either. The first time a kid threatened me, I'd never come back. Nothing's worth my safety and eace of mind.
There is no doubt that what you say is true. B wing a teacher is more difficult now than it has been in decades. Resources are few, respect is non existent. Little or no support from the administration. I retired from secondary school in 2019 to work at a small college.
I was an OT in schools for three years. Teachers are asked to be saints, parents, counselors, and doormats. Why the teachers union does not stand up for them is unknown to me. I don't see why anyone would put up with all this shit to teach the children of idiots.
I've been in schools with a robust free breakfast and lunch program. It delights me to watch kids eagerly eat their fruit and vegetables. Not everyone has parents who can or will provide them good nutrition. We all benefit in the long run.
Agreed, it is better for kids to eat, but it is easy to promote the village when teachers do the village work ten hours a day for chump change, and we do none of the village work.
Teachers should be teaching basic education. Not raising kids, not dealing with behavior problems, not making sure kids get on and off the bus, directing street traffic, and babysitting the kid until the parent picks them up.
Teach, that is their job. TEACH.
They also need to fully fund support staff including: teachers aides, librarians, school nurses and counselors. It’s shocking how many schools cut back on these vital staff members. Teachers cannot do it all.
My school district hires tons of advisors and counselors who basically do nothing but help the principal and attend long meetings off campus. They are all credentialed teachers and should be in classes teaching kids so each classroom could have less kids!
A “teacher on special assignment” in my elem district told all 2nd grader teachers at an inservice that since our students were levelled for lang arts we could have 200 students in our class and they could all be brought up to grade level by year’s end.
That we spend far more on useless bureaucrats & the grift within the bureaucracy [selling training classes, new teaching plans, equipment for districts, consultants, etc] than on educating students & that's where the money goes, not on coaches.
Administrators are not the greatest need if the budget doesn’t adequately fund the specialists who work directly with students. Top-heavy doesn’t help the kids.
Some of these administrators are principals. Our district always has a budget shortfall and I was demoted from high school to middle school. That was the end of my teaching career
And coincidentally those administrators also often have financial interests in the companies that get contracts to consult, train, provide equipment, services etc for the districts they are in!
And even when they don't, waste money on those things to justify their jobs rather than money go to kids.
I think you may be talking about charter schools. District school employees can't have outside financial interests related to their jobs. Teachers can't even tutor students in their schools.
Most states coaching positions are simply stipends that pay very little when compared to the time involved in coaching. I made just over $1.70 and hour this year
Exactly! The amount of time and gas I spend driving to water my football practice field all summer is insane. I made 35 trips in July alone (roughly 700 miles) to move the water to another spot
Yes!!!! Millions to some new buzzword bingo nonsense, which always means more sh*t teachers have to do/track/record/document until there’s no time to actually teach! Infuriating!
Often in a junior high class, there can be as many as 30 in a classroom including kids who are below grade level, ESL, and have mental and emotional struggles.
I don’t even want those people back in the classroom. They left because conditions are terrible, partially to fund those wasteful “coaching” positions!
I quit being a TA bc I was making 12k/yr FULL TIME! My original plan was to do that for a year and then take my last year of college and teach, but when I saw what the teachers had to put up with knowing how much they made….nah…
In California, we've all but eliminated school librarians. If there is anyone managing libraries at all, it's usually an underpaid & overworked 'aide'. Where they exist, Teacher Librarians have teacher+ skills but many have little support unless admin or district is 'library aware'--shockingly rare.
It’s cost me $160k to get a masters degree. Where is the money they’re saving from ripping us all off going? Certainly not to the teachers or to me, with a projected wage of $25 an hour. What a joke. This is broken.
The majority of pre-schoolers know who the first president was, though they tend to be a little fuzzy on the finer points of the Declaration of Independence.
Pre-schoolers. They just learned it. Ask the average American 14+ they don’t know. They already forgot it. People still stuck thinking Christopher Columbus discovered America.
I’d really like to know where you’re getting your information from because every kid leaving my class definitely knows these things. Earnestly, you should sign up to substitute teach. I think you’d learn a lot.
Schools are funded locally, so those taxes would come out of our homes. We already pay high taxes which are instead used for policing and wasting money buying fleets of cars that local public employees and police abuse.
Those million/billionaires make their money off of the American people
Tax deals and subsidies, infrastructure built for their factories and warehouses.
Then they under-pay the workers who make the products they make money from. Who also buy their stuff.
THEY take far more of someone else's money
History has proven that freedom without laws and boundaries becomes tyranny. So also with "free markets".
What should naturally be a symbiotic relationship between companies and the workers and consumers who build and support those companies has become corporate parasitism
Trespassing, slavery, nuclear weapons and the abuse of the defenseless should be prohibited by a charity. Other charities and private enterprises can handle everything else once those things are prohibited.
2/2 Not to mention the vacuum system they set up to suck all the wealth up to their huge nests which allows crumbs to fall back down to the rest of us.
I don't have an issue with people making money. It's the cheating way they set up to take more than their share.
And like Smaug sleep on their hoard
I was just sitting here thinking about how we need to apply to concept of self care not just to ourselves but to the country as a whole; this was part of that thought. We need to make sure everyone has the basics to not only survive but thrive.
Except the income requirement for a small family is actually more like $210k per year, in real dollars, so how about we pay teachers as well as the future doctors they prepare?
Love this! I'm a public school teacher and both of my brothers are doctors making well over 1/2 million a year. I'm just as educated as them but don't come close to 6 figures and I never will. Doesn't seem right to me.
You're as educated as your brothers who are doctors?
Are you a college professor? What level of education d you teach? Are you required to have a doctorate to teach? Where is that?
MDs and PhDs are not equivalent. An MD is a professional degree. PhDs are academic degrees, that often require more schooling and research than an MD. Don't fall for the AMA's BS.
I’m a PhD senior scientist at a state government agency and make barely $70k. I agree that teachers need to make more, but it’s not just teachers — there are a whole lot more dedicated, highly skilled and educated public service professionals who are grossly underpaid.
Meanwhile, I'm a Homecare Worker, with 18 years of professional experience, and my client, Mr Marty's program was cut and I have not been paid since 2017.
I graduated with a degree in secondary education (a long time ago). I was offered an intriguing teaching position. Instead, my math and English majors also made my skills attractive in the corporate world. I took the corporate job and became quite successful. It's a shame teachers are under paid.
I know it sounds good, but even if we lived in a world that taxed millionaires at 100%, that would only run the federal government for ~4 months.
And realistically, any tax breaks eliminated would go to drone bombing a couple more brown people halfway across the globe way before education at home.
If the plan you are using doesn't work as intended, tweak it until it does, or scrap it if apparent it will never work. I agree that we should try this new plan, as it is one our politicians would NEVER endorse.
The rural conservatives who support the people who support the ultra-rich are the ones screaming against public ed. & student loan forgiveness, acting like they have to write a check themselves. That's what unfortunately happens in insulated, xenophobic communities, and what they're told.
When you look at all the money wasted on nonsense there is no reason for any school to not have the best of everything. It's all corrupt. Look at everything. How can the supposedly most intelligent form of life allow any of it
Most of this I like. But, some teachers are better than others. They deserve to be paid accordingly. They also should be easier to fire. But that is the trade off those who negotiate to be nearly unfirable, must compromise on pay. Finland has the best school system in the world.
The teachers there make only a marginal amount more than the teachers here. Ofcourse healthcare and education are free for them so in all practicality what they get is a lot more. Teachers deserve a raise. But how much of one.... I dunno depends on the teacher. The rest I totally agree with you on.
Increasing individual teacher pay doesn't increase union dues, but hiring more deputy assistant supporter associate teacher aides does.
Guess which one is happening?
Disagree heartily, you idea does not include the reality of school shootings. Schools will either be soft targtes for madmen including student madmen, or will be made into hard targets and essentially become prisons. Niether idea is sound.
I think we the people need to have a serious discussion about how to transform our educatrion system to ensure student safty first, and the easiest way to do that is to stop congregating hundreds or thousands of kids in singular locations and instead make thousands of classrooms scatterd around
Cells of education rather than congregations of classes in a single locale. Teachers and students would be safer and by scattering your soft targets you increase each ones relative safty, all your eggs are not in one basket. Our nation needs to rethink education.
Our nation needs to rethink gun laws and accessibility - not education. You’re willing to revamp the education system but not the system that allows military grade weapons to anyone who wants one? That’s insanity.
I agree gun laws need to be rethought, I am also aware that in my 60 odd years that fight has gone nowhere. I have nothing against revamping gun laws, but that will not happen fast enough, or at all, to save kids lives.
As it stands we send our kids into a potential war zone as if that is normal
I agree the gun thing needs fixing, but in my entire life, 60 odd years now, that fight has gone nowhere or even backwards. They undid Brady. We are beating our heads against the gun issue when we could be protecting kids first as we do gun for the next 60 odd years.
of course its the guns and gun culture, but in my entire life we have made no progress on that front as 1/3 to 1/2 of the nation supports that culture. We keep sending our kids into danger while we do the same ole BS, expecting a different result. That seems insane to me.
So would I. The lobbyists representing the top 0.1% will not. Who do you think wins in our oligopoly? For any meaningful change to happen I think we need to form a #NewLiberalParty and admit that the DNC is doing well losing. A little too well to actually have change happen.
Teachers need a living wage that allows them some financial security, and kids need to be fed in order to maintain attention, learning, and good behavior.
$70k in Mississippi is a *good wage, you can afford a place to live, a car, food... It’s a different story in California. Teachers salaries & cost of living makes a difference.
70K is a decent starting point. Unfortunately, many districts in the US pay a lot less. In my area, the average starting income is about $84,882, and it's even higher for advanced degrees. I concur; the technology and teaching resources must be up to date!
I think their taxes should go to fund all this. We can’t allow them to have any tax breaks because they’ll figure out how to screw over this system too. Churches should be forced to pay taxes also, our country would actually be able to take care of its people if we did.
(1) I honestly agree with the rule that churches shouldn't be taxed, BUT it needs to be followed hard and fast that no church should be able to partake in any political discourse.
(2) If any church or religion wants to be involved in politics, then they absolutely should be taxed based on the 10% tithing total that their members claim on their own individual taxes.
Churches have proven over the years that lining their pockets is more important to them than actually following the book they’re supposed to be reading. So I stand in my original statement, tax the churches.
That and think back to the ‘Leave it to Beaver’ days the MAGA crowd is so fond of … those schools had small class sizes, guidance counselors and a nurse. They also had arts, music, athletics, shop, home economics and a variety of afterschool programs. We need all those things plus tutoring back.
Not where I went to school (in the 50s-60s). Class 30-35 kids was normal; half-day sessions 1st-3rd grade, qtr-day sessions kindergarten. Guidance counselor? Never heard of one until jr hi. Nurse, idk.
Lunch 35 cents, milk 5 cents w/o lunch.
So you’re in your 70s or 80s now? I’m not quite that old but while a few school districts had split sessions class sizes weren’t like they are now and we still had guidance counselors, school nurses, full-time librarians etc.
Yes I’m old.
We didn’t even have a library until high school.
This was in an upper middle class (read all white) neighborhood. Baby boom & housing boom = too many kids for the schools to handle.
Music teacher came for about 1 hour about once every 2 weeks. We did have a choir for 5th & 6th graders. We had art inclass, but nothing resembling shop ir home ec until high school.
MAGA’s nostalgic for a time that didn’t exist, wanting their Reality TV President to make America fictionalized propaganda again. They are anti-woke because they want to stay asleep in the Matrix run by billionaires like Musk. Keep being sheep buying into the lie being told that they care about you.
Remember taxes before Reaganomics? Good luck convincing corporations and getting oligarchs to pay those rates ever again. They’ve already bought enough of government and placed plenty of judges on benches to make sure that never happens. They will stay filthy rich and continue to oppress the poor.
I went to NYC Catholic school in the 60s/70s. Class sizes of 50+, all of us rigidly controlled. Very long days. Recess was milling about a parking lot - unless it rained. You either brought your lunch - or walked home to eat! I relied on that 1-8 education more than high school for most of my life.
I went to Catholic school in NYC for about 5 years in the late 70s and that wasn’t my experience. Now elementary school on Long Island was when some districts had split sessions to deal with crowding. Hard to adjust on a dime for population swings.
Joan of Arc, Jackson Hts. '64-'72. Baby boomer overload. My older sister had to wait two years to get a spot. No split sessions, just a bunch of well controlled little soldiers - who occasionally got their hands beat with rulers. It was the last of prison style Catholic education.
Rulers— yes, I know an elderly adult who gets triggered by the sight of a nun’s habit for that reason.
Textbooks on child development won’t touch the topic of corporal punishment in parochial schools.😢
Yes, as a kid I heard the grownups talking about our local Catholic schools having 40+ kids per class. Punishment if you were heard speaking Spanish, including on the (plain asphalt) playground.
You know what they didn't have though... Accommodations for SEN students and encouragement for girls in science and math. So maybe we can keep some modern stuff
The Northeast is frequently disparaged for its relatively high taxes, but our kids are the ones still getting a decent public education in this godforsaken country. It's the only way. People moving south for low taxes are spreading ignorance & selfishness. Just to boil themselves in unbearable heat.
Public education is always cut by politicians whose kids are in private school. Then there's PACKED classes that are essentially babysitting services. All it takes is a handful of kids, so badly behaved (often violent), that nobody there to learn are actually able. Then, the school shooters...
It seems that it’s only about money in America. Sure, economics are important, but other things are also very important.
Sp, as I understand it, instead of having quality school for everyone, free education, you’ll need a lot of money to spend it again on education. Prices and the class gap goes up…
The U.S. top tier I$ only about money. None of those people recall how A Tale of Two Cities ended... for the obscenely wealthy and entitled. They don't care about anything BUT money. We don't exist. We're background noise they're deaf to.
Public schools in the America are funded by state and local taxes. They might get some funding for certain programs from the federal government but schools are mostly funded at the state & county/city level producing wide variations in physical infrastructure, programs, class sizes, etc i.e. quality
OMFG. That’s horrible. Education is key for the future, school should be a fun place to learn, make friends, be a child. I’m so sorry to hear that. It’s hard to adjust that knowledge, while the military waste more money each and every year, schools for children an young adults gets defunded! 🤯
Large corporations need to pay their fare share of taxes too. Loopholes, tax credits & tax policies that do not benefit Americans as a whole need to be closed. Penalize companies that outsource & hire too many foreign workers instead of investing in American workers & their education.
Prob not everywhere. But every 8th grader in MA is required to take civics by law. Other states have similar requirements. Not enough, sure. And not where they need it more than others, but we do exist.
Fuck books. Computers and free access to everything ever written. Books are not need. Education needs to be rethought. AI changes everything. Learn to create. Not to memorize useless junk.
This is such a shit take. If you think the only purpose of reading is to memorize shit, you have a big problem that has nothing whatsoever to do with your education.
There is no substitute for reading, and if you think AI will somehow replace books, I’ve got an awesome bridge to sell to you.
Physical books are a waste of space and resources. I have a million books to read in the palm of my hand. Why have a fire hazard in my home? This is the digital age. Next the words will appear directly in our brains.
Essentially antiquated. There is zero need to kill trees and waste resources and cling to ancient tactile forms of communications…when the entire world of literature can fit in the palm of your hand.
Actually I start each day by reading and I am an author with 7 titles to my name. I just don’t see the need for paper in the 21st century. I went digital 15 years ago and haven’t looked back. I home school my three kids no books. My daughter is 14 attending ASU and all A’s. No books.
That's really sad. Kids should know the tactile joy of reading books.
Digital formats come and go, and without an energy source to read things on a screen, they're useless.
I have books that are over 100 years old that are in great condition. Digital files in 100 years will likely be unreadable.
I agree. And in most developed nations in the world, this is pretty standard. If you want your kids to get ahead in life, they need a good education. And if you want kids to get a good education, you need well-paid, well-respected teachers with ready, available, quality supplies.
Agree but the rich folks in congress are not going to tax their rich friends who contribute to the rich congressional folks so they can keep power and control!
A lot should be different.
See what works in
other Countries regarding Health,
Regulations ect.
Richest Country's
Citizens deserve
Love and Respect
from the Government of\for all the people.
Sad thing is over the last 50 plus years with deregulation, cuts in programs that were beneficial for our communities, massive tac cuts, and allowing dark money in politics "the richest country in the world" is being run like a banana republic. If we don't change course we will be like Russia.
That the truth of that. Dumb down the people, while education is key to everything.
But at this point he got no reason no more, he’s on his second term, old af, out of jail… what does he think, living forever? Destroying the country for shear joy? I mean, he is at the end of the road, could do good.
Just babysitters who teach Shakespeare, trigonometry, sex ed, physics, reading comprehension... What babysitters do you know who can explain to a kid what intransitive verbs are
The very rich take a great deal of money out of the economy and put very little back. The poor and the middle class take much less out and put much more of what they take back into the economy. Senator Warren’s wealth tax plan is a very valid concept.
The question is what percentage of their income do the “rich” pay? Some of the wealthiest in this country pay almost nothing because of favorable tax laws. Look at Trump’s tax returns.
They should. They have most of the money. Most really rich people pay a lower percentage of their income than teachers, nurses and other workers. That’s a fact.
So make all those freeloaders living paycheck to paycheck pay more instead? Fuck no.
They can afford it. They have benefitted disproportionately. No pity party for billionaires.
Property taxes largely fund public schools. Affluent communities pay a lot more in property taxes but it goes to their schools, so their kids benefit directly. Kids in less affluent areas get screwed. And I say this as someone who lives in one of those affluent communities. It’s not right.
Same. I moved to my area specifically for the schools and I don't regret it. Property taxes should not be funding schools. There needs to be an equal opportunity for everyone.
School funding should not be based on property tax. It should be based on a state wide tax an should be distributed evenly to all communities in the state so that all students get the same educational opportunities.
It’s blatant and completely obvious when you look at the maps drawn out for our school districts and voting. Geographically, certain streets or neighborhoods should be in one district, but they’re carved out for financial/political gain. They don’t even try to pretend that’s not what they’re doing.
Disagree. Most teachers have masters or doctorates (or ABD-all but dissertation level training). More than $70k unless that schooling is 100% funded with no student debt.
Funding for public schools needs to change too. Right now most school districts are funded by local property taxes. Great if you live in an upper middle class or wealthy suburban area, not so great if you live in a poor inner city area.
Thank you for doing that. Even if they never said so, there were students who were absolutely massively helped and supported by having access to the books you bought.
Not many have control of their salaries. Hard to justify a salary of 70k(+ great benefits) equal to say a nurse, police officer when teachers only work 3/4 of the calendar year, thus one of the problems with the profession.
I did sub for years, elementary, middle, high and Special Ed. Don’t fool yourself, many, many people work hard for their money that don’t get pto or great health, dental insurance.
True, but what's the excuse for the millions of educated people who do the same? In reality it all depends how well schools are doing. Schools that underperform don't get the funding they need which leads to lack on resources
It's too late to wait for an educated populace. We need to compel the government & big corps to take action NOW. We are at the tipping point NOW. Agreed education is 100% a high priority. We aren't going to have to worry about educating anyone if we don't address climate change NOW.
If we don't educate the future generations about climate change, they won't know anything about sustainable farming or the science of water sanitation. So I agree with you that climate change is the most important issue, but in order to solve it, education is a crucial component.
Of course education is vitally important. If we wait for the next generation to graduate college it will be too late and they can enjoy critically thinking about how they're starving and dying of thirst because we didn't tackle climate change when they were children.
Investing in a basic education should be of paramount importance. This high level of funding will be highly beneficial to students, faculty and society at large, if the funds are used correctly, not pilfered away by bureaucracy as is the case in most US school districts.
We can go back to the 50s, 60s era..all our textbooks, work books, pencils, pens crayons, and rulers were provided. Lunches were from home. So I question, in Canada all priemiers, where is the financing that the Federal gov provided for education?
This is about how it is in Massachusetts. Every kid gets free breakfast and lunch, and teachers are paid pretty well compared to the national average. In my school now, evert kid has a Chromebook and we just got new copiers. Most curric in the building is teacher-built.
Can confirm as another MA teacher. Though my district has some work to do on the curriculum/pay scale side of things-still drastically better than the most of the country.
Don't just share on this forum. Tell someone in DC what you think about any issue that is important to you. It only takes a few minutes and best of all..it doesn’t cost any money.
We don’t need money in politics. We just need people to participate.
Well I am a product of such a system run by my state of NSW. With help from our federal government as well.
The only thing is that we do not get meals provide while we are at school it is a matter of taking your own lunch or you can buy it at the school canteen. May be different now as I left '68.
$50,000 to $150,000 is considered middle class. Teachers have at least five years of college education, with a requirement of continuing education. Shouldn’t they be at the top of the middle class salary range?
I would add to that. What used to be a brilliant education system in the UK is now woefully out of date and needs a complete overhaul, with the emphasis being on making all children look forward to school. In recent years, far too much pressure on attendance rather than quality.
I would encourage them to. Better lifestyle. No gun culture. No lunatics attacking parliament. Better wages with minimum rates. Better climate than much of the US. Fewer rednecks. More literate and educated population on average. Longer life expectancy and universal health care. What's not to love.
Actually, I am one who did. I work for an Australian school in Cambodia. It's absolutely the most rewarding work I've ever done, my company provides amazing benefits, and my students are 1000% incredible. I absolutely love them
Hunstman spiders are also very house friendly. They are non venomous and directly capture prey and don't build webs. They happily share our house and disappear behind hanging artwork for their quiet time.
I’m actually quite friendly to the arachnids who want to live in my house, with just a few exceptions (black widows, wind scorpions, giant wolf spiders).
If they want to bunk with me that’s a big no ~ out they go.
No, I think Musk deserves another island or three, his buddies do too. While we’re at it let’s make sure they all have a fleet of $475k cars, and several large planes.
Agree, but you don't have to. Education is not unfunded, schools are. A lot of your money stops at the board / district level where people make twice as much to demand more from teachers, so they don't have time to plan effectively during paid time.
Instead of a specific salary… I’d rather pay teachers a premium above the average cost of living in their area. Tie raises to inflation. That way we never have to worry about teachers pay again and the raises remain in perpetuity.
He’ll, if we just tied cost of living increases to the Congress’s salary increases we’d be fine. And while we’re at it, I’d like the same healthcare insurance they have.
The up to date part needs tolerance. We don't need all computers constantly ref
Booting for 20 programs a day updating and a lot of science equipment can be decades old. 12 year olds don't need $2M scales to measure the weight to the nearest nanogram.
Those who don’t understand this don’t understand Thomas Jefferson’s promotion of public education; think teachers work part time turning kids gay; want to defund public schools & send the money to private; object to lessons about character & values, ban certain books.They’re wrong.
As an educator I would like to add in that instructional assistants also earn a livable wage as they are the heart and soul of the system and we would be lost without them. Also, lower class sizes with mental health services and administrators hired who have taught in the classroom.
Absolutely Agree!
How is that done when there will be no DOE?
When Fascists and Christians run school boards!?
There will be many charter and religious schools that will suck Tax dollars up like honey to line pockets and offer less than ideal education before they close.
💯 Agree!!
I just think the salary has to be adjusted for location. $70K per year would not go very far in Los Angeles. But if that’s starting pay, I could see it working.
Why are teachers expected to raise and supervise students?
Raise their salaries, have them TEACH only.
Not babysit, not bus duty, not all the other sh*t that has become part of "teaching."
Why has the Teachers Union allowed this sh*t?!
There is no doubt that what you say is true. B wing a teacher is more difficult now than it has been in decades. Resources are few, respect is non existent. Little or no support from the administration. I retired from secondary school in 2019 to work at a small college.
Teach, that is their job. TEACH.
People often get upset over a high school sports coach making more than the science teacher but don't realize the larger problem
And even when they don't, waste money on those things to justify their jobs rather than money go to kids.
And worse, the number of certified staff on payroll is sometimes used to misrepresent class sizes or student-to-teacher ratio.
I think all school should be paid
The current education system is not made to help people actually learn, but rather turn them into 9-5 slaves to the state.
Most American kids don’t even know the first president of United States 🇺🇸 or why America was founded
Tax deals and subsidies, infrastructure built for their factories and warehouses.
Then they under-pay the workers who make the products they make money from. Who also buy their stuff.
THEY take far more of someone else's money
What should naturally be a symbiotic relationship between companies and the workers and consumers who build and support those companies has become corporate parasitism
I don't have an issue with people making money. It's the cheating way they set up to take more than their share.
And like Smaug sleep on their hoard
Are you a college professor? What level of education d you teach? Are you required to have a doctorate to teach? Where is that?
“BuT tHeN tHoSe PeOpLe WoUlD gEt HeLp ToO” MAGAmorons can get lost.
Not much of a sacrifice.
Money where mouth.
Guess what? This would also mean that Elon and his tech oligarch bros could stop complaining about Americans being "Stupid".
And realistically, any tax breaks eliminated would go to drone bombing a couple more brown people halfway across the globe way before education at home.
Few places are as favorable to the owning class as the United States.
#Infographic @statista.bsky.social
Guess which one is happening?
As it stands we send our kids into a potential war zone as if that is normal
Every other developed country has schools- yet yours is the only one with this problem.....
Teachers need a living wage that allows them some financial security, and kids need to be fed in order to maintain attention, learning, and good behavior.
70 grand ain’t gonna get them a soft place to land.
Lunch 35 cents, milk 5 cents w/o lunch.
We didn’t even have a library until high school.
This was in an upper middle class (read all white) neighborhood. Baby boom & housing boom = too many kids for the schools to handle.
Textbooks on child development won’t touch the topic of corporal punishment in parochial schools.😢
Sp, as I understand it, instead of having quality school for everyone, free education, you’ll need a lot of money to spend it again on education. Prices and the class gap goes up…
It's crazy they pay 0% marginal rate for payroll taxes above a certain amount. That's as regressive as it gets.
Corporations now have an effective rate of less than 8%, and they get to deduct 100% of their expenses. Imagine if humans could do that.
We need to charge higher taxes on individual #Millionaires and #Billionaires via stocks and other revenue.
There is no substitute for reading, and if you think AI will somehow replace books, I’ve got an awesome bridge to sell to you.
Reading on a computer sucks.
Books are essential.
Digital formats come and go, and without an energy source to read things on a screen, they're useless.
I have books that are over 100 years old that are in great condition. Digital files in 100 years will likely be unreadable.
See what works in
other Countries regarding Health,
Regulations ect.
Richest Country's
Citizens deserve
Love and Respect
from the Government of\for all the people.
in Canada was very
good in 60s,70s.
It didn't mean Johnny could read though.
A National standard should guarantee the same education
in all states and the
same opportunities to be all they
can be.
But at this point he got no reason no more, he’s on his second term, old af, out of jail… what does he think, living forever? Destroying the country for shear joy? I mean, he is at the end of the road, could do good.
Fee. $23.61/hr.
Kids in class 22
School day 7.5/hrs
School year 180/days
23.61*22*7.5*180 =
$ 701,217.00
What our teachers are worth.
For two cents on the dollar…. I think the ultra wealthy could manage just fine contributing to the country they… own.
Familiarization in Senators Warren’s Wealth Tax and the small ask of the most prosperous in our communities is essential to bring about change.
What you are missing is the fact that wealth does not mean you have a high income.
They can afford it. They have benefitted disproportionately. No pity party for billionaires.
VA country VS city being a prime example.
Though having checked the exchange rate it is vaguely comparable. New teachers here start on £30000 so in Canada it would be £36000
I think things started going downhill around '73.
*plunged into poverty by illness or injury.
We don’t need money in politics. We just need people to participate.
The only thing is that we do not get meals provide while we are at school it is a matter of taking your own lunch or you can buy it at the school canteen. May be different now as I left '68.
It’s investment in our future
Skilled practitioners earn over twice this amount.
Now take your friends and get out.
If they want to bunk with me that’s a big no ~ out they go.
Booting for 20 programs a day updating and a lot of science equipment can be decades old. 12 year olds don't need $2M scales to measure the weight to the nearest nanogram.
How is that done when there will be no DOE?
When Fascists and Christians run school boards!?
There will be many charter and religious schools that will suck Tax dollars up like honey to line pockets and offer less than ideal education before they close.
I just think the salary has to be adjusted for location. $70K per year would not go very far in Los Angeles. But if that’s starting pay, I could see it working.