This is just showing off. The richest man on earth using the people's money to fly around cause he can! It's to get a rise outta us & it worked with me! It's infuriating how he continues to rub salt in the wounds. What a horrible POS! 💩💀☠️😸👹😡🤬
I want to believe it's because he's broke and in so much debt because all of his wealth is based on loans on the value of his companies that are tanking.
It’s the price we all have to pay when our country has a co-presidency thing going on. Cut out what we are paying for President musk’s use of Air Force One and Marine One then add to that to what we are paying for the other guy to golf…. We could rehire all the federal employees that were fired.
He is the President of the United States. He bought the presidency from Trump. He can't run for the office because he is not an American. Trump sold America! Prove me wrong.
He's using the smelly guy as another human shield, his son on his shoulders for head protection. Then all of the smelly guys securities. He's getting a lot of death threats. So, leaching on to the smelly guy keeps him safer.
Historians will have a field day trying to make sense out of that relationship. He is probably the only one who understands Trump's mind or they are video gaming buddies. Melanie is nowhere to be seen.
Nazilon is Trump's designated Kremlin handler. That's why he's always right next to him. To make sure Trump doesn't do anything that wasn't approved by Putin.
More billboards like this would be great. They get alot of attention. I would like to know if there is a go-fund-me, or other place to make donations for this.
Not sure it's even legal. Someday, the First Felon will no longer be President, and we will have a real DOJ, that will want to look into these unscrupulous dealings and money spent by this Administration.
Actually, the American people need an accounting of how much tax money we have lost due to trumps and musks grifts. They deserve to reimburse every penny.
SIDEBAR: Has anyone ever stopped to wonder...with all of Elon & Co's hacking abilities, do you ever wonder if maybe he HAS DIRT on Trump and is holding it over his head, and Trump is allowing Elon to go unchecked because he has dirt on him?
How did he even become a US citizen? There's no way he (or The Felon) could pass the civics test. Did he pay someone to take the test for him, like he pays people to "win" video games for him? If so, he needs to be stripped of US citizenship and deported
The fact that Americans are paying for AF1 to go back and forth from WH to maralago and muskalini is riding along at my expense makes me sick. And dumpster has no care for saving our tax$ as he escapes calls of anger and protests,runs to golf course😡
But remember, you have to also go for the Optional "Republican" Package. Without that upgrade, you are just a Cult Leader with limited power. now Musk went full package Limited Edition (Since history shows Oligarchs last a limited time), all 3 branches with added Cabinet Bonus picks.
One small problem.
These cabinets picks feel they are in charge of THEIR cabinets. They don't want Leon to mess around with their stuff, even if they don't know what they are doing.
There is growing trouble in paradise.
May it swallow them all.
Rubio was just to to sit down and Musk is allowed to take over and fire 83% of USIAD and now Marco is parroting the same "You should have thanked us" line. Musk still has the keys, but yea, dual egos the size of these 2 won't last long. Musk though does hold the pen to the checkbook with DOGE now..
The sliver of hope is the Senate.
Congress is getting a strong pushback from their constituents about Leon.
Trump or whoever tried to cover it up a bit, but it is not going away.
There is going to be more unrest as people start losing their SSI and Medicaid.
That may slow him.
Agreed. Senate has to consider the entire state vs one tiny district like Bobo or MTG. They respond to a much larger angry bunch of mobs back home vs a few pitchforks. :)
Senate hopefully swings back next year, House I think may hit majority with loss of reps sooner and no rules get passed too.
He's trying to mod his by changing the Chip to Grok for "fuel efficiency" but I think it will end up frying the entire board.
Ok, this is actually turning into an interesting analogy now. :)
🤔 Consider the question of liability. If Muskrat's injured while traveling without the President on transport modes taxpayers provide for the President and his family, are taxpayers liable for Muskrat's injury? Or his family's injury?
More importantly, however, we deserve to know precisely what he and his merry band of illegal hackers have done to the US’ computer systems. The details. Who, what, where, why and how.
Actually it’s pretty sick.
Why can’t he live in his own place?
Why is he so attached to Don-boy?
Is this an abuse of his ‘position’?
He brought his mother and son to the WH for a sleepover. Duh?!! Who is being conned? And why? What is going on behind the closed doors of the WH?
Whole thing stinks
When is bring your boyfriend to work day going to be over??? And you bet your ass this guy has Secret Service protection. We just need to find out how much we’re paying to protect this loser… Let him grab one of his children for a shield like he always does.
Behold, Elon the Untouchable—the Ketamine Kid turned Oligarch Supreme,high on power, higher on hubris. Gifted the keys to the Treasury,he plays emperor while democracy plays dead. But after overshadowing the president,will his Icarus moment finally come? Or is hubris just another currency he prints?
Proponent Of Treason Unelected Shit (POTUS)
instead of saving any money, is costing us a fortune, and his demented, deteriorating, dotard enabler just wants money.
Nothing about this is normal. None of it! What good is it to have three branches of government when he runs the one he's in like a crime mob, he outright owns the one with the judges, and the third one is paralyzed with fear?
It seems he is probably living at the WH. Wonder if he can be sued for wasting Tax Dollars by utilizing tax dollars for Airforce One & the the Helicopter.
American greed for hire & paid in full by illegal Elona! Anus-MUSk thinks he owns America & is immune to all checks & balances. Congress members abdicated their power to reshape America into Russia, Hungary or North Korea etc. 🤬
Stolen election has severe consequences & Americans must rise up ASAP!
Elon cosplaying as President. His mother and human shield X, sleepover at the WH, DOGE teenage employees living rent free in a federal office, ripping off the taxpayers for free stuff. Welfare for incels.
Sunday on Fox in an interview with new Kennedy Center board member Maria Bartiromo, when asked about if the US is going into a recession Trump responded " what we're doing is bringing wealth back ". Shouldn't Musk first leave?
Is he flying on the president's official plane without Trump on board?! How can that even happen? The richest man in the world uses taxpayers' dollars to fly him around?
Yes, American taxpayers money IS helping Musk with his many flights, paying Doge salaries and he is living at the White House funded by what….taxpayer dollars
Money seems to get you anything you want! But ... what exactly are taxpayers being billed for Trump and Musk? I suspect they are probably the most expensive of occupants of the White House...and 2 of the worst house guests.😡
Why? Why is no one up on Capital Hill not questioning and doing something about this guy? He has no security clearance. Surely somebody can do something to put a stop to his dangerous and senseless actions!
As a tax payer, I demand my ride on Elon Force X. We should all line up, orderly, in blocks. We have to organise. Everyone, share your availability and proximity, I'll handle the schedule. I Think we can shuttle around in my Escape.
Let’s go! Some hillbilly on TikTok proved mathematically he is not as rich as he says he is, or smart, and definitely has no idea how consciousness works. Someone did say he did not have the cards in an office somewhere where people laughed. They always tell on themselves.
I love this reply. I was dazzled by the energy and the collage of photos. The word salad was glorious. That being said. I had to re read it like 6 times before I comprehended it enough to feel comfy interacting. My brain is a crapshoot of comprehension. It takes a moment to digest. 👋
Today the first TikTok I saw was a girl cackling. They are sending mashed potatoes to the Traitor Tots. Apparently his Mama put taters on his head to get him to stop tormenting his younger brother. As an immigrant she was a clever woman. The things that bring us humor set us apart.
Elon Musk should reimburse the Fed gov. This is fraud & waste, of course Elon DA, doesn’t know sh*t about how anything works. Remember his solution for the Thai boys?
This entire administration isn't normal, Ivanka wanted to use AF 1 to take people to her destination birthday party during the shut down of our government, the audacity, it was denied.
The answer is simple - Putin appointed the muskrat as the 🍊🤡💩stain minder so therefore he rarely leaves the 🍊🤡💩stain side. Also, muskrat bought the election.
I didn't vote for #elonazi and don't authorize use of my taxes for anything connected to him. He should drive a randomlt on fire Tesla or fly in his exploding space ships. Meanwhile, crash Tesla stock. Jefferies &Schumer need to go!This isn't a fight abt policies.It's a fight for our freedom.If any elected official wants to know how to fight against a dictator,listen to any of the other democratic countries leader's speeches.They don't worry abt being polite,they say it like it is
Traitor Elon needs to be fired and sent back to the Emerald Mine. #charlatan
All part of the price Trump had to pay to keep out of jail. A free and fair Starlink election.
Might as well fly in the plane you purchased.
But the US voted for this. It was all there, evident.
You voted for a madman and his entourage.
Thanks Supreme Court.
repugnicans would set themselves on fire...
One small problem.
These cabinets picks feel they are in charge of THEIR cabinets. They don't want Leon to mess around with their stuff, even if they don't know what they are doing.
There is growing trouble in paradise.
May it swallow them all.
Congress is getting a strong pushback from their constituents about Leon.
Trump or whoever tried to cover it up a bit, but it is not going away.
There is going to be more unrest as people start losing their SSI and Medicaid.
That may slow him.
Senate hopefully swings back next year, House I think may hit majority with loss of reps sooner and no rules get passed too.
Ok, this is actually turning into an interesting analogy now. :)
If Felon47's not aboard, it's not State business.
More importantly, however, we deserve to know precisely what he and his merry band of illegal hackers have done to the US’ computer systems. The details. Who, what, where, why and how.
Not one elected maga knows.
No one does.
Why can’t he live in his own place?
Why is he so attached to Don-boy?
Is this an abuse of his ‘position’?
He brought his mother and son to the WH for a sleepover. Duh?!! Who is being conned? And why? What is going on behind the closed doors of the WH?
Whole thing stinks
instead of saving any money, is costing us a fortune, and his demented, deteriorating, dotard enabler just wants money.
Whichever will hurt more.
Stolen election has severe consequences & Americans must rise up ASAP!
Time to heat things up.
That would be humiliating.
Congress GOP-how about an investigation into this waste, fraud and abuse?
Did they make a deal for Elon to give $300mill and online meddling to win it for Trump, in order to be co-President?
Nothing else makes sense for his unrestricted access to Presidency, and issuing edicts all day on X.
The Media and Journalists would be all over that.
He should be!!!
Next up? Putin in the White House..