I have a relative who has recieved PIP for decades due to taking serious medication to prevent mental health episodes, and he was given 0 points in his most recent letter. We've appealed obviously, but there's no understanding of medication / conditions with decisions now.
Just...just speak to someone who actually has it, I beg. Find a friend and sit in on their hearing as an observer. See how you feel about it being free money after that.
I think there's an element of those with proximity to power having friends who would struggle without it but might not go under in the way an average person would.
The hacks that report this are nearly all upper middle class. They wouldn't know poverty even if it spat in their face. Never mind, these hacks are morally bankrupt and seem to think normal people are as evil as they are.
All those clickbait pieces with headlines like "These 15 conditions will automatically qualify you for PIP" don't help, either. Makes it look like it's automatic, instead of Trial by Ordeal.
Almost always from a faux local news outlet like "(insert placename)Live". They are run by reach PLC - owners of the mirror group.
If they aren't misleading average Joe about how easy benefits are they're feeding off the anxiety of people on welfare with fearmongering clickbait headlines. 🚮
I told them I am in a worse health condition now than when I applied, they asked to review it all and decided, now I am worse, I do not qualify, appeal turned down 😮💨 man in the phone lied to me and said he cannot tell me the result of the decision, the next guy straight up told me, bastards
I had to get cancer twice, hospitalised three times and a few too many close encounters with the grim reaper to get mine. Any hack that wants to try their luck is more than welcome. Or come with me when I go to pick up my chemo and see the sorry souls there that really don’t have long to go.
I mean it’s not the Euro Millions anyway, and the sheer amount of humiliation and stress needed to even approach the process… I got PIP after 2 years and a tribunal (postponed twice). I wept in court. People have no idea.
So many years ago now, I claimed DLA. Mind you, this was DLA. I was an epileptic, having seizures once to twice a month. Sometimes, I basically had focal seizures all day, right up to a big full seizure 3 or so hours later. Sometimes, there’d be no warning.
… Just down and boom, maybe some extra fatigue that day.
I’d had DLA from the age of diagnosis at 15 right through to about 25.
I’d had a neurologist appointment after a move. My seizures were as regular. Only difference was I’d moved. The neurologist confirmed I was epileptic and sent me away.
So yeah, DLA renewal came around. Literally there was no difference in the amount of seizure activity or the help I needed to prepare a meal. They up and decided out of nowhere I could, in fact, prepare a meal and took my DLA away.
I was awarded pip last year after convincing myself I’d never get it despite a lifelong chronic illness that is worsening. I cried feeling that having reached out for help i would be turned down. Good luck to them.
It’s particularly helpful if, to the people who are saying this, it’s all a game in which they have no skin.
This will be the new “homelessness is a choice”, “living on benefits is just a case of careful budgeting” and “they all get given a house”. Until people die. Or maybe beyond.
I legitimately want a documentary detailing the process. I think the reason so many are blasé about PIP is that it's gruelling to the point of implausibility.
Plus, having worked with the DWP closely over the years, their government-instructed targets were to refuse all
but the most indisputable claims in the first instance. People died before their appeals were heard.
i think some of it comes down to not understanding how difficult it is for someone who has limits on their energy thru illness and the extraordinary strain of knowing how fucked you are if it fails, it's much harder to bridge that kind of empathy gap cos fundamentally they don't really care
It might be to stop alchies drinking themselves to NHS freebies. But my argument has always been, if it's autoimmune, then I should be in the same bracket as diabetics. Oh well, I can't complain too much considering how much this would cost in America.
Honestly, I rarely tell people I have it because of things like this, the perception I'll be seen as faking a disability or trying to be trendy (?) in some way.
exactly the same, simply don't mention it because I assume it'll be taken as bullshit, bandwagoning, just-want-to-have-a-marginalised-identity type thing. which is not a great state of affairs.
ahh this is why i was very set on talking openly about it in job interviews, i just lost my temper a bit and decided i just had to treat it properly and take control of it in conversation so it didn't get snatched out from under me. mostly worked! mostly. less often now
Weird how they never seem to mention the fact that the DWP stats have PIP fraud at 0% whilst about £1billion of PIP goes unclaimed every year due to how difficult it is to apply.
If they aren't misleading average Joe about how easy benefits are they're feeding off the anxiety of people on welfare with fearmongering clickbait headlines. 🚮
I’d had DLA from the age of diagnosis at 15 right through to about 25.
I’d had a neurologist appointment after a move. My seizures were as regular. Only difference was I’d moved. The neurologist confirmed I was epileptic and sent me away.
PIP is 3 times as hard and bloody nerve wracking.
Mine wipe me out for hours.
This will be the new “homelessness is a choice”, “living on benefits is just a case of careful budgeting” and “they all get given a house”. Until people die. Or maybe beyond.
but the most indisputable claims in the first instance. People died before their appeals were heard.
Eliminating one billionaire would cover it, eliminating all of them would transform everything.
The thing with PIP is they couldn't pay a private assessor to manufacture a story. Everyone has to go through the same process.