The exact reason why we created all of the precision strike weapons was to avoid the need for tactics like carpet bombing. There's a reason why pilots "put warheads on foreheads".
Sadly under Biden Democrats/Republicans in the US backed/funded genocidal war crimes and ethnic cleansing atrocities like this by Israels apartheid government 😔
Just who we need in charge of our military ! Sounds like he’s got ptsd himself ! He is unfit ! Certainly not fit to be running our military.. just another Trump lunatic !
Stop Domestic Terrorism;
•Call/email your lawmakers, respectfully hound them reminding them that they work for YOU the PEOPLE & are OBLIGATED to UPHOLD THEIR OATH OF OFFICE
Use these last hours to make YOUR VOICES BE HEARD!
male hormones
Some even revere LeMay (who did even worse)
None of this shit matters anymore!
Morals, norms and institutions are dead.
Maybe nobody's house should be blown up, Pete!
Profoundly stupid individual
They hate you and want you dead.
MeidasTouch uncovers Trump’s Defense nominee disregarding civilian casualties… again.
I dub him "short and shiny"
•Call/email your lawmakers, respectfully hound them reminding them that they work for YOU the PEOPLE & are OBLIGATED to UPHOLD THEIR OATH OF OFFICE
Use these last hours to make YOUR VOICES BE HEARD!
(202) 224-2321