Some student loan borrowers are seeing their payments SKYROCKET amid changes to the Education Department under Trump.
Trump has updated the department's income-driven federal student loan repayment programs, causing some borrowers to see their monthly payments rise by anywhere from $500 to $5,000!
Trump has updated the department's income-driven federal student loan repayment programs, causing some borrowers to see their monthly payments rise by anywhere from $500 to $5,000!
Payments are SKYROCKETING by up to $5,000/month because Trump gutted income-driven repayment programs.
➡️ Crushing students
➡️ Wrecking futures
➡️ And handing BILLIONS to billionaires
Yeah, like that is going to happen. She is a teacher, a single mother, and barely makes ends meet as it is.
Everyone with a student loan goes on strike.
Walk the fuck out.
I don’t care if you’re a doctor or essential.
You walk out.
Make them understand that your education is to their benefit. If they don’t, they get no services.
maximum pain
Europe has free health care
Free speech
Paid holidays & public holidays
And the bonus of leaving your growing debts and the Oranged Head 3000 miles away.
#JDVance and
Run Amok #Musk
Decent #Americans Hassled-For NO GOOD Reason!
Everybody's Life Made Miserable Because of your Hate, Prejudice, Naivety, and Laziness!
🇺🇸 🗽
So even more people end up w/hefty payments that are cumulatively more than twice the amount of the loan but still have half the principal left to pay
That bothered me when it was first adopted. Lowering people’s PAYMENTS does nothing to help their SITUATION, & likely makes it worse
negative amortization should be outlawed, IMO. Too many people would not understand what they’re getting themselves into
Not only is this gonna crash the economy because college educated people can’t spend any money, but may balloon the debt even more.
He really is a complete fucking idiot. Like dumber than dog shit.
They will get their money
They have us over a barrel and they know it
But I think you nailed it very succinctly. They’re dismantling the mechanism they use for enforcement.
I have processed wage garnishments, it happens at the employer level with a letter from the agency requesting the garnishment.
The Republikkkan motto is "keep 'em stupid". They're doing all they can to make that happen.
If the government wants to help, fix interest rates at 2-3%.
We haven’t moved.
Can’t change that without all parties to the contract agreeing.
Refuse American currency
It’s all imaginary
It said his loan was seriously past due and going to collections.
How many times today do I need to say WTAF??? and loan servicer communication wasn't clear on that point.
payment is
Fuck this piece of shit
Fuck Trump!
This is of course illegal (another Trump past-time) because loan payments are established prior to loan commencement.
Basically, Trump KNEW he wouldn't repay his!
Everything is what it seems!?!
💀 🤷🏻♀️
I'm fucking spooked, does this mean im going to el salvador because i have a student loan?
And avoid a low skill, District 9 under class. I mean, who would want that?
These loans will be owned by billionaires to fatten pockets and put the people in crisis to the point of desperate anything;
If no jobs; no education; no food available; no elders; no sick people; and certainly not in others;
New America!
U 👀
It's pretty crystal clear that their ultimate goal is killing off the poor. Full stop.
I am a student loan holder, but by no means an expert. So if anybody is more knowledgeable, feel free to disregard what I just said.
Auto signatures arent legal, so I never signed a damn thing! 🤭
We are already here!
I pray not!
For humanity's sake!
The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy!
What do you see?!
We are in a battle with good and evil!
Yes! This is happening!
We are being set on fire from the inside!
We are the main characters waiting for our entry/scene!