This sounds hopeful, but NO peace deal will be acceptable to Ukraine unless it includes ironclad security guarantees against future Russian aggression. Putin lies through his teeth, and Russia has repeatedly violated ceasefire agreements in the past.
He will not hold up his part of the bargain...
The EU needs to buy/lease the rights...
It’s a surrender demand.
They loathe Zelensky because he won’t kneel to tyrants or betray his nation.
Sorry, but this Rep is off base
Truly a peacemaker for the ages!!
Just Say No...🥺
Trump cannot be trusted and neither can any member of his administration.
You know what else would deter Putin from invading again? Ukraine joining a unified NATO.
The MAGA GOP is organized crime, plain and simple.
Europe has committed more money as a whole to Ukraine than the US has...
and this sadly sounds more like "We get to loot the minerals (which may or may not actually be there) and Europe handles security"
Telling Ukraine they have to fork over $500 Billion before they can keep the revenues of their own natural resources is essentially telling Ukraine they're going to be looted. If it's even there to begin with
I'm sure Putin says that was before he became dictator.
It says that you can't trust Russia, and now, by extension, America.
Pretty clear that the administration doesn’t want to agree in writing to security measures. I wouldn’t sign this shit.
Only "mandate" is about European involvement as if it's the Europeans who can't be trusted rather than the truth:
trump's america & putin's russia are the ones who can't be trusted
& WHY should/would Ukraine give us Ukraine's mineral rights?
Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦
Trump will of course claim credit if a deal is struck. No one will give him any, and rightly so. Winners? Europe + Ukraine.
December 5, 1994, the US, UK and Russia signed the shameful Budapest Memorandum with Ukraine that compelled Ukraine to send all its very many nukes to Russia (!) in return for useless security "assurances."
I think this mineral deal is pure fantasy & a scam, designed for the sole purpose of making Ukraine look like the difficult/bad guy.
Zelenskyy chief of staff smiled and said yes to whatever, just to get rid of guy.
Does anyone think the humiliation Zelenskyy suffered in the US will be forgiven and forgotten within a few days?
What is Fitzpatrick doing there?
blah blah blah
Drumpf lies through his teeth, and America has violated many agreements in the past.
The USA is already obligated.
Why should Ukraine be required to make a new agreement?
USA needs to step up/continue with its obligations.
The USA is no longer needed.
It's their decision, but it makes me want to puke.
Plus the WH said they are going to suspend or cancel aid to Ukraine.
But the main source of brainwashing has been and still is FOX NEWS.
Something has to be done about it. It must stop.
1 - Attack.
2 - Play the victim.
3 - Demand an apology.
To counter-attack them:
1 - Ignore them. Fuck them!
2 - Keep doing what you're doing. Double down.
They will crawl back to you.
Same thing applies here.
Give Ukraine back its nuclear arsenal that it gave up for the assurances that the US would protect it if Russia violated the signed agreement.
Hearken to the story of one J. Michael Diehl, of the Freehold Music Center - one among many who have been shafted by the Manchurian Cantaloupe.
GOP fantasyland! That train left the DC station and already pulled into the EU station. The world is leaving us behind to suffer our fall at hands of the Felon Brothers: Felon47 & Felon Musk. TheResistance & our salvation must come from within.
2022 Russia invades Ukraine.
Fuck Putin and his miserable US puppets.
There will be no agreements between Ukraine & the USA.