I know some pretty decent people that actually voted for the orange felon. For the life of me, I just can't wrap my head around how they could be that stupid! They only listen to right-wing news but there was SO MUCH out there about the clown it seems impossible to miss it all.
Many of the ppl i thought of as decent hv had their masks removed.
You cannot vote for chump & try to distance yourself from being a part of their agenda &destruction. (Which some hv attempted. &No it wasn't "just eggs")
Nope- your vote caused this. It's NOT OK&—
No longer are you "decent".
Maybe decent but not very bright. I know. I get frustrated every time I think about these folks. WE TOLD YOU! A LOT!! How could you still vote for him?!?!?
The problem is that too many Americans want to be him, be like him, have their children be like him. Too many Americans think that hate is valid, greed is god-like, and power is worth more than humanity.
Double shame on the 77,284,118 people who vote for TRUMP and shame on Elon Musk for FIXING the vote for TRUMP and shame on the REPUBLICANS who abandoned their oath of office to allow this SHIT SHOW!
He didn't fix shit.
The person you want to look at is Peter Thiel.
He's the only one smart enough to actually have created something. Musk's entire talent is taking credit for other people's work.
You sound hostile. I agree with you but ELON had a $270 Million, plus another 100 Million this month. That is not nothing. And Trump thanked him for fixing the election during his inaug. speech!
Oh, I shouldn't sound hostile for a guy throwing millions of dollars to ensure an election?
I am so sorry. Where is the end of the line to kiss his feet?
We need to have candidates worth voting for. Not supporters of corporations, genocide, fascism, ect. Candidates who want whats best for those who are NOT wealthy. I can't blame anyone for not voting. Its time the US had their noses rubbed in the turd that is this junta.
I'd actually defend that stance for a tiny minority of those people. If u r Palestinian-American, both were complicit in allowing genocide and neither said they'd do anything to stop it. Kamala dropped the ball and bent to AIPAC; she supported war crimes and shouldn't have. For the others, no excuse
Blanket statement. Perhaps many of your “group” who were unable to get to a polling place, who were ill, disenfranchised, inexperienced, intimidated, or whose votes were invalidated or erased.
People keep trying to come at the folks who didn't vote - no u need to be talking about the ones who voted for Stein/3rd party or those that voted for Dipshit.
Voters were purged. I voted but my vote wasn't counted cuz they cheated but no one is trying to prove it.
I checked on my vote and it came back saying they didn't recognize me as a voter. I called town hall and they said, yes you are a registered voter. When I told them about me checking on it, they said 🤷♀️.
I sent the paperwork to the White House.
Yup. First thing I did when I moved here 6 years ago was register to vote and I've voted in the same place for elections for 7 years. I know they cheated.
Both, and those who somehow think he was good for the economy,somehow find him credible and on their side (?)or they couldn't bring themselves to vote for a woman- and especially not one of color ...
I was proud to vote for her!!!
With that said... her opponent made it to where they could have put a baked potato on the democrat ticket... and i would have gone with the potato!!
He is a treasonous fuck that HATES America!!
Okay agreed but you’re missing the point the proof is out in the public it’s the authorities that aren’t doing shit is the problem be they never will do shit until the civilians of America actually show up and either revolutionize or protest.
The problem is the authorities themselves though what it’s going to take is either a country wide protest or a revolution to their fascist regime and the funny thing is they don’t have the numbers they say they have literally only one maga boy showed to protest the protest of a US veterans…
I'm so sorry.... and yeah it's been going downhill for us here too!!
Every day now we wonder if our badges will let us in the building!!
One would have figured 34 felonies would have disqualified him.
I'm usps (janitorial)
But I heard a few stories like this one.
Some were rejected because they didn't match the signature from 10 years ago. Or some that were purposely held for "random" reasons!!
Yeah, I agree with most of what he says but you can exclude me from the “shame on us” rhetoric. I voted for the only qualified & logical candidate in Nov and that definitely wasn’t the guy sitting in the Oval now. 🫤
Trump’s election reflects on what America has become, like you I voted for Harris, but the shame of Trump’s election is on all Americans, just like the shame of Holocaust is on Germany.
That's why you've elected a Nazi, you have not imbued your citizens with the responsibility to vote and made it compulsory like we have in Australia, it opens the door for fascism, through apathy. It's not a right, like getting your teeth fixed for free is a right in Australia, but a responsibility.
To be honest, it wasn’t even about the last election…the fix was always in since the January 6, 2021 fiasco at the Capitol! The Democratic “establishment” were only halfheartedly engaged as they didn’t make up their minds to unfairly run Biden out of office until too late in the process! They had no
New ideas for getting the most out of the electorate or for stopping the whitewingextremists election crashing juggernaut because they had a multi pronged strategy and messaging (albeit all evil) for over powering the country and they were fully prepared and committed—they won because their
Constituency was broad with each right wing group having an agenda; the racists, the conservative Christian coalition, the corporate elite, the right wing media, the extreme right legal advocates who proclaim their supremacy of all things Constitutional and of course the extremists who just want
I took exception to the “us” as well. Didn’t vote for him the first time or the last time and am still in belief that anyone voted for the fat orange fuck either time.
Joe Might be old, but at least he’s a decent person with more Intelligence in his little finger than the orange monster has. And, he wasn’t the
Candidate in the end. A qualified, intelligent woman was and you selected the idiot.
The stain of electing Trump, not just once, but twice, will never be washed away. It exemplifies that there is a serious disease in America that can’t be eradicated. It has to be contained, but it will never be eradicated. Americans must be forever vigilant.
More are starting to wake up and care every day as they realize it’s not just “the libs” and other people they hate who are impacted. While I’m tempted to sneer at them we need to welcome them.
EFF Them! I want you to lose your job, lose a family member due to HATE & lose everything you’ve owned BC of them & then make that statement to welcome them. People who talk like this are the ones who have no to little impact by what’s happening. Lose your house, car & livelihood-then speak that 💩!
I actually did work for a guy like him. My employer could be nice if you praised him enough. Any praise, just keep it coming.
He was also a gaslighter, a liar and a cheat who had one way loyalty; he'd through you under the bus. Big, Big daddy issues
And could be quite charming.
We must shut down the country on 3/22-23 for 48 hours, and again on 3/25-27 for 72 hours. Stop work as you can, call in sick, take 1/2days off, come in late, take long lunches, leave early. We must work stop our airlines, trucking, transportation and retail and industrial manufacturing.
Shame on the Tea Party Racist fucks and Christian Nationalists who brought about the advent of Trump.
Don't say shame on us, @walshfreedom.bsky.social
Fuck you, you own this shit.
You and the @lincolnproject.us "former" gop.
Ah I see
The constitution is only valid if it agrees with Trump
Judges are only valid if they agree with Trump
News is only valid if it agrees with Trump
Voters are only valid if they agree with Trump
I think many people care about this. He's a horrible person, inflicting old vendetta against perceived enemies. He was elected primarily because too many people lack critical thinking skills, and they chose to ignore those people who do. Enlightenment comes to all eventually, even if a little late.
Unfortunately this is EXACTLY how many Americans teach their children to be like. We saw it in the way they voted. Bigotry, racism, and homophobia has been/is being taught at home.
100 years from now, people will be learning about the most horrible "president" in US history. Hopefully by then, people will remember history so they don't repeat it. Apparently we were too stupid to learn from history. Well, some of us.
I would agree except for the last sentence. It wasn’t us that voted for him. It was them that voted for him. So shame on them for voting for him again.
Donald Trump is also the product and natural consequence of 50 years of Republican political strategy and an accompanying Hate ideology. Each year, their behavior and rhetoric became more inflammatory and devisive; a steady diet of red, bloody meat led to feeding frenzy.
Canada should tariff Trump and his thugs: Barron, the twin buckies, Melania et al. Charge them: golden ticket entry to Canada $5,000,000 + $1,000,000 a day. Trump the felon can stay home. Quick quiz for #TrumptyDumpty; name the provinces. Sorry, not sorry. lol
He wants to play a mob boss and is making the USA his reality TV show. He is the epitome of the separated human ego that attacks and divides. He has no interest or loyalty to the people in truly making America great.
I'm pretty sure half the country is teaching their children to be just like this because that's who they are. That's how we got Trump... people that are as ugly as he is on the inside voted for him and Republicans are 100% responsible for fascism in America
Well a lot of us were little rebels starting in our childhood so that can always happen! My parents were decent people but I rebelled against church and other stuff and they can too!
Not half the country. Actually, it's not even a quarter of the country. 23% is supposedly what he got, which I think he didn't even get, bc I highly suspect this was rigged.
Agreed! But what can congress and the American people do to fix that? Courts keep telling him NO and yet he goes right ahead with things. He has used the courts to stall all of his life and continues to do so now. Wish I could see a way out of this mess....
This is what I cannot reconcile. Most people think exactly this, and yet believe it is perfectly fine to have such aberration as president. And then try to convince others is "it is just politics".
There were 4 names on the ballot paper (Pres + VP). Questions: Which if any...
1. ...would you be happy to babysit your kids?
2. ...would you be relieved to hear had found your 18 yo kid and was bringing them home if your kid was out with friends for an evening and got separated from friends & lost?
People should care as much about the bs voter integrity laws and voter suppression keeping people who voted from voting. How many states have enacted laws since the voting rights act has been gutted?
Isn't it obvious they care more about their dear leader than about their children? Track project 2925's progress here: https://www.project2025.observer/
True, what a shame that so many citizens are exactly as Trump is..
Children molesters. Pedophiles. Women rapist, abusers, bigoted misogynistic hateful men.
The magat women hate children, hate all other women, are fake Christian evangelicals.
And because they are all the dumbest citizens.
It used to boggle my mind that there were SO MANY stupid, foul people voting for tRUmp. Then I saw this bit Jimmy Kimmel does every now and again, asking questions to people on the street, beach, etc. They are outright ignorant and blatantly lie and don’t skip a beat when confronted with the truth.😣
There are definite doubts about it, but there is a kind of deadly silence about the foul play that took place. I guess there must be a reason for keeping so quiet about it, as it would be likely to trigger more violence. :(
Many reputable analysts who have been examining the unusual and anomalous results say the results are definitely suspicious. Plus Trump himself made several curious statements, plus Musk knew the results before the polls even closed. Hmmm 🤔
I will never look up to a man like that ever they will never force me I will not do it that is not a man that is a coward and a thief who has never had to work for anything his entire life he just steals and steps on everybody
Exactly I tell this to people every single day because it is the truth and people need to continue to hear it. He is everything that is wrong with the world and this country wrapped into one he is a vile disgusting no good person
If someone told you his history but not his name you wouldn't let him be treasurer of your child's Little League team, yet you make him President. I will NEVER understand.
We have a media literacy issue in this country that has been tapped into and exploited as well as all the things above and they know how to push all the buttons. We have single issue voters who hold their nose and we have charlatans selling us to highest bidder, all inside our own govt.
Yep- and it started with that other worthless president, GW Bush. The Christian Coalition, 1995 ran folks for Texas School Board attempting to get rid of public schools.
Yes. I grew up in a red state and left 30 years ago and I can confirm the racism, the misogyny and the idea of an expendable workforce. Yes, “right to work” state, a dystopian term if I ever saw one
Thanks to those Americans who voted for this trash, we’re heading toward a future where only the rich survive, and the rest of America is left behind: dead, deported, or fled.
You want data?! @diretalks.bsky.social @electiontruth.bsky.social
is going #LIVE with @jessicadenson07.bsky.social
3 PA County Analysis Livestream 7pm EST: https://www.youtube.com/live/ENcJbW-qu9g
I don't think the people elected him. Putin and Musk did. What I can't understand is that nothing is being done. That America stands by and let's those 2 destroy your country and the rest of the world.
My dad voted for trump. When he asked me why I did not, I told him "cause my daddy taught me to never vote for felons." he looked at me with the blankest expression, like he could not compute what I was even saying.
I pulled that one on my dad, too. I was talking about loyalty to allies and honoring agreements, and he was shaking his head about to interrupt, and I bulldozed on with, "like YOU and Momma taught me!" He did have the decency to look ashamed. He muttered something about times changing.
JD VANCE ~ in a video ~ complained about how women are allowed to get a divorce and even mentioned how women in "violent" marriages should not get a divorce...Some leaders
I worry about every future MAGA president. Trump has shown all future iterations that laws don’t matter and that the president has complete power with zero consequences. That’s scary.
I’ve said this to a few MAGA acquaintances, and all they do is shrug. It’s maddening and sad at the same time. Trump and the MAGA movement have become part of their core identity and they’re simply unwilling to change.
There are plenty of Americans and sadly Canadians that admire all these despicable qualities and look up to him as a model to follow. That's human behavior. 30+% of us humans have measurable levels of narcissism that's considered more than average. They become some form of Trump. And dangerous.
We had the same issue in the UK with Boris Johnson and his ruinious Brexit plans. A compliant media, added to a political party lacking any spine, has allowed both the US and UK to suffer.
It's amusing to watch Johnson and Farage slowly distance themselves from the currant actions of Trump and Stephen Miller. Unlike Liz Truss, who is still in full cheerleader mode, as she desperately looks to the US to rebuild her political career on Trumps coat tails.
Apparently Farage is off to do some cheerleading for Trump. It seemed like he had backed off a bit, but it sounds like he's suckling at the teat again...I don't care what takes Farage down but it would be poetic if it was Trump!
Oh and for the record, I think Farage is a bigger cunt than Johnson 🤣
How is Farage ‘distancing’ himself from Trump? Johnson finally has with recent comments about Russia (too little too late), but specifically what has Farage done/said?
But if you're a deeply "religious" person, you value those characteristics because they make you feel superior, and allow you to indulge in racism, hatred and cruelty with some money-grubbing televangelist's tacit approval.
Being a Predator seems to be a requirement to be Republican, open the newspaper and some conservative has been picked up on a sex crime.
Absolutely no damage to that ear.
I've had minor ear wounds that bled way worse and left lasting damage.
Its also strange that his SS detail ALLOWED him to stand up high for the first bump photo... that he used to fleece the poorly educated!!
“We” did not elect the lunatic king— he probably stole the election with his tech fascists buds. But even if not, only 30% of voting public voted for this pervert/ con man
Last fall, someone I knew from childhood reposted on FB an obviously fabricated photo of trump in North Carolina bravely pulling a victim from the floodwaters. And they thought this was real. Humans are fucking stupid.
#Krasnov The Orange Slug is a subhuman monster addicted to cruelty, a seditious traitor. It has NO legitimate constitutional authority. In fact, all 3 branches of the Fed Gov have failed their oaths to the Constitution, nullifying the Fed Gov’s authority to govern.
I'm pretty sure he is EXACTLY what conservatives are taught to be. Why else would they vote for a pussy-grabbing, tax-evading, draft-dodging CONVICTED FELON?
F47 WAS and IS the disease both times. Covid did not need to be as epidemic as it was but for the felon “president”. He and the R’s are a very aggressive cancer that needs to be removed.
MAGA should not be given any trust or benefit of doubt after a background check in the hiring process or when searching for professionals to provide a service or buy goods from.
They are 1/6/21 defenders.
They normalize tax fraud, felons, adultery, lies, Putin, vengeance, & shred the constitution.
Shame! #Shame
Self-loathing hurts worse than anything.
I feel it even though I didn't vote for this hauck tua...
I'm part of the body politic that did this to our country.
He's a straight gangster. And not like the fictional movie gangsters. He is a real life amoral gangster caring nothing about himself and grifter whatever he can from whoever he can.
And I'll never forget that he jerked off a microphone stand and went through the motions of sucking off the microphone on stage. A pig and a total embarrassment to everyone except the GOP & evangelical Christian nut jobs. For a second time the leader of the most powerful country in the world.
And yet the GOP MAGA Cult and Congress just follow along, listen to their Right Wing Media and bobblehead their way along believing all the lies about 'short term pain'.
Poor ALL OF YOU for being so ignorant to the truth!
Poor ALL OF US to have endure the pain of you being so ignorant!
Kamala & Democrat robots elected Trump, not Americans, who nobody can blame for staying home. Only difference between American & Russian simulated "democracy" is USA gives two repulsive candidates not worth voting for & Russia gives one. No primaries&runoffs save money but you get what you pay for.
Everything Joe describes there is what the rest of the world views as the core of Americanism. Unrelenting greed and zero sympathy for others. There's nothing more symbolic of America than that.
I take him to mean “this IS who we are” as a people. You are not, I am not, but MAGA is currently in charge. I hate it daily, hourly even, but look at the polls. The sheeple, as it turns out, are mean and every other nasty adjective I can think of, as well as ignorant fools.
I'm from the South. A lot of my fellow Southerners actually teach their kids to be all of these things. 20 years ago, they would be this way in private and be nice and polite upfront.
That has changed in the last decade and a half. Now most of these people just suck.
It shows you that Americans see being rich as the apex of character traits. If you are rich we will excuse the evilest of acts, but if you’re poor and you so much as cough without covering your mouth, you better believe we will hunt you down and make you pay.
I wonder how many people checked to see if their vote was counted? I know someone who has a daughter that lives overseas and her vote was not counted. She lives in a swing state.
He is the epitome of what not to be. You have to thank the universe that we have such a wonderful, all encompassing, example living today.
it makes teaching virtuous and compassionate children very easy. You literally can just say do the opposite of him. Those children will have a fulfilled life.
And he tells himself he is strong. But he knows he is weak and when he is alone with his thoughts he has to shout those thoughts down with the opposite.
It's because of this that I'm almost certain all those lessons our parents taught us were to make us more exploitable, not good people. This being the case, do such people deserve respect as guardians? Or even as humans?
Let’s be clear about something. “We” did not re-elect him. He and Leon rigged the election, & no one contested it. They both admitted to rigging the election - bc Leon “knows computers.”
Any proof? Or just gonna make a statement that implicates a potus of a federal crime
Is there a paper trail like when the fbi paid Facebook to sensor trump supporters?
Or maybe the email chain like when the cia told Twitter to ban trump and Maga
I never hear this enough. Dems keep asking me for $$. I’m like motherfuckers you didn’t even make a peep after the election. Maybe 3 of them fighting gop now. DO SOMETHING!!!
I believe it is too late to contest. So, water under the bridge?
Maybe this is why our inauguration used to be in March after an election as opposed to Jan 20? Idk?
What upcoming elections? The way things are going and the way they are destroying every part of government, do you really think we will ever have elections again…for president? 2024 presidential election might well be the last we will ever see, at least in the limited lifetime I have left.
Not sure, but I think I might want the broad outlines of what you're talking about. How could they arrange to dodge the numbers? On the other hand, maybe I don't want that said out loud. I don't know. Can't we count on the election workers?
This guy didn't want to play, but they no doubt found someone that would. Think about all the voting machines that had to be replaced due to "tampering efforts". Then think about the Chinese trademark for voting machines Ivanka got. https://youtu.be/nafAbO5qRrU?si=x19YbekYJi-AajDE
I have no idea. I passed this info along to numerous people including Hillary in 2016, then Biden, Harris and spouses, top congressional Democrats etc, along with news stations including Maddow in 2024
The only response I received was from Rankin stating they don't take conspiracy theories into
Why didn’t Dems demand it, rather than, once again, being content to model grace and fairness. This was a street fight and Dems engaged like it was gentlemanly fisticuffs.
Bc it would be too much like what the idiots on the right do. We believe in fair elections and accept it for what it is.
Not to worry. Keep an eye on YouTube. Stop watching cable tv. It’s old world BS.
I can't tell if this is sarcasm or not. In case it isn't, this is dumb & part of the reasons Dems keep losing. You're telling me you're gonna trust the dude who started a coup and called the 2020 elections rigged? You're gonna trust this criminal to NOT rig the election? Dumb AF
That’s what the Dems did. Took it as it was called.
I didn’t accept it, but I have no way of doing ANYTHING about it. The Democratic Party should have contested it, but they didn’t. So here we are.
I hope some day there will be a "Watergate" backlash against the Criminal-in-Chief, nazi fascists, pastors, & judges who protected Trump & gave him immunity
Chief Justice Roberts is finally alarmed at how lawless & corrupt Orange Hitler is
Blame to the decline of the American lifestyle, probably due to liberals.
Instead, a blind eye turned, credit given to methods of a smart businessman getting things done.
they think rape is GOOD.
they think pedophiles are PATRIOTS.
they think connections to child sex trafficking is a VIRTUE.
these people are completely irredeemable. there are no "good" Trump voters.
nothing was kept secret from them.
You cannot vote for chump & try to distance yourself from being a part of their agenda &destruction. (Which some hv attempted. &No it wasn't "just eggs")
Nope- your vote caused this. It's NOT OK&—
No longer are you "decent".
there aren't 90 million people like that IN THE WORLD
americans just don't have the notion of how big a million is anymore
The voters don't owe the parties anything, it's up to the parties to earn the votes.
The person you want to look at is Peter Thiel.
He's the only one smart enough to actually have created something. Musk's entire talent is taking credit for other people's work.
I am so sorry. Where is the end of the line to kiss his feet?
Are you aware of this? All it takes is a USB drive & Peter Thiel to 'maintenance' a voting machine. https://www.commondreams.org/news/trump-election-boards-swing-states
I am not the enemy!
I had a whole thread of people who were completely ignorant and kept wanting to blame these types of people w/o even knowing or understanding.
It was so disgusting I removed myself. People need to keep the right focus - it's not attacking other citizens.
Check out my pinned post.
Voters were purged. I voted but my vote wasn't counted cuz they cheated but no one is trying to prove it.
I sent the paperwork to the White House.
They didn't really pay me any attention. I voted in person with mail-in ballot. So I was registered properly - verified with ID.
With that said... her opponent made it to where they could have put a baked potato on the democrat ticket... and i would have gone with the potato!!
He is a treasonous fuck that HATES America!!
Now I agree, she was a great opponent but this wasn't her time due to DNC.
Her loss wasn't entirely because of her being a woman or mixed race.
If not then u are not who I was speaking of. Harris should have contested it herself and did an investigation.
They got my ballot back - it just wasn't counted and no one is giving me a reason why.
Every day now we wonder if our badges will let us in the building!!
One would have figured 34 felonies would have disqualified him.
But I can confirm my vote says it was received but did not confirm it was counted.
But I heard a few stories like this one.
Some were rejected because they didn't match the signature from 10 years ago. Or some that were purposely held for "random" reasons!!
The article is ✊🏽✊🏿✊️
Candidate in the end. A qualified, intelligent woman was and you selected the idiot.
“Yes, kids, there was a time when eggs cost less than a college tuition.”
He was also a gaslighter, a liar and a cheat who had one way loyalty; he'd through you under the bus. Big, Big daddy issues
And could be quite charming.
With or without Trump, the Republican party is an evil, anti-American, anti-democracy, anti-Constitution, anti-human organization.
Don't say shame on us, @walshfreedom.bsky.social
Fuck you, you own this shit.
You and the @lincolnproject.us "former" gop.
The constitution is only valid if it agrees with Trump
Judges are only valid if they agree with Trump
News is only valid if it agrees with Trump
Voters are only valid if they agree with Trump
#dictatorship #fascism
extreme Narcissist
HorribLe human being
all avoiD him
Pathalogical liar
And out popped Trump.
…I am innocent 😇
Water off a duck's back.
Do something.
#Trump #MAGA
1. ...would you be happy to babysit your kids?
2. ...would you be relieved to hear had found your 18 yo kid and was bringing them home if your kid was out with friends for an evening and got separated from friends & lost?
Children molesters. Pedophiles. Women rapist, abusers, bigoted misogynistic hateful men.
The magat women hate children, hate all other women, are fake Christian evangelicals.
And because they are all the dumbest citizens.
Auto insurance is too high as it is....
Let them kill themselves off....virus got a million of their own last time.
It was them.
Yep, there're us and there're them.
Electing him once was a mistake. Electing him twice revealed something about our character and who we are as a country.😢
is going #LIVE with @jessicadenson07.bsky.social
3 PA County Analysis Livestream 7pm EST:
Sign the petition to help us bring publicity for audits! 👇🏽
#VerifyTheVote #Pennsylvania
Today… liar okay, cheater okay, rapist okay, con artist okay, hate okay…..
Oh and for the record, I think Farage is a bigger cunt than Johnson 🤣
"The 45th US president is an appalling human being."
- ultimately you get what you deserve and the Russians are laughing at you.
We used to be able to home-grow cool guys. We can again!
It was a staged event. Nothing more.
He didn't win by much.
We need to get rid of pur corporate bought Democrats and let Bernie and AOC messaging lead pur party.
I've had minor ear wounds that bled way worse and left lasting damage.
Its also strange that his SS detail ALLOWED him to stand up high for the first bump photo... that he used to fleece the poorly educated!!
#Team92Percent ✊🏽
They are 1/6/21 defenders.
They normalize tax fraud, felons, adultery, lies, Putin, vengeance, & shred the constitution.
Self-loathing hurts worse than anything.
I feel it even though I didn't vote for this hauck tua...
I'm part of the body politic that did this to our country.
So why don't more people stand up to him?
Poor ALL OF YOU for being so ignorant to the truth!
Poor ALL OF US to have endure the pain of you being so ignorant!
The 2024 election was sold to Musk.
that needs
WTF were they doing?
Mini elon
May 9, 2023: Jury - LIABLE FOR SEXUAL ABUSE.
He Is Forever-
May 30, 2024: Jury - GUILTY OF 34 FELONIES.
He Is Forever-
JANUARY 10, 2025: Judge Passes Sentence on Felony Convictions.
He Is Forever-
That has changed in the last decade and a half. Now most of these people just suck.
One minor detail, he wasn't elected.
Kamala won.
Exlax hacked voting machines.
it makes teaching virtuous and compassionate children very easy. You literally can just say do the opposite of him. Those children will have a fulfilled life.
Is there a paper trail like when the fbi paid Facebook to sensor trump supporters?
Or maybe the email chain like when the cia told Twitter to ban trump and Maga
Considering the entire country including blue states shifted red , you might wanna audit them too ,
Why did California take 33 days to finish counting ?
By my math, that 68% of Americans who didn’t give a shit enough to save the world from fascism. SHAMEFUL
I believe it is too late to contest. So, water under the bridge?
Maybe this is why our inauguration used to be in March after an election as opposed to Jan 20? Idk?
In 2020 the sheer number of voters must have affected the outcome, but that problem was "fixed" for 2024.
This will affect all upcoming elections.
The only response I received was from Rankin stating they don't take conspiracy theories into
Not to worry. Keep an eye on YouTube. Stop watching cable tv. It’s old world BS.
I didn’t accept it, but I have no way of doing ANYTHING about it. The Democratic Party should have contested it, but they didn’t. So here we are.
I hope some day there will be a "Watergate" backlash against the Criminal-in-Chief, nazi fascists, pastors, & judges who protected Trump & gave him immunity
Chief Justice Roberts is finally alarmed at how lawless & corrupt Orange Hitler is