Are they getting ready to gather around the TV and laugh about the destruction in California? You know, like they did on Jan 6? Just to "own the libs...."
If the US decided to grow a pair & come for this crime boss to arrest him & his cronies, do they have to get into a firefight with their own secret service tasked with protecting him? Like how does that work? Agents vs agents? Or do they all finally say “thank goodness” stand down & hand him over? 🤔
Given their history of being lickspittles to billionaires I feel the name Freedom Caucus might not meet FTC regulations (which might be why they want to abolish them)
Should we call them the Lickspittle Caucus instead?
Ah yes. The “Freedom” Caucus. They feel quite “free” to make all the rules to tell us how we should act & live, how we should think & look, what we should read, who we should love, and what we should believe. They are “free,” however, to break the rules. Because “freedom” is mainly for them.
It's like some Emperor's tomb. Hey, I've got an idea: when he croaks, chuck the corpse in there and seal it up. Some of his lackeys may even want to go with, to assist him in the afterlife. The more the merrier!
How nice! convicted sexual predator and his master rallying the vultures to
rape the government.
Hope all
those government employees have jobs lined up as thousands are
losing their paychecks, healthcare etc. Got what they voted for..
This needs to be a billboard for all to see. Let people know, these are the people you voted for and now responsible for taking the food, the medicine and your life!
four women...that says it all....just enough to try to pretend that they don't believe women are subhuman and incapable making their own decisions about their bodies, their money or their lives.
Nazi leaders dutifully trooped to The Berghof, Hitler's home in the Obersalzberg near Berchtesgaden, to meet with The Führer and receive their instructions. It's vital to compare Trump to Hitler, as often as possible, because he is eminently comparable to Hitler.
*Freedom* Caucus? So they support freedom of reproductive choice, freedom to marry someone of the same sex, freedom to partake in cannabis, freedom to view adult entertainment, etc., right?
Those scumbags swore their loyalty to the orange skidmark. The oath of office is them swearing to protect, defend, and uphold him and whatever he plans on doing
a short time later, they all practiced the dual-giraffe jerk-off dance that they will be required to do while facing mar-a-lago five times a day, beginning january 20.
“Far right” is basically the entire GOP right now. Anyone considered a “moderate” in the Republican Party has either left or basically been kicked out.
Should we call them the Lickspittle Caucus instead?
Or maybe just The Lickspittles.
Or we could try Bootlickers.
I'd be spitting in eeeeeverything.
Too extreme for the far right caucus. Too attack-y, anyways.
President Musk and
his Criminal VEEP 😂🤣😉
rape the government.
Hope all
those government employees have jobs lined up as thousands are
losing their paychecks, healthcare etc. Got what they voted for..
I would rather die and come back as a hemorrhoid then be or vote maga.
Looks like characters from the game Clue!
Guess who did it?!...
Answer: They All Did It!!
Never Bend The Knee!
Disseminate Truths!
Fight The Good Fight!
They have devolved into a hate and money cult.