Narrator: this is the part where it’s not really about autism it’s about eugenics… but you can’t get the public to obey if you tell them you’re trying to thin the herd.
ugh… could we have choices? Those that want to follow RFK Jr then follow him; those that don’t want RFK Jr and rather follow someone else (Azar, Becerra, or whoever ) can choose to. fkn hell.
Also true when they say the # of gay/trans people is rising "must be indoctrination!"🙄 No fuck wads, as society progresses, they feel safer as their authentic self. Always been here. Those living in regressive areas often live in secret & some work to make us miserable (i.e. some Repubs in Congress.
I'm on the spectrum. I figured it out on my own after 48 years of being alive. Once I figured it out, a lot of shit made more sense with how my life had gone to that point. Now, I wouldn't have to go that long without knowing, and without understanding myself.
It’s not too late to call senators to oppose his vote. I’m calling all physicians in the senate and senator Collin’s. It’s not too late to get an actual doctor nominated.
Hmm maybe bc the understanding of autism expanded and we realized we overlooked a lot of ASD cases since it’s a SPECTRUM 🙃 let’s not act like he actually cares about autistic children when he’s stripping away their medical care and the DOE which heavily supports special education. (Behavior Tech.)
Any chance that there were fewer diagnoses back then because they didn't fully understand autism and as medical science has advanced, that they learned more and expanded their thinking? I mean, girls were far more overlooked back then....
Autism & Vaccines
It was well known for decades why Autism numbers increased
Unfortunately, it just wasn't an interesting story.
It's what happens when you put journalism in the hands of for-profit corporations.
We need independent & non profit journalism.
Trump is so stupid. Autism wasn't an accepted dx for a very long time. Same with ADHD. We were there, but nobody had a dx, so we just masked until meltdown
My husband is on the spectrum as I am, we are both highly functioning people and most people would even know. But had we been diagnosed when we were younger we could have learned tools that would have made our early lives easier
I’m an expert in the field. Those numbers are greatly exaggerated. We have better identification and diagnosis now. Before they were misdiagnosed with mental illness or some other developmental disability. Or just off/weird. I saw it all the time.
And many persons with mental illness or some other developmental disability have been lumped together with autism and do not receive the necessary services more appropriate for their needs. It goes both ways.
I can only speak to my expertise and personal experience of 30+ years in the field. I’ve seen a lot of overlap. But a diagnosis, at least in the educational field, does not necessarily indicate services. An evaluation identifies individual needs and educational services are based on those needs.
Do you think schools should be the main treatment for a psychological diagnosis? Most persons diagnosed with the higher functioning autism do not have a measurable learning disability.
You’re very confused. It’s not treatment in schools. It’s education in schools. ALL children are required to go to school. ALL students’ educational needs should be met. Also, educators don’t perform gender reassignment surgeries. That’s treatment. 🙄
They’ve always existed. They just wern’t counted. Yes, expert. Compared to most. I have 2 Master’s and related licenses/certifications in the field. 30+ year professional career. I’ve literally known thousands of individuals with Autism with and without a proper diagnosis. And you?
You mean the brain-worm, no medical training, anti-vacc, guy? He, like his bro, the liar & thief, will be sure to destroy any federal agency he touches!
It's not vaccines ...quit allowing more chems in our food and water in order for producing more product for your capitalistic gains. EMEA and APAC Do not have the high rate of disease like the US because there food and water is purer.
Can't wait to see all of our kids with ADHD and Autism taken off meds prescribed by doctors and sent to Kennedy's "Health camps" where they can pass around measles and whooping cough.
The “born with a silver cook spoon” experience sufficiently pads being addicted in a way that prevents the he development of Burroughsesque expertise in opioid addiction.
What Trump is reporting is disinformation. 20 years ago cases were 1:125 and now 1:36. Cases of any condition go up with improved and uniform diagnosis guidelines. This happens because of research and development of clinical practice guidelines.
Yep. Now a doctor can give your kid a diagnosis so your kid can get services. Autism statistics are nonsense. There is no further understanding. There is no specific gene. There is still no hope for those more severely affected.
The easily debunked vaccine /autism correlation being peddled by the so-called President of the United States ffs 🤦🏻♂️
This insane Regime will kill millions of Americans
Both need to read something about the redefinition of the autism spectrum. Previous disorders, not understood to be part of the spectrum have been combined. Earlier, autism was considered to be low functioning, often completely unverbal children and adults.
To many have forgotten what it's like to hold a child paralyzed with polio or comfort a mom who has lost her child from measles. It wasn’t that many generations ago. And I don‘t want to see us go backward. They protect our kids. They are our best defense against these terrible illnesses.
What a weak deduction. Autism is more understood and what his comment should be is over 9000 in 10 000 now has a proper diagnostic. This is like saying there were no transgender or gay before.... And I truly don't believe he believes his own BS but looks like he's not done milking his ignorant base.
Thank heaven above for the advances in REAL science that has helped us to do a far better job of identifying, diagnosing and treating kids with Autism in the last 20 years. #Trump #Lies
Expert on addiction and grandstanding. He fought the fight and beat the monkey, but he didn't get back his brain cells. He will destroy decades of research just to get camera time.
Also finding the Avian flu numbers, crossing into humans something of concern. The most advanced nation, but allowing RFK to lead its health section, is really quite sad.
Autism is, for the most part, an inherited disorder: scientists estimate that up to 80 percent of a child's risk of developing it is determined by DNA.
His Newspeak sound bites are gently whispers to the ears and minds of his fucking ignorant racist followers who helped plunged us all into this god damned nightmare!!!!! 😡🤬
Why is he not upset about gun deaths? We have more deaths by guns than we did 200 years ago! WOW! We need gun reform now more than ever (see, we can play that game, you felon).
These idiots need to keep autism out of their dumb mouths. It's genetic. It's been proven. I'm not broken and I don't need some grubby politicians trying to harm the community with more misinformation.
Except maybe for having it. Certainly he seems to have no meaningful emotional connection or empathy for other humans. (Apologies to folks out there on the spectrum which probably includes me.)
The way he's worded that acts like autism is some infectious disease that's spreading throughout the youth. Something that needs to be "stopped", and I can't help but wonder "Why do we 'need' RFK Jr in regards to that?"
Cuz to me, it sure as shit sounds like eugenics is gonna happen from this.
Even if the numbers were correct it's because we have better tests and diagnostic tools from 20 years ago, you Orange POS, you "don't care about kids, drugs, or anyone" those are all TALKING points. In Germany it was called propaganda.
People who have very little...check knowledge of science and very poor critical thinking skills, yet who are so arrogantly wrong, are going to kill an awful lot of people. 😞
I’m almost 50 and am just finding out that I am on the spectrum. I believe both my parents are neurodivergent as well, in different ways. So basically I’m agreeing with you.
Read science. Or have smart people on your staff read science and summarize it for you. Like how shit has happened for more than a century, and it worked and made our presidents look less like morons.
It actually got me a few things, it qualified me for disability and it allowed me to attend an adult developmental disability community support program that I still go to to this very day.
When the Dept of Ed is eliminated there will be a sharp decrease in the diagnosis of autism because autism is diagnosed for the purpose of receiving school services. Autism is over diagnosed.
If they tested the boomers across the board, I bet you'd be astonished at the amount of ppl on the spectrum. And equally an increas in personality and mood disorders. Everyone has a brain and not all of them are the same.
As someone who didn’t know I had it until 32 years old because it is a silent internal struggle that most can’t see— I am infuriated at what this might mean for my daughter♾️💙
Not so.The DSM III was in use by 1980. The DSM V(2013) While criteria and definitions have been expanded over time, there were certainly evaluation criteria in use even before those publications .
As the father of a child on the spectrum I get really aggravated hearing this rotted gourd talk about autism. If you're not interested in providing something useful on this topic then stfu and step out of the way! And RFK Jr? The brain worms picked that thing clean.
We’re not an epidemic. We’re human beings that have different sense perception & reasoning from others. Although maybe to MAGAs, thinking differently IS a scary epidemic… #Autistic
Exactly. And I think more are on the spectrum and don’t get diagnosed. What is really scary is Trump wants RFK Jr in charge. He has pushed the idea that vaccines are to blame.
Many were thrown into asylums and the rest weren't diagnosed, particularly below adolescent stage. The labels were largely ignored because noone knew what to do. Someone shut the idiot down please
It’s almost like the DSM got criteria to diagnose or something. That’s so crazy and in no way could possibly correlate to this. No way more awareness, understanding, and research regarding this could possibly impact the prevalence of new diagnoses.
Donald Trump: autism is a disease that must be eradicated, which is why we are getting the guy who caused the deaths of 83 people in Samoa
It's an uneducated, foolhardy, and corrupt take that endangers the US people!
Also, fuck Trump. I'm not broken!
Lock down voting machines NOW!!
It was well known for decades why Autism numbers increased
Unfortunately, it just wasn't an interesting story.
It's what happens when you put journalism in the hands of for-profit corporations.
We need independent & non profit journalism.
Why did Autism increase?
We knew the answer decades ago but no one was listening. It just wasn't as interesting as sensationalism.
Trump in the 1500s.
The number of moons has increased 8x in the last century! Clearly we're doing something wrong. These "astronomers" must be stopped!
Maybe he should consult with RFLjr
Now only 1/10 moms smoke cigarettes but 185/1000 kids have autism.
It's clear evidence... We need moms to start smoking cigarettes again.
And probably both at the same time (those poor, sexy-yet-married, birds)
And for the record, *diagnoses* of autism is on the rise (including self diagnoses), not autism itself. Get it right, #Magamorons!
Earlier names for it included dementia infantilis, childhood schizophrenia, idiocy, sociopathy, feeble-mindedness etc.
People see it more because of the closure of institutions for so-called "mental defectives"
addicted keep having children...
The FELON FOTUS just can’t read or comprehend numbers!
1/150 to 1/10,000 would have been a BIGGLY YUGE increase 2000-2005
This insane Regime will kill millions of Americans
And then Trump happened.,children%20compared%20to%20white%20children.,14%2C24%2D%2D26).
and the rational one,
and the logical one, and the section responsible for coherent sentences
Cuz to me, it sure as shit sounds like eugenics is gonna happen from this.
Stupid dumb ass
Broadened diagnostic criteria
Increased awareness
Improved access to care
Changes in diagnostic practices
Early detection
Apparently, that doesn't apply to anything else...
Crazy how when tests get more accurate, you get more accurate results.
Crazy how these people don’t understand basic principles about how science works but they want to be in charge of public health.
So he can read a paper big deal that doesn’t mean he understands the medical terminology and and everything involved
I haven’t figured out if the worm ate enough or too much!
It wasn't that Autism was rarer 20 years ago, it's that our understanding of Autism has grown since then and are now able to diagnose it easier.
It actually got me a few things, it qualified me for disability and it allowed me to attend an adult developmental disability community support program that I still go to to this very day.